Social Studies SIOP Lesson Plan

Teacher: Robert Ovsak, PASS Alternative High School

Time Required:

Grade: 10-12

Title: “CU L8R in AZ”

Theme/Unit: Emergence of the modern United States / Industrialization and Labor Relations

Emergence of the modern United States / Industrialization and Labor Relations / “CU L8R in AZ”
Strand 1: American History. Concept 7: Emergence of the Modern United States PO 1. Analyze how the following aspects of industrialization transformed the American economy beginning in the late 19th century: d. Labor movement (e.g., Bisbee Deportation). PO 3. Analyze events which caused a transformation of the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: f. World War 1, g. Red Scare / Socialism.
Strand 2: World History. Concept 8: World at War PO 1. Examine the causes of World War 1. PO3. Explain the end of World War 1 and its aftermath: a. Russian Revolution.
Strand 4: Geography. Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms. PO 2. Interpret Maps and images.
Strand 4: Geography. Concept 2: Places and Regions. PO 1. Identify the characteristics that define a region: a. physical processes such as climate, terrain, and resources b. human processes such as religions, political organization, economy, and demographics.
Strand 5: Economics. Concept 1: Foundations of Economics. PO 5. Interpret economic information using charts, tables, graphs, equations and diagrams.
Content Objective(s)
Students will identify the causes, events and outcomes of the Bisbee Deportation of 1917. Through the final newspaper projects, students will be able to demonstrate the differing view points and class systems found in the early 1900s mining industries’ owner/management and the deported striking miners.
Language Objective(s)
Listening & Speaking ELL III – Intermediate
Students will express their ideas and listen to a partner’s thoughts about striking options in response to day one’s bell work prompt.
Reading ELL III – Intermediate
Students will distinguish meanings to vocabulary terms through the individual reading of the Bisbee Deportation 1917 overview.
Writing ELL III – Intermediate
Students will compose a deportation summary letter to a loved one on the back of a postcard.
Key Vocabulary
Cattle Cars
Strike (Unions)
I.W.W. (International Workers of the World)
World War 1
Phelps Dodge
Walter P. Douglas
Henry Wheeler
John Campell / Materials
Bisbee Deportation of 1917, a University of Arizona Web Exhibit
Bisbee Deportation of 1917 Overview:
Vocabulary Square handout (attached)
Primary source “Significant Mineral Deposits in AZ” Map:
Real Player video “The Bisbee Deportation of 1917: A Management-Labor Conflict in Arizona”:
rtsp:// – or -
Video worksheet (attached)
Day 3 Bellwork (attached)
15-20 copies of the AZ Daily Star or any available newspaper (dates can vary)
Bisbee Postcard take home final assessment worksheet (attached)
Technology Integration
Smart / Promethean Board
Computer (Real Player and student use of Windows in computer lab)
Internet -

Day 1

Bellwork – Students will be posed with a short writing prompt on the SMART board that will be read aloud and explained by the teacher. The prompt will continue into a “think-pair-share” exercise. Students will receive about 5 minutes to complete the prompt and then will turn to a partner nearby and discuss results. Following their pair share, we will share results as a class and discuss labor conditions and strikes as a class.
Vocabulary - Students will continue working in mixed level pairs by reading the Bisbee Deportation overview and filling out the provided vocabulary square worksheets (sheet of paper divided into fourths: term, drawn symbol, overview or dictionary definition, and sentence). Although we will discuss the terms as a check for understanding at the end of the class, any unfinished terms should be completed as homework due the following class.
Links to past learning - Students will enter this unit having freshly finished learning about World War I. Students will also use past lessons on historical point-of-view / perspectives when learning about the past as well as prior knowledge of the use of political cartoons in printed media.
Lesson Sequence

Day 1

1.  Bellwork Prompt: “Imagine you have been working for McDonalds for a little over a year as a cook. Although you feel the job is ‘ok’ you are often required to work 10-15 hours of overtime a week without extra pay and have not received compensation for the serious burn you received on your forearm while at work. Some of your co-workers also feel like they are working too much and have not been treated fairly. You all wish to stay with McDonalds because nothing beats a Big Mac, but, you wish to see your conditions improve. List all the possible positive and negative ways you and others can go about creating better working conditions. Has anyone ever experienced unfair treatment at work?”
2.  Group work / sharing: Students will take 5-10 minutes share their ideas / experiences in pairs or in small groups before entering a class discussion.
3.  Discussion Questions: (Ask a student to be the writer on the Smart board to create a list of positive and negative approaches to fixing the labor problem while the class engages in the discussion).
·  What ways would you go about improving conditions?
·  Do these actions always work?
·  When have they?
·  When haven’t they?
·  Do you have any experience in such actions?
4.  Transition: Explain that we will begin a 3-4 day unit on labor conditions in the late 1800s early 1900s Southwest mining industries. More specifically, we will study the labor-management relationship in a copper mining town named Bisbee, AZ during a historic event of discrimination known as the “Bisbee Deportation of 1917”.
5.  Vocabulary: The teacher will provide each student a copy of the overview and the vocabulary square worksheets. The teacher will also model the worksheet using the word “copper” for the first term. The last 10 minutes of class will be dedicated to recap and discussion of the vocabulary as a check for understanding of terms.

