
It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours. We aim to ensure that our policy is fair and reasonable.

Our policy is based on the notion that school uniform:

·  Promotes a sense of pride in the school

·  Promotes equality and inclusion

·  Engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school

·  Is practical and smart

·  Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance and is regarded as suitable wear for school and is considered by parents as good value for money

·  Is designed with Health and Safety in mind

Scargill Junior School uniform consists of:

Girls / Boys
Grey skirt or trousers
White blouse (not Polo shirt)
Scargill Junior School tie
Maroon cardigan, jumper or Scargill Junior School fleece
Black shoes (not trainers)
Black or grey tights or black, grey or white socks
Red gingham dresses (Summer) / Grey trousers
White shirt (not Polo shirt)
Scargill Junior School tie
Maroon cardigan, jumper or Scargill Junior School fleece
Black shoes (not trainers)

Items of clothing with the school name and logo can be bought from:

The Havering Schoolwear Shop,

119 Belgrave Avenue,

Gidea Park,

Romford, RM2 6PS

Tel: 01708 767890 Website:

We are committed to best value and would encourage parents to purchase cheaper items elsewhere if possible, even if the items do not have the school name and logo.

The exceptions to this are the tie which is compulsory, and fleeces, tracksuits and reversible coats which are optional. (Please note, other types of fleeces or tracksuits are not acceptable as part of the uniform).

PE Kit

The children are organised into house colours:

Spitfire – Green

Hurricane – Blue

Bulldog – Yellow

Gladiator – Red

All children need a full PE kit and a PE kit bag. This consists of a T-Shirt in their house colour with the school logo and plain black shorts. We also encourage children to purchase a Scargill School tracksuit for outdoor PE lessons. These are available from the Havering Schoolwear Shop.

Non-marking black plimsolls are also required.


No jewellery is allowed apart from a watch and a small pair of round stud ear-rings – if appropriate. The school tries to discourage the children from wearing ear-rings for school, and in particular on a PE day.

If inappropriate items of jewellery are worn (including ear-rings) children will be asked to remove them. The school will not accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, jewellery on these occasions.

Ear-rings must be removed for all PE activities. However if a child is unable to remove their ear-rings, then plasters must be used to cover them. Parents are expected to provide these and should inform the school if the ear-rings cannot be removed. Again, the school does not accept responsibility for any damage or injury caused if a child is wearing ear-rings.


Black ‘sensible’ school shoes (not trainers) are required, with black laces if appropriate.

Black plimsolls are expected to be worn for indoor PE lessons, although some lessons, e.g. dance, gymnastics and apparatus, the children will be taught in bare feet.

Trainers may be brought in for outdoor PE sessions only, and for playing outside at lunchtimes.

Boots such as Kickers or other similar ankle boots are acceptable as school shoes. However ‘Ugg’ boots, furry boots or ‘slouch’ boots may be worn to and from school, especially if the weather is severe, but the children will be expected to bring in another pair of shoes to change into.

If children are found to be wearing unsuitable footwear in school, children may be asked to wear plimsolls during the day.

General points

We ask parents to send in an old T-shirt or apron for use during art / DT lessons.

We also request that pupils do not have hairstyles such as Mohicans, very spiky hair with excessive gel, or logo signs cut into their hair. We also request that hair is not dyed or highlighted.

We encourage the children to take care of their own belongings and school equipment, and that ALL belongings are clearly labelled.

False nails, nail varnish and make-up are not allowed and pupils will be asked to remove it/them as soon as possible.

The role of parents

It is expected that all pupils and parents will adhere to the agreed uniform policy. We believe that parents have a duty to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and equipment and that it is clean and in good repair.

We recognise that on very rare occasions a parent may wish the school to modify its uniform policy. In such situations the parent should make representation to the Headteacher in the first place, when each individual case will be considered carefully, which depends on need and circumstances.

The role of governors

The governing body supports the Headteacher in implementing the school uniform policy. It considers all representations from parents regarding the uniform policy and liaises with the Headteacher to ensure the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity.

It is the governor’s responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all the regulations concerning equal opportunities.

The governors will consider, with the Headteacher, any requests from parents to modify the uniform policy either for religious or medical reasons.

Monitoring and review

The governing body monitors and reviews the school uniform policy through regular discussions and updates with the Headteacher.

The policy will be informally reviewed annually and in depth every three years.

April 2011

Review April 2012

Chair of Governors Date: