Desired Results
BVSD Standard(s)/Essential Learnings
  • Geography Standard 4
Students understand how economic, political, cultural, and social processes interact to shape diverse patterns of human populations, movement, interdependence, cooperation, and conflict.
Uses reading and writing skills to inquire, think critically, and apply social studies concepts to new situations
  • Language Arts Standard 1
Students read and understand a variety of materials.
Constructs meaning by predicting, questioning, visualizing, summarizing,
making connections, identifying important information, and making inferences
Unit Enduring Understandings
Our civic ideals and responsibilities were
established by the experiences and ideas of the revolutionaries.
Reading for meaning requires imagining
conversations with and questing of the
author, which is very different from passively
reading words / Unit Essential Questions
How did citizens of the colonies participate
in civic life? How does that affect our own
What is my definition of reading? Why do I
Students will know……
How to use the features of informational text to construct meaning
How to interpret and evaluate primary and secondary sources of information / Students will be able to……
Select specific vocabulary to write persuasively about topics
Explain in writing personal opinions by citing examples from a work read, viewed or heard
Writes to convey information or express ideas using questions, data, prediction, conclusions,
and reflections
Discriminates between relevant and irrelevant information (I2A3, I3A3)±
Provides accurate written and oral summaries (I2A3, I3A3)±
Assessment Evidence
Performance/Transfer Tasks
Short plays or Reader’s Theater
Create a persuasive letter written from a colonist point of view of colony life/ To invite others or to tell them to stay where they are at / Other Evidence
Discussion of pros and cons of living in the new colonies within small groups
Teacher Created Rubric / Student Self-Assessment and Reflection
Use appropriate graphic organizer to compare and contrast life in the colonies compared to life today

Learning Plans
Learning Activities
Reader’s Theater
Class discussion
Share written persuasive letters through Author’s chair/Pair Share
Readings from informational text as well as historical fiction through Literature Circles
Cloze procedures for vocabulary
Compare/contrast written paper
Leveled text available for all learners
Primary and secondary documents
Variety of graphic organizers
Literature Circle organizers / Accommodations
Written work can be done in small groups, as oral presentations, artistic representation
Partner reporting
Technology Integration
Teachers will video tape
Use computer to access information
Virtual tours of Jamestown

4th Grade: Integrated Literacy and Social Studies