Saint Joseph’s Primary
January Newsletter
Welcome back everyone!
Happy New Year and very best wishes for 2017 to all of our families and friends of St Josephs.
Thank you again for your support during our festive calendar. The children’s performance was fantastic and a shining example of our pupils’ skills.
Staffing Update
Mr Geoghegan our P6 teacher is currently absent to undergo knee surgery so Mrs Campbell has taken on the role of P6 class teacher in his absence. We wish Mr Geoghegan a speedy recovery.
We have welcomed three new learning assistants to our team this session: Miss Rippon and Miss Flanagan to our Rainbow Bases and Miss McKie to our mainstream setting.
Learning and Teaching
We are now teaching P3-7 in smaller maths sets and our evaluations tell us children are being well challenged and supported in each group. This allows improved pupil/teacher ratios and opportunities for support.
In term 2 all children were exposed to a Financial Education Focus week to help children understand the four Aspects of Financial Capability: Understanding, Competence, Responsibility and Enterprise. Our Financial Education Focus Week concluded with our very successful and enjoyable Christmas Enterprise morning and School Fayre. Thank you to our Parent Council for supporting and funding our Enterprise ideas.
Sustainability Focus Week
This week our children have been learning about Global Goals through our Learning for Sustainability Focus Week.
P1-3 Under the Sea – Marine Pollution,
P4-5 Energy
P6-7 Campaigning for Change
Our sustainability focus week is a whole school approach that enables our children to build the values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and confidence needed to develop practices and take decisions which are compatible with a sustainable and equitable society.
Skills for Learning Life and Work
Next week our children will be involved in a Skills for Learning, Life and Work Focus Week. During this focus week we will have a number of partners and professionals visiting our school to help children learn about various career paths which are available to them in the wider world of work. We have arranged visits from Medical Students, Emergency Services, Local Business and outings to Clydebank College to ensure we are working in partnership with local business and learning with and from others.
These experiences planned for our children within our SLLW Focus week will:
· equip our children with personal and learning skills that enable individuals to become effective lifelong learners
· develop the five core skills of communication, numeracy, problem solving, information technology and working with others
· Develop vocational skills that are specific to a particular occupation or sector
We recognise that all children and young people need to be flexible and adaptable, with the capacity to continue developing the new skills which they will need for the rapidly changing challenges of life, learning and work in the modern world.
Parents or Carers who would be interested in sharing their specific job experience, career journeys or skills then please get in touch with Mrs Lowing ASAP so that we can adapt our plans to ensure you are involved.
1+2 Languages Spanish Focus Day
In line with our School Improvement plan Miss Blaney and Mrs Quinn have been planning Spanish Focus Day for all classes which will take place on 8th and 9th February. Look out for pictures on our website!
Interdisciplinary Learning Topics
We will be learning about the History of Scotland as part of our planned Interdisciplinary Learning this term within People, Past and Society. Our children will learning about a variety of topics within the context of Scottish History:
P1- My History
P2- The Story of Clydebank
P3- The History of the Clyde
P4- New Lanark
P5- The Scottish Wars of Independence
P6- The Jacobites
P7- Divided City Novel & Performance
Information regarding educational trips in line with our IDL will follow. On Monday 13th February I have planned for Hopscotch Theatre Company to deliver a performance of ‘Scotland – The Nation of Innovation’ which links well with our learning of Scottish History and our STEM experiences. We will share pictures of this event on our website.
Parents and friends are welcome to attend our Sharing the Learning Showcase on 24th March @ 1.30pm. Children love this day and love showing off their hard work and learning; it would be great to see you there.
First Ministers Reading Challenge
Scottish Book Trust, on behalf of the Scottish Government, is delivering an exciting new reading initiative for children in Primary 4 – 7:The First Minister’s Reading Challenge.
We believe that reading has the power to change lives, and developing a love of reading in childhood can have a huge impact on educational attainment and future wellbeing.
Our Primary 4-7 children will be participating in this fantastic initiative, with our main aim being to encourage children to read widely, explore a range of books and develop a love of reading. The main focus of the Challenge is to encourage reading for pleasure and support schools, libraries and communities to build reading cultures.
World Book Day
On Thursday 2nd March we will celebrate 20 years of world book day. Children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character and take part in a variety of activities to celebrate the pleasure of reading. Further information will follow.
P4 will be learning about Eco issues from WDC representatives in school on Monday 16th January, they will talk about Zero Waste means reducing the unnecessary use of raw materials; re-using products where possible and recovering value from products when they reach the end of their lives either through recycling, composting or energy recovery.
Health and Wellbeing
I am delighted to inform that we successfully achieved a Silver Sports Award from Education Scotland. This award was applied for by our Health and Wellbeing Committee: a mixture of pupils, volunteers, staff (teachers, learning assistants and catering manager). Last session we gathered evidence on all of the physical activities and opportunities available in our school and this was recognised through the award. Well done everyone!
We have an enviable range of sporting opportunities taking place within the school. Every child should have their PE kit each day as they will normally take part in some physical activity most days. Please keep–an-eye out for notes in bags detailing opportunities available to your child this term.
Planned health and well being sessions taking place this term are:
P5 swimming lessons Thursdays beginning 19th January through to 23rd March 2017.
P1 will attend a Mini-Movers Festival on 24th January.
P3 will receive four Multi-Sports inputs from our partners at West Dunbartonshire Leisure Sport Development. These inputs will take place on Tuesday 14th, 21st, 28th Feb & 7th March.
