Saved by the Sun
1. How to photovoltaic panels work to supply energy to homes? How are people benefiting financially by using solar power?
2. What factors contribute to the need for alternative energy sources such as solar?
3. Why does a city like Los Angeles have difficulty maintaining power during the summer?
4. Describe the Kramer Junction Solar Electric Generating System.
5. How did solar power become a mainstream energy source in Germany?
6. Are businesses using solar energy? Explain.
7. What kind of solar research is taking place at the National Research Energy Laboratory?
8. How can nanotechnology (the study of the very small) make solar energy more affordable?
9. While some of the most promising solar energy options will take years to come to the market, why do decisions need to be made now regarding these energy options?
10. Do you think solar energy is promising and a worthwhile investment for our country’s future energy needs? Why or why not?