SLA-SCC Board Meeting
October 13, 2012
Action Items from Minutes
1. Robin Dodge will send out the call for nominations for next year’s board next week.
2. Newsletter editors Jennifer Pflaumer and Ruth Chung will contact Leslie Farmer to ask her for an article on the recent Professional Development Day presentation on Six Sigma.
3. Jennifer Pflaumer and Ruth Chung will also contact one of the attendees (to be identified by Drea Douglas) to write an article about the chapter’s recent field trip to the Institute for Figuring.
4. Peter Johnson will contact a person he knows who has access to a private train car to find out what it will take to set up a “Party Train” from Los Angeles to San Diego for the SLA Annual Meeting in June 2013.
5. Sara Tompson will work with Joyce Hardy and Peter Johnson to purchase the ABBY Professional version for converting the images of the archived bulletins to OCR since educators are able to get a discount on software through
6. Bill Lee will work with Sara Tompson to review the 2008 survey with an eye to creating a new, less than 10 question, member survey aimed at increasing participation in chapter events and meeting member needs.
7. Bill Lee will post a notice on the discussion list and the blog explaining that anyone may send messages to Bill or Michelle for posting on the blog.
8. Bill Lee will find out what the definition of “other” is on the discussion list and send the answer to Peter Johnson.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 12:08 pm by President Bill Lee.
In attendance: Ruth Chung, Robin Dodge, Drea Douglas, Peter Johnson, Bill Lee, Mary Lee, Lynn Lewis, Jennifer Pflaumer, Grace Rosales, and Sara Tompson
SLA-SCC Board Meeting Agenda
Saturday, October 13, 2012 - 12:00pm
FIDM Los Angeles
1. Call to order & attendance
2. Approval of minutes from February 4, April 21, and
June 9, 2012 Board meetings
3. Executive Board reports
4. Advisory Board reports
5. Remaining Unresolved Old Business
6. New Business
7. Set date for next Meeting
8. Adjournment
Minutes from February 4, April 21, and June 9, 2012 Board meetings were approved.
Executive Board reports:
Attended Annual Conference, chapter and joint cabinet meeting in Chicago July 15-18. Reported details in newsletter vol 37 #4 July/August 2012.
Attended August 18 - Day of service at Natural History Museum Library.
Attended Gersten-Sternheim fundraiser August 19, 2012.
Attended Happy Hour at La Palapa del Mar in Long Beach September 07, 2012
Attended webinar 9/20/2012 – “Strategies for a Richer Member Experience”
Hosted Board Appreciation Night at Haven Gastropub
Attended September 15 - Tour - Institute of Figuring, Los Angeles – September 15, 2012
Attended Professional Day - Utilizing Six Sigma Tools and Strategic Planning for Information Professionals, held at Southern California University of Health Sciences - September 28, 2012
Will attend SLA Leadership Webinar – “Partnering for Program Content” October 18, 2012
Nominated chapter members for chapter awards
Wrote letter of chapter support for Richard Hulser for Rose A. Vormelker Award for mentoring.
Helped with prep for Professional Development Day, Awards Dinner
Completed scanning (thanks to Kathleen Smith) & upload of archived bulletins
Participated in Web Content teleconference 09/20/2012
Jeanette Duffels is new jobline editor
Discussion notes: None
President-Elect Drea Douglas
Prior events:
July 15-18 the SLA Convention in Chicago.
August 18 - Day of service at Natural History Museum Library.
August 19 - Karen Gersten-Sternheim Scholarship Fundraiser, held at LA84 Foundation
September 7 - Happy Hour at La Palapa del Mar in Long Beach
September 15 - Tour - Institute of Figuring, Los Angeles
September 28 - Professional Day - Utilizing Six Sigma Tools and Strategic Planning for Information Professionals, held at Southern California University of Health Sciences
October 11 - Awards banquet, Alhambra.
Upcoming events:
Reception, CAAM/Natural History Museum. Denise McIver and I are arranging a reception/cocktail party on November 14 that would allow librarians a private view of the Endeavour.
Holiday party - We are looking for a new speaker, as we could not come to agreement with the prior candidate. We are partnering with LACASIST, who are arranging the date and menu. It looks like Castaways in Burbank was what most people were agreeing on, but this isn't firm.
Working with San Diego chapter for video conference featuring Deb Hunt and David Grossman on the topic of "Expanding Your Career Potential." The librarian in San Diego I was working with has left her position. I am searching for her, or whoever would replace her in this endeavor.
