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SECTION: IS Projects Office /SOP NO: 502
TITLE: IS Project Management / ISSUE NO: 1.0 – DraftPREPARED BY: Pieter Erasmus / EFFECTIVE DATE:
NAME: Robin Botha
NAME: ______
DATE: ______
NAME: ______
DATE: ______
IS Project Managers
Project Management provides an integrated framework for project organisation, planning and control which is designed to
· Ensure the timely and cost-effective production of all the end-products
· Maintain acceptable standards of quality
· Achieve for ihd the benefit for which the investment in the project has been made
Project Management specifically addresses Information Systems projects. It can be adapted to any size or type of Information Systems project and also includes activities required to establish infrastructure teams/plans/procedures.
This SOP defines the Standard Operating Procedure for managing IS projects
The Project Management process consists of three stages:
· Project Initiation & Planning: defines the activities necessary to set a project up for success.
· Project Control: defines the activities necessary for the ongoing management of a project.
· Project Closure: defines the activities necessary to bring a project to a successful conclusion.
This SOP does NOT include:
· Project Identification, Project Selection or Project Prioritisation
· Product related processes i.e. Project Execution (e.g. Software Development or Software Maintenance). The selected product process is dependant on the type of project and is created or selected & customised in the Project Initiation & Planning Stage of a Project.
Detail information regarding the Project Management Methodology can be accessed at http://lp-db2-01/advisor3/PLWEB/ca/template/T_PM/f_1.htm
The Project Manager, who is assigned by the IS Projects Office Manager to manage a Project, is responsible to apply this SOP to each approved IS Project and to ensure that the Project Board i.e. Project Sponsor, Customer Representative(s) and Technical Representative(s) and all Project Team Members are aware of the Processes.
A project produces a product that serves the business requirements of the customer and organisation. All groups that have a stake in a project should be business partners who ensure that the functionality, capability, timing, costs, and people interfaces are all addressed. To be successful, senior management commitment and involvement is crucial, but the business partnership at all levels of the organisation must also be developed and maintained.
Figure 1: Project Management Process Overview.
Overview: Project Initiation & Planning (Activity PM1 in Figure 1 above)
- All IS Projects will be initiated by a Project Proposal that was approved and assigned a priority by the Project Steering Committee (PSC). (Refer to Project Identification & Selection SOP No 501)
- The IS Projects Office Manager will assign a new project to one of the Project Managers to manage based on Project Manager skills and workload.
- The Project Manager will perform the Project Initiation and Planning Stage to compile a Project Plan and make the project information available on ADvisor on the Intranet using the AllFusion Process Management Suite of Software Tools. The following steps in the Project Initiation & Planning Stage must be performed:
- Project Start-up
- Project Scope
- Project Organisation
- Scheduling and Budgeting
- Business Case
- Project Control Procedures
- Project Initiation and Planning Stage Assessment
- The Project Plan will be reviewed and approved by the IS Projects Office Manager and the Project Steering Committee before proceeding with project execution.
Overview: Project Control and Execution (Activity PM2 and D1 in Figure 1 above)
- Any project will contain product related stages (e.g. Analysis, Logical Design, Physical Design, Construction & Testing and Installation) that will be executed by the project team. The product related work must be controlled by the Project Manager to ensure that the approved project plan is executed.
- Project control consists of the following:
- Stage Management
- Stage-end Assessment
- The Project Manager will perform Stage Management for each product related stage in the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).
- The Project Manager will perform Stage Management by ensuring the following tasks are performed:
a. Kick Off the Stage
b. Monitor Project Progress and Cost
c. Identify and Resolve Issues
d. Communicate and Market Project
e. Execute Change Control Procedures
- Manage Exception Situations
- The Project Manager will perform Stage-end Assessment at the end of each stage by performing the following tasks:
- Ensure Requirements Traceability
- Review Project Deliverables
- Develop Schedule for Next Stage
- Revise and Review Project Plan
- Prepare Stage End Assessment
- Conduct Stage End Assessment
- Baseline Project Deliverables
- Complete Configuration Management Audit
- The Project Manager will perform Project Control on all product related stages until all the stages have been completed.
Overview: Project Closure (Activity PM3 in Figure 1 above)
- The Project Manager will formally close the project after the main product or deliverable of the project has been installed and is in use by the customer that requested the product.
