SOL Review US/VA History 2017, 3rd and 4th 9 Weeks Project.
Questions 1-65 due by March 23rd , 24th; questions 66-126 due by April 20th, 21st 2016. is a great place to start.
Your SOL study packet you receive from me is an excellent resource as well.
You do not have to write the question! You must use complete sentences for writing your answer!
All students must hand write this assignment. I will not be taking any digital submissions for this assignment. This assignment will be a big part of your grade in the 3rd 9 weeks & 4th 9 weeks.
Colonial America
1. Why did Europeans travel to and settle in the English colonies?
2. How did their motivations influence their settlement patterns and colony structures?
3. In what ways did the cultures of Europe, Africa and the Americas interact in the colonies?
4. What were the consequences of the Interactions of European, African, and American cultures?
5. Explain the economies of each of the three colonial regions.
6. How did the economic activity and political institutions of the three colonial regions reflect the resources and /or the European origins of their settlers?
7. Why was slavery introduced into the American colonies?
8. How did the institution of slavery influence European and African life in the colonies?
9. What were the major arguments for and against the Constitution of 1787 in the leading Federalist and Anti-Federalist writings and in the ratification debates?
10. Who were the leading Federalists and Anti-Federalists in the pivotal ratification debate in Virginia?
American Revolution
11. What differences existed among Americans concerning the separation from Great Britain?
12. How did the Declaration of Independence become a road map for the new republic as it extended the franchise, provided for equality of opportunity, and guaranteed “unalienable rights”?
13. What were the colonists major issues with British rule leading up to the Revolution?
14. What were the major ideas of John Locke and Thomas Paine?
15. How did the ideas of John Lock and Thomas Paine influence the Declaration of Independence?
16. What factors contributed to the victory of the American rebels during the Revolutionary War?
17. How did Chief Justice John Marshall, a Virginian, contribute to the growth of the United States Supreme Court’s importance in relation to the other branches of the national government?
18. Why did competing political parties develop during the 1790s?
Articles of Confederation
19. How did America’s pre-revolutionary relationship with England influence the structure of the first national government?
20. What were the major characteristics of the Articles of Confederation?
21. What weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation led to the effort to draft a new constitution?
The Constitution
22. How did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention balance competing interests?
23. What compromises were reached at the Constitutional Convention?
24. Explain the major ideas of the Constitution of the United States?
25. What were the arguments for and against the ratification of the Constitution?
26. What was the Bill of Rights? Why was it added to the Constitution?
27. How was the Bill of Rights influenced by the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom?
Early America
28. How did President Washington nationalizing the debt increase the power of the national government?
29. How are Shay’s Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion similar? Different?
30. Why was Thomas Jefferson’s inauguration so significant to our new government?
31. What was the significance of Marbury vs. Madison?
32. How did the purchase of Louisiana increase the power of the national government?
33. What were the causes of the War of 1812? The results?
34. What national principle did the Supreme Court case McCulloch vs. Maryland reinforce?
35. What was the Monroe Doctrine? Why was it so significant?
36. List the major factors that influenced American westward migration during the first half of the 19th century?
37. What technological advances made the trip out west easier?
38. List the seven major American land acquisitions from 1803-1853 and their details.
Age of Jackson
39. In what ways did political democracy change in the years following the War of 1812?
40. How did Andrew Jackson represent the views of his supporters as President?
41. Why did Americans begin moving west during the age of Jackson?
42. What major issues divided America during the first half of the 19th century? (1800-1850)
Civil War
43. What were the causes of the Civil War?
44. What were the major political events of the Civil War?
45. Explain the major battles of the Civil War.
46. Who were the key leaders of the Civil War? Explain their roles in the war.
47. Why did the Southern states secede?
48. Did any state have a right to leave the Union?
49. Was Lincoln right to use military force to keep the Union intact?
50. How did the ideas expressed in the Emancipation proclamation and the Gettysburg Address support the North’s war aims?
51. What was Lincoln’s vision of the American nation as professed in the Gettysburg Address?
52. How did the Civil War affect African Americans and the common soldier?
53. What was the war’s impact on the home front?
54. What were the consequences of the war and Reconstruction?
55. What were the postwar contributions of Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, and Frederick Douglass?
56. Explain the three Reconstruction plans. (Lincolns, Presidential, and Congressional)
57. What was the impact of Reconstruction on the American south?
58. What happened to race relations at the end of Reconstruction in the South? What was the African American response?
Westward Migration
59. What is Manifest Destiny?
60. What factors influenced American growth and expansion in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century?