Discussion notes: None
Past President
Nominations: I've convened a Nominations Committee according to HQ guidelines, made up of myself, Sara Tompson, and Alison Becker. The committee can be approved at the upcoming meeting. I've secured a nominee for the position of Director-at-Large and I'm in discussions with two members for the positions of President-Elect and Communications Director. I have a list of potential candidates should these first choices turn me down.
Wiki edits: still a work in progress.
Discussion notes: The call for board nominations will go out next week.
When editing the Wiki, it may be useful to have former board members create documents outlining what they did during their term, add those to the web documents, and create links to them from the Wiki.
SCC-SLA Treasurer's report
As of Oct. 1, 2012, our accounts stand as follows:
Checking: $17,996.14
Pooled Fund: $23,917.24
Scholarship Fund: $52,474.18
TOTAL: $94,387.56
All submitted remittances for the recent Professional Day have been paid, and the sponsoring vendor for the Awards Dinner has been invoiced.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter Johnson
Treasurer, SCC-SLA
Discussion notes: Sara Tompson asked whether or not the chapter had received the annual SLA HQ allotment. Peter Johnson confirmed that it had been received and deposited.
Peter pointed out that the Pooled Fund is earning a respectable rate of appreciation, while the Gersten-Sternheim CD has a very miniscule interest rate. He noted that the scholarship fundraiser was a financial success.
SLA-SCC members as of August: 265
11 AU Full Member - AU
43 AS Student Member
34 AP Full Member - AP
15 AR Retired Member
125 AM Full Member - AM
1 AM3 Full Member - AM 3 Year
2 AG Organizational Member
2 AL Life Member
29 AE Full Member - AE
3 AF Retired Member 45
Welcomed new members:
January 2012: 5
February 2012: 8
March 2012: 5
April 2012: 5
May 2012: N/A
June: 2
July: 5
August: 0
Lapsed members:
January 2012: 10
February 2012: 11
March 2012:: 9
April 2012: 12
May 2012: N/A
June: 8
July: 12
August: 7
Discussion notes: Membership has been dropping continuously over the last few years. It may be time for a revised membership survey, but it needs to be 10 questions or less. The last one was done in 2008 and it would be interesting to review the responses from four years ago. Sara volunteered to help Bill with this.
Communications Director: Michele Fricke
We are working on a PR list – let us know where you think we should sent press releases for our events.
Evan Carlson is putting together a plan for adding more content and member participation to the website. The Web Content Team will vet the plan before a pilot implementation will take place over a three month period. We hope to start this pilot in the next month. We will keep you posted on what is happening.
Chapter Web Site Administration: Eric Bryan
Eric is maintaining the Upcoming Event calendar and looking into some suggestions/ideas brought up by the Web Content Team.
Newsletter: Ruth Chung & Jennifer Pflaumer
September/October newsletter submissions are due by October 13.
November/December newsletter deadline for submission is December 8.
Chapter Blog Posts: Michele Fricke & Bill Lee
This area is currently being used as main place for disseminating all chapter information including events.
Please let all members know that anyone can submit information and news for the blog – just email Michele or Bill for uploading to the site.
Chapter Twitter Account: Jeff Hortin
This feature is automatically tied to the blog upload.
Chapter LinkedIn Account: Jill Jensen
There is not much discussion on this site. Jill could use some support from the members.
Chapter Facebook Account: Alex Kosztowny
Alex has been posting all blog posts. There has not been much discussion on this site, but we see that people post this information on other library facebook sites.
Chapter Discussion List Administrator: Bill Lee
This continues to be a popular way for people to receive chapter information. Bill is very helpful to post to the blog when something is added to discussion list.
Web Content Team: Michele Fricke, Jill Jensen, Bill Lee, Jeff Hortin, Eric Bryan, Alex Kosztowny, Evan Carlson, Robin Dodge, Larry Zamora, Jennifer Pflaumer
Our last quarterly meeting was on September 20, 2012. We did a quick check –in about the current status of ideas/projects.
Discussion notes: None
Advisory Board reports:
(abstracted from an email from Joyce Hardy sent Friday evening)
I downloaded the trial of ABBY professional version 11 (the latest) and was able to take the files from vol 1 no. 1 and convert it to a new pdf and search it. So I think we should consider purchasing the software at approximate $169.00 and use it to convert the files from the bound volumes if we want them to be searchable.
The question of searching all the files at the same time is another question and I don't know the answer to that at this time. I spoke with Michele last night about forming a team to work on a solution to that.
