Saddleback High School Cheer Squad Constitution



As a member of the Saddleback High School Cheer Squad you represent SHS and the Santa Ana Unified School District in everything you do, especially when in uniform. This commitment begins the day you make it onto the team and concludes at the try-outs the following year. Saddleback High School believes in establishing a high quality program and maintaining a standard of excellence. An important factor to student success is their involvement and school spirit. Throughout your commitment in this program it is extremely important that you conduct yourself in a polite and respectful manner. You will be looked upon as a leader within the school. Your actions and behavior will reflect directly upon Saddleback High School and the team so it is critical that you participate on the Cheer squad with pride and honor.


1.  To support Saddleback High School athletic teams

2.  To promote and uphold school spirit

3.  To serve the school and community through active participation

4.  To promote good sportsmanship

5.  To develop leadership and organization skills

6.  To develop self-discipline and citizenship

7.  To develop team-work skills

8.  To perform at games, rallies, competitions, and special events with pride, excellence, and a positive attitude

9.  To instill spirit, pride, and enthusiasm in the student body

10.  To assist at school and community activities when requested

11.  To uphold high moral and ethical standards

12.  To represent SHS at selected competition events

Qualification for Membership:

1.  Any interested 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student who expresses a desire to tryout for the team and completes the necessary paperwork.

2.  A candidate may use their probationary period in order to be eligible to try out. However, no additional probationary period will be awarded for any activity, including the cheer team.

3.  All candidates must be either a student that lives in Saddleback High School attendance area or be pre-approved for a transfer to Saddleback High School. See athletic code for more clarification. Candidates that have transfer applications still pending will not be allowed to try out or participate in the clinic.

4.  Candidates must complete and turn in all required paperwork no later than the first day of cheer clinics in order to be eligible for tryouts.

5.  To be eligible to try out, candidates must meet district eligibility requirements, and athletic code requirements (defined under athletic code which is a separate handout)

6. Members must maintain satisfactory, if not exemplary citizenship. Disciplinary action will be taken if citizenship falters in regards to any of the articles listed below:

·  Personal responsibility (i.e. arriving to practice and games on time, making sure all requirements are met)

·  Sense of service to the school and community, including being on time to school, following dress code, etc.

·  Honesty and integrity

·  Self-discipline (academics, interactions with others, reactions to others, etc.)

·  Willingness to cooperate with both peers and authority figures

·  Respect for authority figures (including teachers, community members, administrators, and coaches)

7. Members are expected to enroll in the appropriate pep squad physical education class during the entire term of service. Cheer is a designated 6th period and once you make the team it is your responsibility to register for this class and maintain enrollment.

8. Any member who resigns or is dismissed from the team will relinquish all participation privileges as well as forego any further refund of expenses (see athletic code.) This does not relieve any member from any previously incurred financial obligations. The member will be ineligible to try out for the cheer team the following season.

9. Members should not engage in any other extracurricular activity that will interfere with practices, activities, or events required by the team. If a member has 2 or more unexcused absences they will be removed from performances and possibly the team. 24 hour notice should be given to either the coach/advisor of all absences.

10. It is the responsibility of each cheer team member to avoid conflicts with regularly scheduled football and basketball games and possible CIF football and basketball games.

11. Members are expected to participate in all required team and individual activities, including practice, games, and rallies, as designated by the calendar. Such calendar will be issued two weeks in advance by the advisor/coach to avoid any conflicts. Participation is defined as performance and/or physical activity, not solely as attendance. If you cannot participate please tell the coach/advisor in advance.

Rules and Regulations

1. Each member must strive to cooperate with all members on the team as well as the advisor/coach. A good attitude is just as important, if not more important, than any experience or expertise.

2. Inappropriate and/or vulgar or profane language will not be tolerated at any time.

3. Members will not wear acrylic nails, unauthorized color of nail polish, or wear any jewelry at any performance or practice. Members will not wear jewelry at any performance or practice to ensure safety.

4. Members are expected to be in full uniform and ready to perform by the predetermined time.

5. The cheer team will follow Saddleback’s Athletic Code for discipline regarding drugs, alcohol, academic integrity, fighting, sexual harassment, and any negative behaviors detrimental to the athletic program the student represents.

8. Athletes must behave and present themselves in a respectable manner at all times. This includes both at school functions such as dances, as well as outside of school such as parties, the Internet (facebook, twitter, snapchat) and all other functions. Remember that even though you may not be in uniform others know that you are a member of the Saddleback Cheer Team and you should always want to represent the team in a respectful and appropriate manner.

9. Each member is expected to follow the rules and regulations set herein this section and all other sections of the constitution.

Performance and Activities:

1. Members are expected be in their assigned places, ready to perform, at the designated time.

2. Any member who arrives late to any scheduled game will sit out for the first quarter period of that particular game. During this time, said member should not engage in interactions with other students/spectators.

3. Any member who forgets a piece or part of their uniform at a game will sit out the first quarter/period of that particular game. During this time, said member must not engage in interactions with other students/spectators.

4. Break-time, half time, and/or between games is time for members to take care of personal necessities. Members must be back in their assigned positions, ready to warm-up, stretch, or perform at the designated time. If late, said member will sit out the next quarter of that particular game. During this time, said member should not engage in interactions with other students/spectators.

5. Members required to attend activities held off campus must ride the bus or other designated transportation both to and from the activity. Should an alternate arrangement be necessary, written notification is required 2 days prior to the activity so that clearance may be obtained by the advisor/coach and from a school administrator.

