4:00 P.M. – CONFERENCE ROOM – STE. 168


I. Called the meeting to order.

1. Prayer – Sheriff Donnie Craig

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Bart Connelly

3. Amendments to Agenda – Items 9 & 10 – Consent Agenda

  1. Approve d Minutes from May 24, 2012 meeting.
  1. Reports from Committees and Departments
  2. Bob Howard – Pickens County Fire Chief/EMA Director – reported that they have responded to 914 alarms as of June 27th compared to 1700 in 2011. They have had 47 structure fire calls and the other 867 alarms included motor vehicle crashes, brush fires, fire alarms, gas leaks, smoke investigations, trees and power lines down and medical calls. They have completed 1672 man hours of training. He reported that they have completed 65 fire safety inspections, have done 4 fire safety education classes at schools and daycares, and have conducted 8 plan reviews for new construction. He said fire truck pump tests are complete for the year as well as hose testing. Annual school inspections are scheduled for next month. All equipment is in service and at the present time he is working on the 2013 budget. He said they had one brush fire a couple of days ago and it was contained. He reported that the 2 most recent structure fires were in Big Canoe. No one was injured. Chief Howard said that we have 780 fire hydrants in the county and 2 of those are out.
  3. Consent Agenda
  4. Signed Proclamation designating the week of June 17 - 24 as Amateur Radio Week in PickensCounty.
  5. Adopted Resolution making tentative contract award of the construction contract for Water System Improvements, Tate Water Line to T. Stanco, Inc. in the amount of $335,765.45.

This award is subject to USDA Rural Development approval. BT. Stanco was the lowest responsible, responsive bidder.

  1. Signed contract for operations of Pickens County Transportation (M.A.T.S.) between the Pickens County Commissioner and North Georgia Community Action, Inc. for the operation of public transportation service.
  2. Signed contract by and between the Department of Human Services and Pickens County Government effective July 1, 2012 and terminating June 30, 2013. This is the Family Connections Contract.
  3. RLF report submitted
  4. Hotel-Motel Tax Report submitted to Department of Community Affairs
  5. 2011 Audit Submitted
  6. Closed on Wooten Property – HWY 53 water tank and pumping station relocation due to straightening of curves on 53W a mile from GordonCounty line to Davis Road.
  7. Signed contract with ETC for telephone system for courthouse. ETC was the only bidder.

Amount of contract: $165,397.95.

  1. Signed Quitclaim deed between Pickens County, Georgia and Raymond Edwards. “Water Tank” area in Tate. The old tank was torn down when the 500,000 gallon tank on Worley Crossroads was constructed. The parcel was only about a 50’ x 50’ area therefore was deeded back to Mr. Edwards.
  1. Old Business


  1. New Business


  1. Guests/Comments

There were questions from Sally Sue Bradley and Bart Connelly regarding Items #8 and #2 under Consent Agenda.

  1. Adjournment

Commissioner Jones adjourned the meeting at 4:16 p.m.

*The Commissioner’s meetings are videotaped and may be viewed at