Discussion notes: Peter Johnson pointed out that the chapter may be able to save a bit on the cost of the software by having an educator purchase it through Drea Douglas moved to approve purchase of the ABBY software and Bill Lee seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed.
Sara Tompson will work with Joyce Hardy and Peter Johnson to purchase the software through
There was a brief discussion about the inability to search for a specific term across all .pdf files in our archived newsletter/bulletin file directories. Although Eric Bryan has been tasked with finding the solution and implementing this search capability, there was a suggestion that maybe the problem is that the items in those directories may have been marked as “private” and therefore not available for multiple item search.
Nominations were held for the 2012 SLA-SCC awards. We received two nominees: Joyce Hardy for the Billie Connor Award and Richard Hulser for the Meritorious Service Award. Both nominations were approved by the Board. Awards were presented Thurs. night, Oct. 11, at the Annual Awards Dinner.
A write-up for the Chapter newsletter, blog and listserv is being prepared and will be sent to Michelle and Jennifer as soon as it has been completed.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn M. Lewis
SLA-SCC Awards Chair
Discussion notes: Although this year’s awards suffered from what some may find to be an apathetic response, we must remember that all of the great things that this chapter does is accomplished by volunteers whose only compensation is chapter recognition. In defense of the chapter awards, we honoring volunteers.
The awards banquet event may be better attended if it is combined with some other event; maybe the Gersten-Sternheim Fundraiser; maybe the holiday party?
Discussion List Administrator
Subscribers 377
Hold 46
Unsubscribed 53
Other 6
Discussion notes: Peter Johnson wants to know who falls into the “other” category.
Professional Development Program
The professional development program was held on September 28, 2012 at the Southern California University for Health Sciences in Whittier and hosted by former Southern California Chapter President, Kathleen Smith. The morning session focused on Six Sigma and was presented by Lesley Farmer and Alan Safer. The afternoon session on strategic planning was taught by Neelima Firth.
Fees for the workshop were $20/students, retirees, unemployed, $25/members, and $35/non-members. There were 16 registered for the event, including two comped registrations for Kathleen and her assistant, and a guest of one of the presenters was present as well.
Special thanks to:
Ed Vasquez for recruiting EBSCOhost as a sponsor.
Peter Johnson for handling the PayPal registrations.
Bill and Mary Lee for overseeing lunch and other refreshments, and arranging for the site with Kathleen.
Discussion notes: None
UCLA Student Chapter Liaison:
UCLA SLA student officer board for 2012-13:
President: Tim Gallati
Vice President (2nd Year): Megan Gawlik & David Guerra
Vice President (1st Year): Nicoletta Beyer
Treasurer: Shannon Lane
Publicist: Jaimie Beth Colvin & Michele James
Web Admin: Kara Wheeler & Annie Tang
Student Group Liaison: Kevin Peng
The chapter will be meeting soon to plan out events for 2012-13 – classes started at the end of September. Already in the plans is a tour of KCRW and the CNN studios in Hollywood, and a joint tour of JPL with students from the CSUN/UNT program.
On behalf of the chapter, I am overseeing for the second consecutive year the "Jumpstarting Your Career in Grad School” program to be held at FIDM on October 20th which is graciously being sponsored by the Southern California Chapter. Scott Brown and Kim Dority are presenting but as of Oct. 10th, only three students had formally registered for the program. It has been pushed to multiple lists, the other student liaisons, and other online LIS programs, as well as having been posted on Facebook and LinkedIn. I have been in contact with Scott and Kim and we are in agreement that the workshop will be cancelled if there are not fifteen registered by this coming Monday, Oct. 15.
The announcement for the program is at
Discussion notes: None
Vendor relations
Sponsor obtained for Professional Development Day 9/28 $500 from EBSCO
Sponsor obtained for the Awards dinner 10/11 $500 from S&P Capital IQ
Working on sponsor for Holiday Event. Need to know date and venue.
Discussion notes: As in the past, the holiday party is being planned in co-operation with LACASIS, and there is a need to convey the urgency in nailing down the final date and venue for this event to guarantee sponsorship.
SLA International Liaison
SLA is working on a Website redesign, which should be released by the end of 2012. This redesign will streamline the site’s appearance and make it easier for SLA members to find the resources they use most often, such as membership benefits, information about events (e.g., the Annual Conference and Leadership Summit) and learning opportunities (certificate programs, Webinars, and podcasts), and networking and career tools (including the membership directory, chapter/division/caucus activities, discussion lists, and job boards).