SWAT Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
3011 Hyder SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
The SWAT Executive Committee meeting convened at 6:55pm.
ATTENDANCE: Terri Moyers, Steve Yost, Julie Fillinger, Linda Kipp, Christina Parlapiano, Dee Falk and Karen Provine
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: After discussion, upon a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the January 22, 2014 Executive Committee meeting were approved.
1. Current Financial Situation: Linda Kipp, Treasurer, briefed the Executive Committee of the current balance of $23,203.13.
2. Jan. 2014 AKC: At this time it looks like the January 2014 AKC trial will net SWAT $6,562.89 profit. The current break down of the trial is; $20,538.00 income, $13,281.11 expenses and $3,700.00 vouchers. SWAT gave out of $4,172.00 in vouchers as volunteer incentives.
3. NADAC Financial Trend: Spring and Fall 2008, Spring 2009 and Fall 2013 NADAC trials posted a loss. Fall 2009, Fall 2010 and Spring 2013 NADAC trials posted a small profit. Profit for the three trials was less than $700 per trial. There were only about 300 total runs at the October 2013 NADAC trial.
1. June USDAA Planning: This trial is on schedule and staffed.
2. June AKC Planning: This trial is on schedule and staffed.
a. Site: The insurance certificate has been issued and Becky Wolfe is securing the site, Inez Elementary School.
b. Advertising: It was discussed that the Executive Committee will heavily advertise the May NADAC trial. A message will be sent out to all SWAT members, the trial information will be placed on the SWAT website and Julie Fillinger, President, will look into having it placed on the SDOC website. Information will also go out via Yahoo Groups.
c. Security: It was discussed that Pam Smith might be staying on site at the May NADAC trial and could possibly be security? The SWAT Executive Committee will look into changing security companies.
d. NADAC Jobs: It was discussed by the Executive Committee to possibly combine trial jobs in order to save the May NADAC trial. Currently this trial is not fully staffed.
1. Equipment Silent Auction: SWAT currently has used agility equipment that it would like to auction off. It was discussed by the Executive Committee that the first equipment silent auction will occur at the June USDAA trial. Christina Parlapiano, Recording Secretary, will manage that auction.
2. New Equipment Purchase: SWAT will be purchasing three new tunnels. Julie Fillinger, President, has given the “Okay” to Gene Tatum and Richard Hansen to purchase those tunnels.
3. USDAA Equipment: SWAT is currently getting a quote on adding cups to existing doubles and triples. Linda Kipp, Treasurer, stated that she could supply doubles and triples to SWAT for the June USDAA trial if needed. No purchase of any USDAA equipment is required at this time. SWAT is waiting for USDAA to finalize their equipment changes, if any.
1. NADAC: Attendees, Dee Falk, Karen Provine, and not in attendance Pam Smith were invited to the Executive Committee meeting to discuss the status and viability of NADAC in New Mexico and what if anything SWAT can do to help NADAC become a more popular venue.
a. Equipment: Dee Falk informed the SWAT Executive Committee that a barrel will be needed for the May NADAC trial.
b. Training for NADAC: It was discussed that in order for NADAC to be more successful in New Mexico there needs to be more individuals interested in teaching and training competitors locally. Currently the Albuquerque area lacks individuals currently training the NADAC skills.
c. Advertising: The SWAT Executive Committee is trying to come up with ideas on how to better advertise NADAC and questions if additional advertising would actually help NADAC succeed in the ABQ area.
2. Min. Australian Shepherd Club Trial Proposal: Postponed
3. USDAA Trial Secretary: Terri Moyers, Corresponding Secretary, is trial chair for the November USDAA trial and has submitted the application. Terri has secured Kim O’Connell and Rob Bardenett as judges. Terri will ask Mica Tyler to be trial secretary. The SWAT Executive Committee will be offering the trial secretary $700.00 in cash, vouchers or a combination of.
FUTURE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: It was discussed by the Executive Committee that the next meeting be held at 6:30pm, Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at the home of Terri Moyers.
The meeting of the SWAT Executive Committee was adjourned at 8:20pm, Wednesday, February 12, 2014.