Industrial Revolution
61. What was the Industrial Revolution?
62. What fueled the modern industrial economy?
63. How did the Industrial Revolution change America?
Progressive Era
64. How did the excesses of the Gilded Age contribute to the development of the Progressive Movement?
65. What were the goals of the progressives? What were their accomplishments?
66. Explain the reason for the growth in Union membership in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s?
67. Why did the United States abandon her traditional isolationist foreign policy?
68. How did the United States expand her influence in the world?
69. Why did the U.S. become involved in WW1?
70. How did the American and European visions of the postwar world differ?
71. How did the failure of the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles leave the world?
Roaring 20’s
72. How did radio, movies, newspapers, and magazines promote challenges to traditional values?
Great Depression
73. What caused the stock market crash of 1929?
74. What were consequences of the stock market crash of 1929?
75. What were the causes of the Great Depression?
76. How did the depression impact the lives of Americans?
77. How did the New Deal address the problems of the Great Depression?
78. What impact did the New Deal have on the role of the federal government?
79. How did the United States respond to increasing totalitarian aggression in Europe and Asia in the 1930s?
80. What caused America’s abandonment of neutrality in WWII?
81. What was the overall strategy of America and its allies in during WWII?
82. How did America’s strategy during WWII reflect available resources and the geographical scope of the conflict?
83. Explain the turning point battles of WWII?
84. How did minorities contribute to the war effort during WWII? How did those contributions reflect the social norms of the time?
85. What was the purpose of the Geneva Convention?
86. How did the treatment of POW’s differ around the world during WWII?
87. What was the Holocaust and who were its victims?
88. How were the Americans of Japanese descent treated after U.S. entry into WWII and why?
89. How did the media and communications assist allied efforts during WWII?
90. What were the political, social, and economic consequences of WWII?
91. What was the short-term and long-term significance of the Holocaust?
92. How did the United States organize and distribute its resources to achieve victory during World War II?
93. How did women and minorities contribute to America’s efforts during World War II?
Cold War
94. What are the origins of the Cold War?
95. How did the U.S. respond to the threat of Communist expansion?
96. What were the roles of NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War?
97. Explain the early events of the Cold War. (American fear of nuclear attack, McCarthyism, the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis)
98. What was the Impact of the Cold War on Americans at home?
99. What was the Impact of the Viet Nam War on Americans at home?
100. How did American military forces defend freedom during the Cold War?
101. How did internal problems affect the collapse of the Soviet Union?
102. What was President Ronald Reagan’s role in the collapse of the Soviet Union?
103. How did the United States redirect her goals and policies in the post-Cold War era?
104. How have presidents shaped American policy since 1988?
Civil Rights Movement
105. What was the significance if Brown vs. Board of Education?
106. What roles did Thurgood Marshall and Oliver Hill play in the demise of segregated schools?
107. How did Virginia respond to the Brown Decision?
108. What was the role of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights movement?
109. How did the 1963 March on Washington influence public opinion about Civil Rights?
110. How did the legislative process advance the cause of Civil Rights for African Americans in America in the 1950s 1960s?
111. How did the NAACP advance civil rights for African Americans?
Modern America
112. In what ways have women altered the traditional world of work?
113. What issues concern working women?
114. What factors have drawn immigrants to the United States?
115. What immigrant groups account for the bulk of American immigration?
116. How have Asian and Hispanic immigrants influenced American society and culture?
117. How has the accessibility to improved technology and communication affected American culture?
The Supreme Court
118. How has the membership of the United States Supreme Court changed to become more diverse over time?
119. How have the decisions of the United States Supreme Court promoted equality and extended civil liberties?
120. What factors have drawn immigrants to the United States?
121. What are some contributions made by immigrants?
122. What issues are currently being debated related to immigration to the United States?
123. Explain outsourcing and off shoring, and their impact on America?
Reagan Revolution
124. What was the impact of the “Reagan Revolution” on federalism, the role of government, and state and national elections since 1988?
Our Government and the national economy
125. What are the roles that government plays in the United States economy?
126. What role has the United States played in a world confronted by international terrorism?