6. Members who miss a scheduled activity or game must notify the advisor/coach and team captain, 24 hours in advance, prior to nonattendance and follow up with a parent/legal guardian note, phone call, or e-mail regarding the absence. If a member is absent from school on the day of the activity, for any reason, said member may not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity. If an absence is due to an illness, the illness should be reported to the advisor/coach prior to the activity/game for the absence to be excused.

7. Members should not eat, drink, or chew gum while performing or participating in any dance team activity unless given specific permission from the advisor/coach is given to do so.

8. The cheer team will be required to perform and attend all home football games and home basketball games. Schedules of games to be covered will be given to the members at the beginning of the football and basketball seasons. There may be games/matches of other sports that all or part of the cheer team will be required to attend and support in addition to football and basketball. There will be a separate calendar for these games/matches.

10. Members should be spirited and positive at all activities, even when the cheer team is being treated unfairly by the crowd (example; booed.)

11. Regardless of whether our team is winning or losing by a sizeable margin, the cheer team is expected to continue to provide support to all athletes. A strong smile and an appropriate attitude in the face of adversity can make all the difference.

Disciplinary Action

1. Disciplinary action for violation of the rules and regulations stated within this constitution may result in any of the following (not in any particular order):

·  Extra duties (publicity, clean up, etc.)

·  Extra conditioning

·  Sitting out a portion of a game

·  Sitting out an entire game/performance

·  Demerit(s)

·  Lowered grade

·  Suspension (member will not be able to practice with the team or participate in any events including games)

·  Removal from the team

The advisor/coach and any administrator have the authority to enforce disciplinary action.

2. Any team member that is suspended from school for any reason will also be suspended from the cheer team. The duration of the suspension from the team will be in accordance with the Athletic Code (duration of school suspension plus one contest/activity).

3. Any squad member that receives 2 separate suspensions with the same academic year will immediately be dismissed from the cheer team unless a separate consequence is determined by the advisor and coach.

Vacation/Absence Policy

1. Unexcused absences: *The following is a list of some, but not all, unacceptable excuses: 2 or more unexcused absences may result in dismissal from the cheer team.

a) teacher assigned detentions

b) babysitting

c) school projects and/or homework

d) participation in other school activities/sports unless REQUIRED for grade or credit

e) family birthday parties/events

f) outside classes such as dance, tumbling, other squads etc.

g) make-up tests unless accompanied by a note from the teacher that there is no other make-up option.

2.  Excused Absences:

*The following are excused absences:

a) illness (an absence due to illness without a doctor’s note to excuse the absence will not be excused if the member attends other classes that day)

b) major family commitment (wedding/funeral/graduation [a 1-day excuse])

c) school business/class activity/club field trip for grade or credit only

Uniforms, Accessories, and Appearance

1. It is expected that each member of the cheer team will obtain all necessary uniforms, coordinating clothing, and accessories. Fundraising opportunities will be given in order to contribute to all necessary items. Any member failing to be fitted for uniforms or other clothing will be dismissed from the team.

2. Uniform standards and designs will be determined by the advisor, coaches, and approved by administration in conjunction with the Saddleback High School dress code.

3. Uniforms are to be cleaned and neatly pressed before any activity, game, or competition. There will be no substitution of any part of the uniform with unauthorized apparel without permission from the advisor/coach. Uniforms are to be worn ONLY for designated school activities and/or representation. When wearing uniforms in public they should be fastened and worn as intended. This means skirts should be zipped and pants/skirts should not be rolled down at the waist. When wearing uniforms to school or to events, the uniform shoes are expected to be worn, this means no flip-flops, sandals, or boots with your uniform.

4. Each squad member is expected to be in coordinating uniforms at all events, including rallies, games, on and off campus activities, and competitions, including practices (captains will create a calendar).

5. While in uniform, members of the Saddleback High School Cheer Team are expected to display pride for not only the school but also for themselves.

6. No jewelry, acrylic nails or unauthorized colors of nail polish are to be worn while in uniform.

Financial Contributions:

The following is an approximate estimate of financial contributions per squad/team for the commitment of one year. Please note that these contributions are approximate and don’t include monograms, taxes, and/or shipping charges.

ITEMS / NEW MEMBER Contributions / RETURNER Contributions
Formal Uniform / $160 / $0
Bags / $40 / $0
Shoes / $55 / $55
Sweats / $110 / $0
Poms / $20 / $0
Practice Clothes / $145 / $90
Summer Camp / $125 / $125
Summer Clinics / $125 / $125
Total Estimated Costs / $780 / $395

Any member who resigns or is dismissed from the team will forego any further refund of expenses. Resignation or dismissal also does not relieve any member from any previously incurred financial obligations.


1. Members are expected to attend all scheduled practices. At times, emergency practice may be needed to remedy any adversities. All members are expected to attend so as to meet the needs of the cheer team. A calendar of practice, games, and events will be given two weeks ahead.

2. Unexcused absences may result in non-participation in any activity for the week of the absence, and will affect a participant’s grade. 2 or more unexcused absence may result in dismissal from the cheer team.

3. A member’s attitude and cooperation during practices may determine participation in activities for the week and will affect a participant’s grade.

4. It is the responsibility of members to remain focused and attentive during practice. All members are expected to use their time wisely and to be cooperative and productive.

5. All jewelry must be removed before practice begins to ensure the safety of all members.

6. All scheduled practices and games will be on the calendar, which will be issued not less than two weeks prior to all events.

7. Summer practices will be determined by the advisor and coach. The schedule and fees for summer will be issued to all new members following tryouts. Please be aware that we do 90% of our routines and choreography during the summer and therefore, attendance at these practices and camp is highly recommended.

2014-2015 Cheer Constitution Signature Form



ID # ______

I have read and understand the Saddleback Cheer Team Constitution and agree to the rules and regulations.


Student Signature Parent Signature Date