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Report of the 6th Meeting of APSC
Advisory Panel for Standards Collaboration on Telecommunications related to Motor Vehicles

31 January 2008, Geneva


Mr Bob Williams, Chairman of APSC

Paul Najarian, NTIA, USA

Martin Arndt, ETSI

Reinhard Scholl, TSB

Judit Katona Kiss, TSB


1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Fully networked Car

3. Concern about CALM MM CD for TC204 and the APSC

4. Establishment of ETSI TC ITS

5. GSC Task Force progress

6. Website

7. 2008 Action Plan

7.1 Strategy 2008

7.2 Identification of target action items

7.3 prioritization of work

7.4 Identification of Work item leaders

7.5 Agreement of target dates for work item leaders Action Plans

8. Next meeting

1. Introduction

Mr. Bob Williams, chairman of APSC-TELEMOV opened the meeting. The meeting agenda was adopted with a point added (suggested by Mr. Najarian) on the coordination between ISO TC 204 and ITU-R (Agenda point 3).

The reports of the last physical meeting (25 September 2007, Geneva) and the last conference call (7 November 2007) were adopted with some minor editorial corrections.

2 Fully Networked Car

Mr. Scholl gave a short overview of the recent status of the organization process of this workshop.

For the third year running, a major event focusing on information and communication technologies (ICT) in motor vehicles is being organized by ITU, ISO and IEC, working together as the World Standards Cooperation (WSC). Taking place at one of the world’s leading automotive events, the Geneva International Motor Show, The Fully Networked Car will comprise a workshop with demonstrations and will take place between 5 and 7 March 2008.

The program is established and all information can be found at


Regarding the exhibition: Honda will exhibit his F1 car, and speakers can use the remaining space for demonstrating their solutions.

An overview on the role of APSC will be prepared and will be incorporated in the presentation of Mr. Monfort.

The Workshop steering committee discussed the possibility of organizing a special session during ITS Europe on ITS standardization. The demand was sent and ITU will receive the reply soon.

Note from TSB: In the meantime TSB received information that the participation in ITS Europe is not free of charge, TSB cancelled this session.

3 Concern about CALM MM CD for TC204 and the APSC

Mr. Najarian raised the following potential problem:

ITU-R WP 8A has been working on Integrated Millimeter wave radiocommunication systems.

So, from an ITU-R perspective, the document is final from all 3 Region's point-of-view.

The new ITU-R WP 5A (formerly as 8A) will make a final decision to approve (disapprove or delay) this document at this upcoming meeting, which closes on February 13.

The ITU-R document is in final form; and has progressed after many meetings of WP 8A (over the past 2 years).

The ITU-R document (which had been previously coordinated through the Asia-Pacific region.. and already includes US and Canadian input) was delayed in June 2007, in order to finalize the contribution from CEPT (in Europe).

The CEPT issues were resolved in September 2007, and are now incorporated in the final draft. The Contribution can be found at http://www.itu.int/md/R07-WP5A-C-0036/en (TIES restricted).

In the absence of the Chair of TC204, and as the Convenor of the appropriate working group within TC204 (WG6.1) Bob Williams summarised the progress of work in ISO. Work commenced in ISO on this subject in 2000, with the work item being approved in 2001. At this point in time Mr Najarian was the secretary of TC204 and carried the liaison to ITU-R, who subsequently created a work item (date unknown). Work on the TC204 work item has progressed similarly since that time, and has been similarly held up both by technical evolution and prioritisation of negotiations with CEPT which TC204 has undertaken in direct liaison with ETSI.

As Chair of the relevant ETSI committee (ERM TG37) Mr Williams reported that in Europe, 63 GHz had already been allocated to ITS, but there was no detailed SRD defining the use. This work has now been undertaken, under the leadership of ETSI (working in close liaison with ISO TC204), and completed and is in the final stages of approval as a CEPT Recommendation.

Unfortunately, while the ISO work has been shared with its liaisons, and contribution has been made to the ITU Land Mobile Handbook, including specific information on the work at 63 GHz, by TC204 and ETSI, ITU-R has not shared any of its documents with either ISO TC204 or ETSI.

Therefore it is not possible for either ISO TC204 or ETSI to comment on the ITU-R document. As it appears from Mr Najarian’s statement that the ITU-R document is consistent with the CEPT SRD, there should be no problem. Mr Williams advised that it would seem wise for ITU-R to share the document with ISO TC204 and ETSI TC-ITS and request their comments, prior to its final approval by ITU-R. On behalf of TC204 WG16 he also invited ITU-R to the next meeting of ISO TC204 WG16 (6-10 March 2008) to present and discuss their deliverable and he felt sure that the chair of ETSI TC-ITS would make a similar offer.

The following action was agreed:

-  Mr. Najarian will suggest to ITU-R to send a LS to ETSI and TC204 with the draft Recommendation and the subject should be raised at the next WG16 meeting in March 2008. In the meantime ITU-R would delay finalisation of the deliverable until their subsequent meeting later in the year.

4 Establishment of ETSI TC ITS

Mr. Arndt was asked to circulate relevant information on the recently created Technical Committee Intelligent Transport Systems at ETSI.

Note from TSB: Mr. Arndt sent out the information on the 4. 02.2008 to the APSC member by e-mail.

5 GSC Task Force progress

Unfortunately Mr. Williams Pc was stolen and he could not send out yet the invitation letter to GSC members as well as to the related ISO TCs.

Ms Shuman did not participate in the meeting, so no report on the progress was made.

The following actions were agreed:

-  Invitation letter to GSC members asking for participation in the Task Force – Bob Williams/ Reinhard Scholl

-  Preparation of objectives and timetable of the Task Force – Valerie Shuman (Mr. Williams will liaise with Ms. Shuman)

-  Call for contribution on 700 MHz issues to help Valerie – Martin Arndt

Paul Najarian: to request ITU-R members interested in 700 MHz subject participate in the Task Force

6 Website

The following action points were agreed:

-  The new ETSI TC ITS is now operational, our website should be updated

-  There is a need to develop a short and regularly updated library on ITS hot topics. Mike Noblett will try to find somebody for this task. (Remaining point from the previous meeting)

-  FAQs should be developed. (Action Mr Williams) (Remaining point from the previous meeting)

-  Paul Najarian: to review/complete the tables (subject area and technologies) of the APSC website from ITU-R point of view.

-  TSB will update the website by putting links to different WGs to have direct access to their pages – after receiving the right links from Mr. Williams and Mr. Arndt.

7 2008 Action Plan

Before the meeting, APSC received a request from KOTBA to present their results during the next APSC meeting, it was agreed to put this presentation in the Agenda of the next meeting.

Note from TSB: Shortly after the meeting TSB received a message from KOTBA saying that they will not participate in the next Workshop on Fully Networked Car, so this agenda point becomes redundant

8 Next meeting

The next physical meeting of APSC-TLEMOV will be held on 6 March 2008, right after the last session of the Workshop on Fully Networked Car, in Palexpo, Geneva.