- The Project Manager will perform the following steps to close a project
- Project Completion
- Product and Process Improvement
- The Project Manager will ensure that the following tasks are performed during Project Completion:
- Prepare & Conduct Project Evaluation
- Initiate the Maintenance Process
- Close Outstanding Project Work
- Prepare for Project Closure Meeting
- Conduct Project Closure Meeting
- Review and Baseline Project/Deliverables
4. The Project Manager will ensure that the following tasks are performed for Product and Process Improvement:
a. Collect Project Feedback and Metrics
b. Collate and Analyse Metrics
c. Analyse Product Quality
d. Complete Process Review
Detail Procedures
Work Breakdown Structure Summary List
Stage PM.PIP: Project Initiation and Planning
Step PM.PIP.01: Project Startup
Task PM.PIP.01.010: Establish Project Charter
Task PM.PIP.01.020: Confirm Project Sponsor and Project Manager
Task PM.PIP.01.030: Prepare Project Initiation & Planning Stage Schedule
Step PM.PIP.02: Project Scope
Task PM.PIP.02.010: Identify Business Drivers, Objectives, & Success Criteria
Task PM.PIP.02.020: Determine Project Scope
Task PM.PIP.02.030: Identify High Level Solution
Task PM.PIP.02.040: Review and Compile Products
Step PM.PIP.03: Project Organisation
Task PM.PIP.03.010: Define Project Organisation
Task PM.PIP.03.020: Determine Training Requirements for Project Team
Task PM.PIP.03.030: Review Project Organisation
Step PM.PIP.04: Scheduling and Budgeting
Task PM.PIP.04.010: Define Project Approach and Schedule
Task PM.PIP.04.020: Define Initial Project Budget
Task PM.PIP.04.030: Perform Risk Analysis
Task PM.PIP.04.040: Define Next Stage Activities and Schedule
Task PM.PIP.04.050: Review and Compile Products
Step PM.PIP.05: Business Case
Task PM.PIP.05.010: Determine the Project Costs
Task PM.PIP.05.020: Quantify Benefits
Task PM.PIP.05.030: Review Risk Analysis
Task PM.PIP.05.040: Perform Cost Benefit Analysis
Step PM.PIP.06: Project Control Procedures
Task PM.PIP.06.010: Customise Quality Assurance Plan
Task PM.PIP.06.020: Customise Configuration Management Plan
Task PM.PIP.06.030: Customise Communications Plan
Task PM.PIP.06.040: Customise Progress Reporting Procedures
Task PM.PIP.06.050: Customise Problem Reporting Procedures
Task PM.PIP.06.060: Customise Issues Management Procedures
Task PM.PIP.06.070: Customise Cost Control Procedures
Task PM.PIP.06.080: Define Exception Management Procedures
Task PM.PIP.06.090: Define Other Project Controls
Task PM.PIP.06.100: Review and Compile Products
Step PM.PIP.07: Project Initiation and Planning Stage Assessment
Task PM.PIP.07.010: Complete Project Plan
Task PM.PIP.07.020: Review Project Plan
Task PM.PIP.07.030: Prepare Stage End Assessment
Task PM.PIP.07.040: Conduct Stage End Assessment
Task PM.PIP.07.050: Complete Process Review
Task PM.PIP.07.060: Baseline Project Plan
Stage PM.PCTL: Project Control
Step PM.PCTL.01: Stage Management
Task PM.PCTL.01.010: Kick Off the Stage
Task PM.PCTL.01.020: Monitor Project Progress and Cost
Task PM.PCTL.01.030: Identify and Resolve Issues
Task PM.PCTL.01.040: Communicate and Market Project
Task PM.PCTL.01.050: Execute Change Control Procedures
Task PM.PCTL.01.060: Manage Exception Situations
Step PM.PCTL.02: Stage End Assessment
Task PM.PCTL.02.010: Ensure Requirements Traceability
Task PM.PCTL.02.020: Review Project Deliverables
Task PM.PCTL.02.030: Develop Schedule for Next Stage
Task PM.PCTL.02.040: Revise and Review Project Plan
Task PM.PCTL.02.050: Prepare Stage End Assessment
Task PM.PCTL.02.060: Conduct Stage End Assessment
Task PM.PCTL.02.070: Baseline Project Deliverables
Task PM.PCTL.02.080: Complete Configuration Management Audit
Stage PM.PCL: Project Closure
Step PM.PCL.01: Project Completion
Task PM.PCL.01.010: Prepare & Conduct Project Evaluation
Task PM.PCL.01.020: Initiate Maintenance Process
Task PM.PCL.01.030: Close Outstanding Project Work
Task PM.PCL.01.040: Prepare for Project Closure Meeting
Task PM.PCL.01.050: Conduct Project Closure Meeting
Task PM.PCL.01.060: Review and Baseline Project/Deliverables
Step PM.PCL.02: Product and Process Improvement
Task PM.PCL.02.010: Collect Project Feedback and Metrics
Task PM.PCL.02.020: Collate and Analyse Metrics
Task PM.PCL.02.030: Analyse Product Quality
Task PM.PCL.02.040: Complete Process Review
Stage PM.PIP: Project Initiation and Planning
take the ideas and intentions of a group of people who see the need for a project in their organisation and convert them into a formal, planned, resourced and funded project
in a way that
· clearly and explicitly defines the objectives and scope of the project
· develops an overall schedule of activities and resources required to carry out the whole project
· develops a detailed schedule of activities and resources required to carry out the next stage of the project
· defines a project organisation structure which can be used to effectively manage and carry out the necessary work