Day 2

1.  Bellwork (to be completed and discussed in 5-10 minutes) – Primary source map interpretation. A large copy of the “Significant Mineral Deposits in AZ” map found at the University of Arizona Bisbee online exhibit would be placed on the Smart Board along with three questions.
1. According to the map, what kind of minerals have been found and mined in Arizona?
2. Name the towns found near major copper deposits.
3. Why might towns be located near copper districts as opposed to the other minerals found in Arizona?
After students answer the three questions, we will discuss the answers/thoughts as a class.
2.  Review: Teacher will lead a review of vocabulary terms presented to students the previous day by asking students at random to give a definition or sentence to specified term. The teacher will also check for completion of the worksheet but will not collect as the terms will be useful during the final project.
3.  Independent / Listening / Writing: Teacher will present “The Bisbee Deportation of 1917: A Management-Labor Conflict in Arizona” video and worksheet to students. The teacher will prepare students for video by going over the directions and the seven questions for understanding. Students will watch video and and write down responses to each question (does not need to be complete sentences). Teacher may stop the video at the question points to check for understanding. The video should be followed by a class discussion of the video.

Day 3

1.  Bellwork: Students will be provided with a bellwork worksheet containing information from UA’s Bisbee Deportation website about the nationalities and lives of deportees. Students will use math and reasoning skills to answer the four questions. A short discussion of answers should follow.
2.  Group work: Introduction – Students will be broken into varying skill level groups of four as pre-determined by the teacher. The teacher will ask the groups to brainstorm and identify three current events. Tell each group that they will have one student present their events to the class after a few moments. After we have discussed their current events (which should range from the serious [e.g. Iraq war] to the not so serious [e.g. Paris Hilton goes to jail]) ask students to share the medium by which they discovered or heard about the story. Create their list on the Smart Board. Next, ask the groups to think historically: “How did people during 1917 hear about the Bisbee deportation?” Place the modes of news telling next to their current list on the Smart Board.
3.  Group work assignment: Students will be given the assignment to create a realistic front page of a newspaper dated July 13, 1917 about the previous day’s deportation of miners. Groups will be assigned roles as either a Phelps Dodge/Calumet-backed newspaper or a pro-laborer/I.W.W. journal. Student groups must turn in the following information by the end of Day 3: each person’s role, the name of their newspaper and the main message their group would like to convey in reporting on the July 12 deportation.
Day 4 (5 if needed)
1.  Group work: Students will spend the entire period in the computer lab developing their newspaper articles according to their assigned roles and historical point-of-view. Newspapers will be printed by day five and turned into the teacher for full credit. The assignment will be considered their culminating exercise for the unit and will be valued similar to a unit exam.
2.  Students will be given a take home postcard assignment as an individual final assessment on the final day. While the assignment will not be weighted like a unit exam, the outcome will serve as individual knowledge assessment of the materials covered.
1.  Students will be given a four-person small group assignment as the culminating exercise for the unit on labor and the Bisbee Deportation. Each group is responsible for assigning themselves four roles within the group (it should also be noted that students can help in other roles if it is needed):
a.  Facilitator/leader – makes sure each member is on task and pushing towards the goal of day five completion. The facilitator will also show leadership qualities by helping where ever needed and present their paper to the class on day five.
b.  Researcher –This student is responsible for online and textbook research about the topic.
c.  Writer – Student who does the majority of the writing and/or editing of newspaper content.
d.  Artistic Designer – This student is responsible for the artistic design, layout, photographs and political cartoon.
2.  Each group is responsible for conveying the message of their assigned role (corporate owner or union laborer) within the retelling the events of July 12. All newspapers should contain a name (e.g. “Daily Star”), date, front-page headline and story, photograph, a political cartoon and contain at least 6 of the unit’s vocabulary terms. Newspapers can be typed or hand written in ink.
Students will write a postcard from the point-of-view of a deported miner to a loved one that describes the events of July 12, 1917 as well as the miner’s feelings about the journey and uncertainties of the future. The assessment will be given as a take home assignment.
The above lesson was taken from the University of Arizona’s online exhibit of the Bisbee Deportation found at and was adapted and added to in order to fit the SIOP outline.