2007 El Toro North American Championships
Pinecrest Lake, California August 5-9, 2007

Organizing Authority: The El Toro International Yacht Racing Association

1. Rules:

This regatta will be governed by the "rules" as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

2. Eligibility and Entry:

2.2 Eligible boats may enter by completing the attached entry form and returning it to the ETIYRA office.

2.3 This is a category A regatta.

2.4 The entry fee is $95.00 for members of USSA and $100.00 for nonmembers if received by July 31, 2007. A late fee of $25.00 will apply thereafter.

2.5 To be able to compete, the competitor must be a member in good standing with the ETIYRA . The International measurer, or his representative, will be available to answer questions concerning measurement at Pinecrest Lake Saturday 8/4/07.

2.6 All sails, blades, spars and hulls may be subject to measurement. All spars must have bands.

2.7 Schedule of Races:

Race Day & Date

Senior fleet races two races a day - Masters race 2nd race each day

Tune-up:Sunday, August 5

Championship Races:Monday, August 6

Tuesday, August 7

Wednesday, August 8

Thursday, August 9

3. Sailing Instructions:

Sailing Instructions will be available by noon on Sunday, August 5th, at the registration desk.

4. Racing Area and Courses:

The racing area will be Pinecrest Lake. Two races each day, first race will consist of standard windward leeward course, and the second race of the day will be a true Pinecrest Lake race using traditional lake marks for which Pinecrest is famous .The courses and marks will be described in the sailing instructions.

5. Personal Buoyancy:

All competitors must wear a PFD at all times on the water during race days.

6. Scoring:

The Low Point Scoring System, RR A4, will apply, except that a DSQ shall not be discardable. Six races are scheduled, of which four (4) races must be completed to constitute a series. All championship races will count toward the final score, except that if six races are completed, each boat's worst score will be discarded. Master fleet competitors will race with Senior fleet.

7. Prizes:

The trophy presentation will be held at the awards dinner at the Café 108 on Thursday, August 9th, 2007, in the evening.

8. Events:

Saturday, August 4th, Measuring and regular afternoon race.

Sunday skippers meeting and tune-up races.

Tuesday, August 3, Dinner and ETIYRA Annual General Meeting (AGM Dinner).

Thursday, August 5, Awards Dinner


2007 El Toro North American Championships
Pinecrest Lake August 5-9, 2007

Official Entry Form

Name______Phone (_____)______

Address______Fax (_____)______

City, State, Zip______


Hull #______Sail #______Yacht Club______


Master (race traditional lake course one race a day) winner is 2007 Lake Master

Senior age 15 and over as of August 5, 2007 (two races a day)

ETIYRA Membership Dues: You must be a member of the El Toro Association to participate in this regatta. If your 2007 dues are not paid, please enclose completed Membership Form, (next page) and 2007 ETIYRA Dues with your regatta entry.

Entry Fee: (Includes 1 awards dinner, 1 AGM dinner, 1 souvenir Polo Shirt & Glass)$95.00$ ______

USSA Membership discount USSA Membership #______(subtract)$5.00 <$ ______>

_____ late fee if received after July 31, 2007$25.00$ ______

Extras: _____ extra tickets for Annual General Meeting Dinner@ $15.00 ea.$ ______

_____ extra tickets for Awards Dinner (surf & turf)@ $26.00 ea.$ ______

_____ if Vegetarian meals required, enter how many

Make Checks Payable to: The El Toro AssociationTotal Enclosed$ ______

Extra embroidered Polo Shirts may be purchased for $20 each. Do not send payment with this form. Shirts will be available at the regatta and can be purchased there. Please specify the total number of shirts needed ______and their sizes to help us order. Sizes are unisex. Enter how many of each size.

Small ______Medium______Large______Extra Large______2Xlarge______

All competitors must make the following certification: I agree to waive all claims against the El Toro Yacht International Racing Association, the ETIYRA Officers and ETIYRA as a whole for any damage to my boat or injury to myself. I agree to abide by the Racing Rules of Sailing and by all other rules that govern this event.

Skipper’s signature______date______


Signature of Parent or guardian of skipper under 18 required

Mail completed application with fees to:

ETIYRA, 1040 Hopper Ave # 419, Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1613