SUMMARY OF THE BOOK OF JOB (pronounced jobe, not jahb)
This book is part of the Old Testament of the Bible.

There was an extremely religious man named Job. He was very prosperous, and had seven sons and three daughters.

Satan presents himself to God. God asks Satan his opinion on Job, apparently a truly religious man. Satan answers that Job is religious only because God protected him and "blessed" his favorite servant with wealth and happiness. But if God touches "his possessions", then Job would curse him. God gives Satan permission to test Job's righteousness by harming the things and people around Job.

All of Job's possessions are destroyed and a wind causes the house of the firstborn to collapse killing all of Job's family who were gathered for a feast. Job does not curse God after this but instead shaves his head, and grieves that which he has lost, giving praise to God for the ability to have them in the first place.

Job endures these hardships without questioning God’s power, so Satan asks God for permission to harm Job as well, and God says, "Behold, he is in your hand, but don't kill him." Satan, therefore, afflicts him with dreadful skin sores, and Job, seated in ashes, scrapes his skin with broken pottery to find relief from the pain. His wife prompts him to "curse God, and die" but Job answers, "You speak as one of the foolish speaks. Moreover, shall we receive good from God and shall not receive evil?"

Three friends of Job come to console him. And the three of Job's friends heard all this evil that came on him. The friends spend seven days sitting on the ground with Job, without saying anything to him because they see that he is suffering and in much pain. Job at last breaks his silence and "curses the day he was born". He never curses God, but we never hear anything else about Job.

An edited version of the info on Wikipedia