<School Name>


Mutual Expectations Document

<School Year>


Principal Name:______

Teacher Name: ______

This document is intended to create a shared understanding of the school culture, professional expectations, and supports that are provided at <insert school name here>

School Mission Statement: <insert>

Principal Vision Statement: <insert>

School Culture: At <insert school name here> staff can expect:

  1. Example: A culture of high expectations for each and every one of our students despite actual or perceived ability.
  2. This is your opportunity to share with teachers the culture that you will have at your school…

Focus on Teacher Effectiveness: This is your opportunity to discuss how teachers will use data in order to measure student gains and ultimately drive student achievement.

1.Guiding Question: How will teachers be expected to track student data?

2.Guiding Question: How frequently will teachers be required to roll student data up to your leadership team?

3.Guiding Question: What benchmarks will you establish for monitoring student gains?

4.Guiding Question: How will your school define “significant gains” for their students?

Professional Expectations: At <insert school name here> staff are expected to :

Administrator Expectations: This is your opportunity to address the following:

  1. Guiding Question: What is the process if there are classroom management problems?
  2. Guiding Question: What is the process for documenting student behavioral issues?
  3. Guiding Question: At what point should a student be sent to the office?
  4. Guiding Question: How often will I be observed and by whom?
  5. Guiding Question: What are the school’s student achievement goals?
  6. Guiding Question: What are the other school-wide goals?

Standards/Curriculum Based Expectations:

  1. Example: Each classroom will have a word wall posted aligned to state’s current standards.
  2. This is your opportunity to share your curricular based expectations with your teachers.

Conduct Based Expectations:

  1. Example: Teachers are expected to arrive on campus at 7:00 a.m.
  2. Example: Teachers are expected to monitor the halls during class transitions.
  3. This is your opportunity to share your expectations for how teachers govern themselves on your campus

On-Campus Professional Meetings Expectations:

  1. Example: Teachers are expected to attend weekly faculty meetings help on Tuesday afternoons at 3p.m. in the library
  2. This is your opportunity to share your expectations for your teachers in school-based meetings

Professional Development:

  1. Example: Teachers are expected to attend district provided classroom management training sessions within the first three months of working at <insert school name here>
  2. This is your opportunity to share your expectations for your teachers’ ongoing professional development.

Performance Evaluations:

  1. Example: Teachers will undergo formal evaluations three times a year. Evaluations will be performed by either <insert principal name> or another member of the leadership team.
  2. This is your opportunity to share the process for performance evaluations in your school.

Alternatively Licensed Teachers (if applicable):

  1. Example: Teachers on alternative licensure are expected to be in good standing with the district and making adequate progress toward becoming fully licensed.
  2. This is your opportunity to share your expectations teachers on your staff that are currently on alternative licensure

Staff Support: At <insert school name> teachers can expect to be supported in the follow ways:

Instructional Support:

  1. Example: Instructional coaches will be on hand to provide you with ongoing instructional support.
  2. This is your opportunity to discuss the instructional supports that will be provided to teachers at your school

Mentoring Program:

  1. Example: All new teachers at <insert school name> will be matched with a veteran teacher that will serve as there mentor through their first year at <insert school year>. Matching will be based content.
  2. This is your opportunity to share the support your teachers will be provided through mentoring.

Logistical Support:

  1. Teachers will be provided with access codes to the copier machine. Each teacher is allowed to print 500 copies a week.
  2. This is your opportunity to share the logistical supports that you will provide to teachers at your school


Principal Signature


Teacher Signature

© TNTP 2012