Welcome to Fundamentals of Biology

Hello everyone! Welcome! Here are a few things that you will need to know about this class. Please keep these in your binder for future reference.

Supplies - to be brought to class every day!

1.) 3 ring binder and 8.5" x 11" notebook paper

* please no spiral bound paper unless it is perforated

2.) Metric ruler

3.) Textbook - unless told otherwise

*My room is not your locker! Don't leave your book in here!

4.) Pencil and Pen! It is NOT my responsibility to supply you with a writing utensil!

*all labs are to be done in pencil!! Make sure you have one!

5.) Calculator used for some activities.

*Bring all needed materials to class.

* Be in your seat when the bell rings

*You will not be permitted to retrieve supplies or homework from your locker so be prepared for class!

Hall passes will be given on an emergency basis only! You will be allowed 3 passes per grading period. These will be recorded. Once you have exhausted those, you may not use a pass again for any reason other than being physically ill. If you abuse this privilege, your passes will be revoked for the rest of the year. If you really need to use the restroom every time you come to my class, you need a medical excuse saying so.

All personal notes will be confiscated and not returned. I really like to read these so please, write all you like. Beware, I get to report anything troubling that is written so be careful.

You will be required to organized notebook containing all work completed for this class.

Notebook Sections: Homework Labs Quizzes Tests Worksheets

Notebook checks take place at the end of each semester and are worth a test grade so keep it organized.


If you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain the missed notes and make up any work missed. Contact a fellow student for notes and ask me about what you missed. If you were absent the day it was assigned, you have the numbers of days missed plus one day. If you were here when it was assigned, it is due when you get back.

Homework not completed by the beginning of class is considered late!

**Homework will be accepted one day late for half credit! NO credit will be given for work that is more than one day late!!**

If you have an assignment that requires a short answer, please write the question out or include it in the answer. If you just write the answer, you will be docked 1/2 point. Don’t miss easy points for being lazy!

Please help me keep your papers net by cutting off any fringe! Thank you!

Please head your homework in this fashion:

In the upper right hand corner Your name

Class period


In the center on the first line, chapter number and section in this way:

Example: C-1-1 Which means chapter 1, section 1

NOTE: If you do not have the correct heading you will be docked one point.


My grading system is on a point scale just like everyone else!

You will be required to keep track of your grades in the front of your binder!

Your grade sheet should look like this:


Assignment Date Points earned Points possible

C-1-1 8/29 26 30

This way you will always know what your grade is at any time! Please don't ask me to show you your grade - I will refer you to your own book! If you choose not to keep track, then you will find out what your grade is at interims and at the end of the grading period! Please get your password from guidance to check your grades online.

Extra Credit!

Yes you can do extra credit IF you have not already missed more than 3 assignments. I feel if you haven't done the work in the first place, you shouldn't have the opportunity to make up for slacking at the last minute! All EC is worth 10 points each unless otherwise discussed.

These are your options: All EC must be typed and include the original article.

1.) Tape any program dealing with the top we are currently learning. Write a one page report telling me what the program is about, how it relates to our topic, and what you learned.

2.) Research any topic we are learning about and write a 1-2 page report with the same requirements as described in #1.

3.) Have a project of your own! If you have a good idea for EC, then let's hear it! I will be happy to discuss an original idea if you would like to do something else. Points will be assessed according to the difficulty of the project.

You may not do more than 30 EC points in one grading period.

Realistically, you should really only do EC if you have a very borderline grade and you want to bump it or secure it.

Free Passes!

You may earn free homework passes for every 5 A's on tests. Once you acquire 5 A's, you need to show the tests to me and I will mark them and give you a pass for skipping any homework assignment or replacing a missing one. If you lose the pass you're out of luck! I will not replace missing or lost passes. Please do not attempt to duplicate the pass…this will result in disciplinary action and the forfeit of any future passes.

Class participation

This is a very important part of your grade and will be used to decide borderline grades. While it is difficult to participate in every class period, those who make a concerted effort will be rewarded. What you put into this class is what you get out of it!

Notes are a must in this class!! If you do not take notes, you will most likely do very poorly. Often time the information I give is not found in the textbook. I can and will give pop quizzes involving your notes so if you are sleeping, not paying attention, or simply not writing anything down, you will miss a lot of cool info! I can, and will, give pop quizzes involving your notes so be prepared!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns during the year. I am always will to help and encourage you to come to me if you would like additional help outside of school.

If you need to get a hold of me after school, the best way to reach me is to e-mail me at home: or call me at home before 8pm at

(330) 452-6664. NOTE: I have a toddler at home so please do not call after 8pm. Remember, I have caller ID so please do not abuse the privilege of having my home phone. Thanks! Let's have a wonderful year!

~Mrs. Thomas~

Parent form: Fundamentals of Biology

I, ______, have received and understand

(Student name - print)

the rules and requirements of Mrs. Thomas's class. I will keep a copy of the

syllabus in the front of my binder to use as reference for the entire year.

I, ______, have read and understand the

(Parent/guardian name - print)

rules and requirements of Mrs. Thomas's class. I will not hesitate to contact

Mrs. Thomas if I need to speak with her concerning my child.


Student signature Parent signature

Student e-mail ______

Parent e-mail ______

Parent/guardian phone ______

Best time/way to reach you : ______