Minutes of the Oct. 13, 2016 meeting of the Berne Public Library Board of Trustees

Present: JoAnne Brady, Ellen Doolin, Becky Waldenmaier, Marion Burghart, Ted Borys, Missy Worden and Janet Adams.

Also attending: Joe Golden, Town Board Liaison and Judy Petrosillo, Library Manager.

Call to Order at 6:34

Correction to agenda-add back in the Floor Plan committee, which accidently got deleted.

Secretary’s report- Marion

Minutes of theSept 8th meeting were presented.Janet made a motion to accept the minutes and Ted was the second. The motion carried with Missy abstaining.

Treasurer’s report- Janet

Deposits of $14.11 were made.

The salary budget line reflects the extra payment from 2015 that Judy received in 2016, but that amount will not be reflected in the Town salary line, which included it in 2015, when it should have been paid.

Deposits were made of $4658.73

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Becky and Missy was the second. Motion carried.

Payment of Bills-

Credit card bill included $128.54 for the podium which was reimbursed by the Friends.

Total for vouchers is $1606.91. A motion was made to pay the bills by Ellen and Ted was the second. Motion carried.

Time Warner bill- keep an eye on when the contract expires so we can drop the fax line, possibly April?

Motion to cut checks to the contactors for $8200 to Turnpike Glass and $7155 to Marinello Construction Company was made by Marion and Janet was the second. Motion carried.

Windows still need to be tinted, which would be an additional $795 but we need to see if there is enough money with the addition of the book drop money.

Motion to have UHLS purchase a new router with 5 years of support for an estimate of $867 was made by Janet and JoAnne was the second. Reserves from old savings account will be used to purchase, since this was not in the budget. Motion carried.

Friends’ report-

Lasagna Dinner was successful and raised $1487.

The second Photography exhibit and contest will be held, starting in January.

Aprons made by Jane McLean out of antique fabrics are available for purchase as a fundraiser for the Friends.

Knox budget-Knox voted to make the library appropriation $5700, which is a $1200 increase from last year.

Berne budget-the Berne appropriation for the library added $2387 additional, not including the utilities line. The salary line was increased to $30,432, but operating expenses were reduced to $7540. Utilities are budgeted at $9025. The additional salary money will be used to increase the library hours by four hours.

Standing committees-

Personnel- Becky, Missy, JoAnne-The director evaluation draft was amended so the final copy will be voted on at the next meeting.

Finance- Ted, Marion and Janet-did not meet, but will need to make changes to budget now that final allocations are done.

Policies- Lisa and Ellen-did not meet.

Strategic committees-

Floor Plan committee- a tentative plan has been created to provide more seating and DVD shelving.

New Business-

Motion to purchase three new chairs for the student computer area, up to a cost of $270, was made by Janet and Ted was the second. Motion carried.

Cleaning- Sandra Kisselback has agreed to be the Town cleaner. There was a discussion of posting signs in the community room asking people to clean table after using.

Trustee terms-Becky’s term is expiring and she will need to inform us if she is going to continue by next meeting, so that the position could be advertised in order to have a candidate to recommend to the Town in December.

Additional hours-discussion of where additional four hours should be placed in the schedule. Putting them on Friday or Sunday would be difficult because of needing the person to open and close the library. Wednesday from 12-4 would accommodate transfer station traffic, after school crowd and senior citizens or other wishing to come during daylight.

Motion to add Wednesday from 12-4 to the hours that the library is open was made by Janet and Ted was the second. Motion carried.

Book drop dedication-suggestions of when Senator Amedore might be available were Oct 25th during story time or during the Roast Beef dinner on Oct. 16th. Judy will check with his schedule.

Youth services-Kathy

Kathy attended the Youth Services Advisory Council meeting.

The Beanstack program, an on-line reading program for kids, is having some transition issues getting going.

Headstart Pre-K- Kathy will be having story time with them monthly.

Story time has very active younger children currently, so Kathy is working on doing more interactive activities, rather than having them just sit and listen to the story.

TAG- teens are working on brain-based activities

Manager’s report-Judy

Abbie Bowker- author/illustrator program on Oct. 22nd, for all ages 8+.

Scary stories program on Oct 24th for young adults and adults.

Maintenance- the Town needs a new maintenance person.There were questions about whether the grab rail in the bathroom needs to be replaced or whether it can be cleaned?

NYLA defense fund-the entire defense fund has been spent defending a small library about a funding issue, so they are looking to replenish the fund. It would be a conflict of interest to spend Town taxpayer funds, so would be individuals.

Berne Historical Society wants the library to participate in their Halloween activity and decorate a room in the museum. Kathy is planning a bones theme.

UHLS- a representative is need to represent small rural libraries. Becky might be interested.

Central library money is going to be spent on other things than e-books and e-audio, which is what they had been using it for, so UHLS is looking for libraries to increase their funding in those areas. Our share would be $873 for next year.

Thrift books- a book resaler that we could use instead of Better World Books, but we would have to provide the boxes, so it is probably not worth switching.

OSC training-Comptroller’s Office is having a training on Oct. 28th.

Painting donation- a view of the old mill and waterfall was donated to the library.

Book drop cart- with the new book drop, we now have an extra cart that will be offered to other libraries, along with the old rotating rack.

Magnets- new magnets will have to be purchased to show the correct hours. Discussion of changing the color of the background to distinguish them, as long as it is not too expensive.

Motion to adjourn was made by Ellen and Marion was the second. Meeting adjourned at 8:45.