The Region 7 Education Service Center Head Start Policy Council met on Monday, January7, 2013, at 12:05 p.m. at the Region 7 ESC Building, Dogwood Meeting Room in KilgoreTexas for a regularly scheduled meeting.
Members present at the meeting included:
Carrie Sprinkle, Fruitvale; Cynthia Anderson, Elysian Fields; Tina Turner, Henderson; Jeanne Lustig, Jacksonville- Fred Douglas; Rebecca Llanes, Kilgore; Heather Fisher, Laneville; Rocio Percaz, Bramlette- Longview;Regina Leatch, Ware- Longview;Kathleen Simmons, Ned Williams- Longview; Maria T. Garcia, New Summerfield; Mandy Dunlop, Rusk; Crystal Hartman, Van; Timberly Hall, Gregg County Community Rep.; Issac Johnson, Longview- J.L. Everhart; Melinda Munoz, Palestine -WECC; Maria Rubio, Cherokee CountyCommunity Rep.; Carla Caldwell, Rusk CountyCommunity Rep.
Staff members present included:
Cathy Gaskin, Karen Hurst, Jackie Jones, Laura Lopez, Petra Santana, Tracy Stewart, Deidra Sutton, Gail Thomas, Nancy Welch,Marilyn Williams, and Felicia Woodard-Shaw all of Kilgore; Dona Pitstick of Longview- Bramlette.
Guests present:
No guests were present.
Welcome and Introductions
Nancy Welch, Director of Head Start, welcomed all presentand introduced staff members present. Nancy Welch reviewed the Basic Rules of Order.
Call to Orderand Approval of Minutes
The Policy Council meeting was then called to order by Timberly Hall,President, at12:05p.m. The first order of business is approval of the November 2012Policy Council minutes. Ms. Hall asked the members to review the minutes and if no changes were necessary then a motion should be made to approve. No changes were necessary and a motion to approve the minutes as proposed was made by Jeanne Lustig, Jacksonville- Fred Douglas. The motion was seconded byHeather Fisher, Lindale. All were in favor of approving the November 12, 2012 Policy Council minutes and the motion carried unanimously.
New Business
Action Items:
Region 7 ESC Early/Head Start Community Assessment 2012-2013
The Comprehensive Community Assessment for 2012-2013 was reviewed by Petra Santana, Program Design and Management Coordinator. The purpose of the Community Assessment was discussed, as well as an in depth overview of data supported within the report. Nancy Welch reiterated that the Community Assessment is used to drive decision-making for the program.After time for review and opportunity for discussion, no discussion was initiated. A motion was made to accept the Community Assessment Report for 2012-2013 by Crystal Hartman, Van and was seconded by Mandy Dunlop, Rusk. The motion carried unanimously.
Region 7 ESC Early/Head Start Organizational Chart
The Region 7 ESC Early/Head Start Organizational Chart was reviewed by Nancy Welch. She explained the way in which the program is organized regarding the hierarchy of the positions and supervisory duties of those in each relevant area. The Council reviewed the chart for a short time, was given the opportunity to ask questions or discuss the information, but no discussion was initiated. A motion to accept the Organizational Chart was made by Heather Fisher, Lindale and was seconded by Issac Johnson, Longview- Everhart. The motion carried unanimously.
A memo from Ronnie Hemann, Deputy Director, regarding personnel recommendations was reviewed by Nancy Welch, Director of Head Start. Mrs. Welch stated that even though the school districts hire the teachers, Policy Council must approve the hiring. No New Teachers were presented and the Teaching Assistants presented for approval included: Dahlia Miles, Gladewater ISD; Erin Jones, Palestine ISD; and Hollie Reese, Longview ISD/Bramlette campus. No new Head Start Family Service Workers were presented for approval; however one of the Head Start Office Staff, Meagan Gibbons, Administrative Assistant was reassigned to the Assistant Director, Felicia Woodard-Shaw.
A motion was made by Carla Caldwell, Rusk County, to accept the personnel recommendationsandseconded byRebecca Llanes, Kilgore. The motion to accept the new hires as recommended carried unanimously.
Non-Action Items:
Mental Health/Disabilities Presentation
Karen Hurst, Mental Health and Disabilities Coordinator, presented information regarding the component staff and their service areas, as well as an overview of how each component serves children and families in Head Start.The floor was opened for additional discussion and review. There were no questions.
Program Reports and Updates for Head Start and Early Head Start
Nancy Welch explained each area of the Program ProgressReport, including how the Program Goals tie into the report. Nancy Welch noted that student attendance is on target according to Head Start Standards, but that care should be taken in maintaining healthy practices such as washing hands often with soap and water to keep germs away during this time of the year when so many fall ill and miss school or work. Nancy Welch reported that the Head Start monitors will be present to review the program during the week of January 28 – February 1, 2013. Parents and Policy Council members will be asked to attend interview sessions as requested by the monitors. There were no questions.
Financial Report/Credit Card Expenditures/Budget Training
The final report of the 2011-2012 financial statement was reviewed by Nancy Welch. The financial statement for Head Start / Early Head Start for the month of November 2012 was next for review. Nancy Welch explained the details of this report including what was spent and why expenditures were necessary. The report for December 2012 should be available later this week. The Council members agreed that they would like to receive it with their February meeting packet for review, instead of getting it as a separate mailing in January.There were no additional questions.
Other Discussion
Marilyn Williams, PFCE Coordinator, discussed the upcoming Parent Convention being held in Marshall, Texas on March 26, 2013 at the East Texas Convention Center. Additional information will be sent home soon to each family with details about the topics offered and the consultants presenting the information. Felicia Woodard-Shaw ensured each Policy Council representative had the appropriate Travel and Child Care Vouchers needed and provided guidance on completing and turning in these forms. Nancy Welch stated that the next Policy Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 11, 2013 at 11:30 a.m. No additional discussion was necessary.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made byCarla Caldwell, Rusk County, and seconded by Rebecca Llanes, Kilgore. The motion carried unopposed and the meeting adjourned at 1:00p.m.
Timberly Hall,President
Head Start Policy Council
Nicole Diosdado,Secretary
Head Start Policy Council
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