· establishes a convincing business case for the project
· gains commitment and approval to the project from the appropriate level of senior management
so that
· the project is firmly set up for success
· the probability of producing a high quality product on budget and on schedule is maximized
The Process Flow of the PIP Stage is depicted in Figure 1: Project Management Process Overview
Figure 2: Project Initiation & Planning Process Flow
Step PM.PIP.01: Project Startup
establish a charter for the project
in a way that
· the mission of the project is fully explained
· project scope and boundaries are clearly identified showing what's inside the scope and what's outside
· major deliverable(s) are documented describing what the project is to produce
· assumptions are laid out in an understandable manner
· project organizational requirements are defined
· quality assurance program that will be applied
· rough order of magnitude of project costs
so that
· a guide is established for the operation of the project
· management has an understanding of the project costs and achievements to be made
· mappings can be made against the corporate strategic plan
Task PM.PIP.01.010: Establish Project Charter
1. If an approved Project Proposal does not exist, the IS Projects Office Manager must first apply the Project Identification & Selection SOP to ensure that the requested project is approved first and an approved Project Proposal is supplied to the Project Manager
2. The Project Manager will compile a Project Charter from the PSC approved Project Proposal. (See APPENDICES
3. Appendix 1: Project Charter).
Task PM.PIP.01.020: Confirm Project Sponsor and Project Manager
1. IS Projects Office Manager confirms that a Project Sponsor has been appointed for the Project.
2. IS Projects Office Manager distributes Project Charter to Project Sponsor for Review
3. IS Projects Office Manager selects and assign and brief a Project Manager to manage the Project.
4. Project Manager updates the Project Charter with Project Sponsor views.
5. Identify Key Resources that may be of assistance in the Project Initiation & Planning Phase.
6. Project Manager drafts the preliminary Project Organisation Chart (See Appendix 2: Project Organisation). Apply the Project Organisation Technique in the Process Library.
Task PM.PIP.01.030: Prepare Project Initiation & Planning Stage Schedule
The Project Manager:
1. Plans the activities (work breakdown structure), effort, resources, and time scales for the Project Initiation & Planning Stage by reviewing any previous studies addressing the area of interest.
2. Creates a blank project in Project Engineer.
3. Create a project level task and rename it to the Project Name
4. Import the PIP kernel and demotes to a Stage level
5. Identifies other projects that are closely associated with the proposed project and review them with the appropriate Project Managers.
6. Reviews the activities in Project Initiation & Planning Kernel and customises the PIP WBS.
7. Identify resources to perform Project Initiation & Planning Stage.
8. Requests Project Office Console Administrator to create new resources in POC (Project Office Console)
9. Imports required resources into from POC into Project Engineer
10. Assigns resources to tasks in Project Engineer
11. Estimates the effort for each task per resource.
12. Updates the schedule based on available resources
13. Check Project file into POC and schedule project using Project Planner
14. Determines any constraints that must be observed during Project Initiation & Planning
15. Documents any assumptions that have been made in producing the schedule
16. Creates a Project Initiation & Planning Stage schedule and make available in Advisor by changing the status from ‘Plan’ to ‘Schedule’.
Step PM.PIP.02 – Project Scope
establish the project scope and clearly define the project boundaries
in a way that
· takes into account the project background, including previous and related initiatives
· uses pictures instead of words whenever possible
· identifies the Business Objective that is the underlying reason for the project
· clearly defines the objectives of the project in relation to the Business Objective
· identifies the major business requirements that the project must meet
· identifies the constraints the project must work within
· clearly and explicitly defines what the project will and will not cover
so that
a clear and commonly understood target and benchmark is available to project members and other interested parties by which they can steer the direction of the project and assess the quality of the final product.
Task PM.PIP.02.010: Identify Business Drivers, Objectives, & Success Criteria
1. Project Manager, with the help of a Business Analyst, conducts a series of Interactive Development and/or interview sessions with the business and management representatives to identify major objectives and critical requirements for the new project.