P7 Divided City
This term Primary 7 will continue working with our neighbours Edinbarnet Primary and the Citizens Theatre to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in Literacy, Health & Wellbeing, Religious Education and Drama. This project involves the children engaging in a Novel Study about the religious tension in Scotland through a gripping tale about two Glaswegian boys, one Celtic fan, one Rangers fan, who must find their own answers in a divided world. A full day rehearsal will take place on Monday 20th March, with a performance on Tuesday 21st March. Further information will follow detailing performances.
Religious Education
P6 have been invited by Archbishop Tartaglia to a Deanery Mass on Friday February 10th, to begin preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation which they will receive next session. Our children will be involved in leading the mass with other children from a variety of schools. I will confirm arrangements in due course.
We will be having a meeting for parents of children in P3 and P4 who will be receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion this year on Wednesday the 22nd February at 6.30pm for P3 and 7.30pm P4 in the school hall.
Ash Wednesday
We will be attending Mass in St Joseph’s at 9.30am on Wednesday the 1st March. Please join us if you can. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. During Lent each class will choose a fundraising activity to raise money for SCIAF.
Throughout Lent our P6 & P7 children will deliver the Stations of the Cross as part of their Pope Francis Faith Award and in partnership with Fr Benneth.
We will also have an Easter Service led by our Pope Francis Candidates. Further information will follow.
As in previous years we will have an Easter Egg Competition. Children are encouraged to decorate a boiled egg in the theme of their IDL Topic for Term 3. This competition will take place on 31st March. Information will follow.
St Joseph’s Day Celebration
In line with the Liturgical Calendar we will celebrate St Joseph’s Day on Monday 20th of March. We will attend mass in the morning at 9.30 followed by a St Joseph’s Day Tea and a class treat of their choice. Any cake donations for our tea would be greatly appreciated. Please join us at mass and at our tea if you can. All family and friends welcome! Thank you in advance of your support.
Mini Vinnie’s
Our Mini Vinnie pupil group will be continuing to work in partnership with St Vincent de Paul community group. This term our pupils group will be in touch to inform you of their latest project which will take the form of a clothing collection (unwanted but in good conditions) for Oznam Centre.
Please note the car park at the P1-2 entrance is solely for the use of Rainbow Base pick up and drop offs. It is essential for pupil safety that all parents adhere to this.
Please do not park/drop off here or in the main school car park, this will also save school staff the difficult task of having to approach individual parents or contact community police.
If you have a concern regarding this situation, please contact Mrs Lowing or the community police direct.
Head Lice
Head Lice At the start of this new term I would like to thank all parents for their support last year in making regular head checks when washing their children's hair in order to reduce the number of incidences of head lice in the school. Please continue this practice and inform the school in confidence as soon as an outbreak is noticed.
Attendance and time-keeping
Our attendance and late-coming statistics are on the whole very good, thank you. Please continue to ensure you contact the school office as soon as possible if you know your child will be absent. It is vital that we have updated contact numbers in case of an emergency; please text or call to update numbers that have been changed since August.
We have a small group of children/families who continue to be a little bit late some days for school. Accumulatively this does still result in lost learning and disruption to classes and office staff. It also places the late children in the awkward position of having to enter school and class late (where class teachers are always pleased to have them attend). Please aim to improve this, this term, if it applies to your family.
School Uniform
Can I remind you that St Joseph’s uniform is: plain navy trousers, navy skirt or navy pinafore with navy cardigan or jumper. Light blue polo shirts or light blue shirt with school tie is acceptable. A number of children are coming to school with hoodies or non-uniform jumpers, or not wearing school ties, which is not in line with our high standards of uniform. Please try to support us in ensuring we maintain this high standard that is often positively commented upon by visitors and helps contribute towards our very positive ethos and school community in St Joseph’s. School ties can be purchased from our school office.
Tempest photographers will be in school on Monday 6th March. Details will follow shortly regarding orders etc.
I was lovely to meet some of our new Primary 1 children and parents for next session at our recent Enrolment Week. We are looking forward to inviting our new children to a series transition visits, to help them settle into their new school setting. This year we will use the context of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ traditional tale, to plan a variety of Literacy, Numeracy, STEM and Health and Wellbeing experiences within play.
We are currently preparing for our P7 Transition to High School. Mr Bell and Mrs Williams will be meeting with staff from St Peter the Apostle to ensure the transition for all of our children is positive and that all of our children’s individual needs are met. I will confirm dates of visits ASAP.
P6 & P7 Kingswood Residential Trip
A representative from Kingswood will be delivering a Parent/Carer Information session on Wednesday 22nd February at 5.30pm. This will be an opportunity for parents/carers to hear about activities, accommodation and resources/items needed for the experience.
All outstanding payments for Kingswood should be paid by 1st March 2017. Should you have any difficulties paying trip money, please arrange to have a chat with me in confidence.
Pupil Voice:
You spoke…we listened!
Recently our Pupil Council met to discuss ideas on how we could improve our school and ensure children have a voice and are represented. In response to their requests we have established rotas for Buddying and Tooth Brushing Systems. Mr Seymour has fitted mirrors in our toilet and our parent council are currently working hard to fund development in our school grounds and raise money for play equipment in our playground. We look forward to working in partnership with our parent council to develop our school grounds this term.
Reporting to Parents
In St Joseph’s we use a variety of methods to report to parents. We use Personal Learning Plans termly to share targets, review and evaluate learning and achievements, Monthly Reports to report on progress during months when PLP are not share at home and Pupil Progress Report Cards issued in March.