SHPO Directory Application

Archaeological Positions

1. Applicant:


City: State: Zip:

Phone number:


2. Employer Information:

Firm Name:


City: State: Zip:

Phone number:


3. Education:





4. Archaeological Positions: I request listing in the SHPO Directory as:
Principal Investigator/Project Director
Supervisory Archaeologist/Crew Chief

Principal Investigator/Project Director:

(choose A or B)

A. Standard Qualification— NMAC

Graduate Degree in Archaeology, Anthropology or Closely Related Field

30 months Full-Time Professional Experience including:

18 months under supervision of professional archeologist

12 months in New Mexico at the supervisory level (crew chief or higher) OR

12 months in or relevant to the cultural resources of New Mexico at the supervisory level

preparation of reports demonstrating professional application of archaeological theories, methods, practices in identification, evaluation and treatment of archaeological resources (document on CV)

B. Pursuant to Section F of NMAC, I request the CPRC consider my combined education, training and professional experience in lieu of the specific requirements in Section A(1) of NMAC.
Provide a short statement on how your education, training and experience have provided you with the skills and knowledge to design archaeological projects, direct/supervise fieldwork, conduct/supervise analyses, and produce reports on the results of the work.


Supervisory Archaeologist or Crew Chief

(choose C or D)

C. Standard Qualification— NMAC

Bachelors Degree in Archaeology, Anthropology or Closely Related Field; and

Field School OR 1.5 months full-time excavation experience in lieu of field school



12 months full-time professional experience in NM OR

12 months full-time professional experience relevant to the cultural resources of New Mexico


D. Pursuant to Section F of NMAC, I request the CPRC consider my combined education, training and professional experience in lieu of the specific requirements in Section A(1) of NMAC.

Provide a short statement on how your education, training and experience have provided you with the skills and knowledge to design archaeological projects, direct/supervise fieldwork, conduct/supervise analyses, and produce reports on the results of the work.


5. Required attachments: This application will be considered incomplete without the following attachments and will not be forwarded to the CPRC for their consideration of your application.

Curriculum vitae

Work experience chart *

Official transcript OR notarized diploma

* The work experience chart MUST demonstrate that you meet the minimum number of months for each requirement for the position(s) as detailed in A or B for Principal Investigator/Project Director and in C or D for Supervisory Archaeologist/Crew Chief.

6. Certification: I certify that all the information provided by me in connection with this form is true and complete, and I understand that any misstatement, falsification, or omission of information may be grounds for removal from the SHPO Directory.

This form must be signed and dated.

________________________________________________ ______________

Signature – Applicant Date

