DIRECTIONS: For the support provider’s observation of a lesson, use this template or a district-aligned lesson plan template. Collect the graded work from the three focus students to attach to the Analysis of Student Work (C-7).
Date of lesson: 3/12/09 / State-adopted academic content standard(s): Reading and Language Arts Standard of Organization and Focus - 1.1 Create a single paragraph: develop a topic sentence and include simple and supporting facts.
Time Allocation: / Sequence of Lesson:
3 minutes / Introduction:
The lesson will start with the review of the green, yellow, red writing technique that was introduced in the previous lesson. We will discuss and go over each color and the coding. (Green means go and tell the topic. Yellow means slow down and tell the key idea. Red means stop and give the details.) Students will do motions that go with the colors and will chant aloud during the review. Students will then be introduced to the topic of the lesson. Through this lesson students will be able to write a paragraph that includes a topic sentence, supporting details, and a closing sentence. The students will be writing about what three things they would wish for if they were granted three wishes. They will also include why they would want to have these wishes and what they would do with them.
5 minutes / Direct Instruction:
I will explain to students that we will be using the green, yellow, and red method to organize their writing. The topic will be in green, which is three wishes. The key ideas will be in yellow, which are specifically what their three wishes will be (i.e. to have a class that listens, to have a cleaner planet, for all of my students to be successful). The red is for the details, which will tell why they want the wishes and how they will use them. Students will be remined that they are using these three colors to literally unerline the appropirate section in their outline.
10 minutes / Modeled Instruction:
Using the SmartBoard, I will show the students how the outline will be completed. I will model what one of my wishes would be, why I would want this wish, and what I would do with this wish. I will be using the same outline that the students will be using, so they are able to se exactly what they will be expected to do. The topic will be in green (My Three Wishes). Then I will proced to tell the students what my first wish is while writing it on the SmartBoard. Students will be reminded that they are writing in "cave-man" talk where they do not use complete sentences, rather short quick words. I will then ask the students what color this needs to be coded. The next step will be to add details. I will do this and ask the students what color this needs to be coded. Students will respond outloud, and we will repeat together so everyone is able to get the appropriate color. During the modeling, I will also discuss how to turn these key ideas into sentences.
10 minutes / Guided Practice/Checking for Understanding:
I will now have students talk with each other and have them come up with a wish that I can use as an example. I will then have the students share out what they discussed and write the wish on the SmartBoard. Students will then come up with reasons why this would be a great wish to be granted, and how it could be used. The students will be able to color code what is written up on the SmartBoard. Students will also discuss and guide me in turning my key ideas and details into sentences. We will review our chant with the colors, what they mean, and then the students will be given an outline to complete on their own.
25 minutes / Independent Practice:
The students will be completing the same outline that I completed on the SmartBoard, but they will use their own ideas. In doing this outline, students will be using crayons or colored pencils to underline the sections that coincide with the topic, key idea, and details. I will be able to see if the students are understanding the concepts based on how they are able to complete the outline independently and how they are able to color code it. Once done with the outline, the students will be able to turn their outline into a paragraph. (The students will revisit their outline and complete the paragraoh during the next lesson.)
As needed / Differentiated Instruction for Focus Students:
I will scaffold the instruction by Quan use transition words in their outlines, while also guiding Tyler and Nancy with the necessary one-on-one instruction as needed.
Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education
Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – 2010
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