Rural Regional Blueprints Grant Application FY 2011/2012
* Please read the grant application instructions before filling out the application.
Project Title:Project Location (county):
Contact Person
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Telephone / ( )
Fax / ( )
FY 2011/2012 Funding Request Information / Fund Source
Grant Funds Requested / $
Local Match – Cash / $
Local Match – In-Kind / $
Other Funding / $
Total Cost / $
Previous Years Funding (Current grantees only)
FY 2010/2011Grant Award
$______ / FY 2010/2011
Expenditure Information / Percent Expended / Identify Fund Source
Grant Funds Expended / $
Local Match – Cash / $
Local Match – In-Kind / $
Other Funding / $
Total Expenditures / $
FY 2009/2010
Grant Award
$______ / FY 2009/2010
Expenditure Information / Percent
Expended / Identify Fund Source
Grant Funds Expended / $
Local Match – Cash / $
Local Match – In-Kind / $
Other Funding / $
Total Expenditures / $
Required components of a complete application are:
Completed Cover Sheet
Completed Evaluation Questions
1. Scope of Work
2. Comprehensive Engagement Strategies
3. Project Schedule (Microsoft Excel format)
Board Resolution approving grant application (due by time of grant encumbrance)
A sample is available in the webpage at
One hard copy of the complete application
CD with electronic copies of the application, project schedule (Microsoft Excel), and all other supporting documentation
Recommended components for first-time applicants
Letters of Support from organizations, local governments, and Tribal Governments supporting the rural blueprint application are highly encouraged
To the best of my knowledge, all information contained in this proposal is true and correct.
Print Name
Signature of Authorized Official (Applicant)
Title Date
* The application package should not be more than 20 pages including any attachments and/or documentation other than letters of support and legislative representation lists.
Please answer the following questions that apply to you as either a current grantee or a new applicant.
See the grant application guidance of the application packet for more information and suggestions on completing the application. Your answers to the evaluation questions should be no more than 5 pages total, but should thoroughly address each part of the question to the extent feasible.
Refer to the Program’s Purpose and Goals in the Application Instructions. The Rural Regional Blueprint grant proposals should demonstrate and include these goals and reflect the values of your region.
1. REGIONAL CONTEXT1. Please provide us with a detailed picture of the context of your region. This should include relevant demographic and population trends; on-going, new, and emerging economic challenges; identified or projected impacts from climate change; and the state of public services, transportation, population health, and all types of infrastructure and building stock in your region.
2. BACKGROUND2. a. Blueprint history (Current grantees only)
Please provide a history of your Blueprint process and update on your current status. Include any milestones you have reached, what your Blueprint goals or principles are if developed, what you have planned for your remaining grant funds, and what challenges you have come up against or identified.
b. Regional Planning efforts (First time applicants only)
Please describe any past and ongoing regional collaborative planning efforts your agency has led or participated in.
3. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION3. a. Describe the issue(s) the tasks are attempting to address.
b. What are the intended outcomes of your project?
c. How does this project improve the transportation and land use planning process in your region and beyond the project boundaries?
d. Explain how the project will be carried forward to the next phase, and how the project will develop skills and enhance capacity (within the agency, community, etc) beyond the life of the project.
4. FUNDING NEEDS4. a. Additional identified need (Current grantees only)
Explain what your additional funding needs are to complete a successful and effective blueprint plan that will add value to the planning and transportation decision processes in your region and the integration of these processes. How will new tasks or augmentation to existing tasks add to and be coordinated with your larger blueprint vision and process?
Identified need (First time applicants only)
Demonstrate the need for regional blueprint planning grant funds for FY 2011/12. Discuss how the regional blueprint planning grant will help achieve your region’s needs for integrated regional planning. How will the proposed tasks help your region move toward its long-term vision?
v Scope of work (see the sample Scope of Work for illustrative purposes):
· List what work is to be done: Provide an outline of services and identify partners.
· List project tasks number proposed measures of success, deliverable, cost and applicable blueprint goals.
· Please note, every task should be related to transportation planning efforts.
· This form may be altered to include additional tasks.
Task 1:
Task 1.1:
Task 1.2:
Task #
/ Proposed Measure of Task Success / Deliverable / Cost / Goal(s)Task 2:
Task 2.1:
Task 2.2:
Task #
/ Proposed Measure of Task Success / Deliverable / Cost / Goal(s)Task 3:
Task 3.1:
Task 3.2:
Task #
/ Proposed Measure of Task Success / Deliverable / Cost / Goal(s)Task 4:
Task 4.1:
Task 4.2:
Task #
/ Proposed Measure of Task Success / Deliverable / Cost / Goal(s)Task 5:
Task 5.1:
Task 5.2:
Task #
/ Proposed Measure of Task Success / Deliverable / Cost / Goal(s)
2. Comprehensive Engagement Strategies
For each of the categories listed, identify specific sub-groups to be targeted for outreach, education, and engagement. Describe the strategies you propose to use to achieve adequate involvement and engagement from each of the categories and sub-groups listed.
Category / Key Group / Strategies to EngageGeneral Public / ·
Underrepresented Groups / ·
Stakeholders (address business community, developers, environmental groups, etc) / ·
Elected Officials / ·
Local and Regional Agencies and Departments / ·
Tribal Governments / ·
3. Timeline For Completion of Tasks
A blank Schedule Form is a separate Excel Spreadsheet in this application package (see sample Excel Spreadsheet for illustrative purposes).
· List task #, task name, responsible party, cost, time, and the deliverables of all tasks in the Scope of Work.
· Identify who is responsible for each task.