SHFC March 2011 Newsletter, Rev-DRAFT
P.O. Box 621489
Littleton, CO 80162-1489
March 2011 Newsletter
Lockheed Martin's Workplace Security policy, CPS-565 is strictly enforced. One provision of the policy is a workplace free of weapons, which includes Firearms, Ammunition, Bows and Arrows. The club must emphasize this policy to our members. Additionally, a state issued CCW permit does not supersede nor over ride this LM policy. Members wanting to store firearms or archery equipment during the day ONLY, must contact Gene Adamson (303-971-1531) or Dave Mulholland (303-977-3674) for access instructions.
Call Plant Protection (7-4646) if you have an incident or injury on the range.
President’s Corner
(Range Status)
As you all know we are still working with LM to arrive at a final solution for re-opening our firing ranges… The SHFC Board of Directors (BOD) will be meeting again with LM during the March time frame to discuss these final issues,… We really appreciate the membership's patience over the last months, and reassure you that the SHFC BOD is working this situation as timely as possible, and will keep all members informed as to our status…
Membership Info
Membership dues have not been formally collected as of 21MAR11 – see below for more info
· 2011
o Since the range has been closed by Lockheed Martin since October, the BOD voted to make a one-time adjustment in club dues for existing club members. Dues for 2011 will be $36 minus any workbond (up to 4 hours at $9/hr).
o If you DID your workbond (and there are still opportunities to get 2010 workbond in), you will pay $0 for 2011.
· 2012 and ON (dependent on upcoming By-Law revision approval)
o Workbond hours increased to 8 hrs per year (was 4 hrs per year).
§ The increase in hours is needed to accomplish all of the items now required to keep the range open.
o Workbond value increased to $15/hr (was $9/hr)
o If you choose to NOT perform any workbond your dues will be $156/year
o However, if you DO your workbond (8 hrs/year) you will continue to pay just $36/year
§ For current members, if you do your 8 hours of workbond during the 2011 fiscal year, the $120 workbond cost never comes out of your pocket!
· New Members
o Joining in club fiscal year 2011
§ $72 + initiation fee ($50). Total: $122
o Joining in club fiscal year 2012
§ $156 + initiation fee ($50). Total: $206
o So, tell your friends to join in 2011!
Reminder: Club’s fiscal year is 01MAR thru 28FEB of each year – dues are for fiscal year)
*Additional 2011 renewal information is forthcoming in a special e-mail from John LaRue*
John LaRue is the SHFC membership chairperson for all new member application and renewals. You can contact John at 303-977-9807 or e-mail () with any inquiries about joining the club or renewing your membership.
winter Season road conditions
At this time the range is open to all archery activities, so during our entire winter season please drive with extra care during the slippery winter road season. Four wheel drive is recommended. Winter weather may cause some parts of our roads to be impassable at times. LM is responsible for road maintenance and snow removal and has indicated that every effort will be made by their subcontractor to maintain the road. If the Road Closed sign is displayed at the front gate, do not attempt to access the range. Even without the sign, you are responsible to judge the road conditions for yourself. If you get stuck or have an accident, call Plant Protection at 303-977-4646. Also dial 911 for medical emergency.
Newsletter inputs
If you have club related pictures, stories, member news, comments, suggestions or questions, please e-mail them to me . All inputs must be received by the 25th of the current month to be included in the upcoming newsletter.
Upcoming 2011 Member meetings and GATHERINGS
The Board of Directors meets monthly on the first Monday of each month. General Membership meetings are held quarterly on the second Monday of the month.
General Membership Meetings
· 13JUN11
· 12OCT11
· 12DEC11
Range Safety Class
· RSO Training Class #1(already full) – see April Newsletter for more info on the RSO plan
· April – pending approval from Lockheed Martin to re-open
Special Gatherings
· Annual Bull Roast and Swap Meet – Exact date TBD
MARCh board of director minutes
Skyline Hunting and Fishing Club
Meeting type:
Board x Membership □ Other □
Board Attendance:
Jim Cathcart (President) x Tom Frickell (Vice President) x
Walter Tang (Recording Secretary) x Brian Sompayrac (Corresponding Secretary) x
Tom Moore (Treasurer) x Tim Anderson (Past President) x
Sherry Woodard (Director 2011) x Wally Hill (Director 2012) □
Gene Adamson (Director 2013) x
3 March 2011 Board Meeting called to order 5:15 pm. Tim Anderson has Wally Hill proxy.
David Harrison presented status of Fishing Committee. Will create inventory of fishing equipment available for member loan.
Comment that all committee chairs should have an inventory list of club property they manage.
Tom Moore reviewed 2010 budget.. Motion to close 2010 budget. Motion passed to close 2010 budget.9-0
President indicated insurance coverage does not cover the fire event. LMSSC representative spoke to insurance carrier and is aware of situation. SHFC has increased insurance coverage to $10 million as requested by LMSSC.
Gene Adamson presented motion to provide free membership to existing membership for 2011. Motion modified to reduce 2011 dues for existing members to $36. Motion passed 9-0
Motion to change 2011 workbond to 8 hours per year at $15 per hour and 2012 dues changed to $156. Example at 2012 renewal, for existing member with 8 hours of work bond dues is $36. By-law change and member vote required, Details to be provided at next members meeting and newsletter. Motion passed 8 to 1
Motion from Sherry to add new Steel Challenge Shooting Event using SCCA rules and targets on alternating Thursdays from Cowboy Action. Details to be provided to members in newsletter Motion passed 9-0
Motion to re-instate the plinking range. Jim noted the 100 yard target shed has been moved and berm removed. Location will need to be determined. Motion passed to re-establish plinking range at TBD location. 7-2
Jim Cathcart reported excellent turn out for February 26 work party, over 40 volunteers. Range work to meet LMSSC demands are complete. All gongs and stands removed, rocks removed from target backstops and other areas, vegetation properly trimmed back. Will schedule LMSSC tour so they can confirm work at meeting with company. Several primer coats applied to pistol house interior. Tom to schedule work party for final paint coat.
Work is progressing well to reopen range. Board and committee members have met several times in the past weeks to work RSO plan and range rules changes.. Disciplinary plan still need to be worked. Expect to have meeting with LMSSC HR VP mid March and hoping we’ll get minimal if any additional issues to resolve before range re-open with all the prep work we’re doing.
Committee News
Additional work bond items are being identified as part of the range reopening activities. Current work bond jobs can be found at the website . Click the “Workbond “ tab and then “ Job List”. If you want to volunteer for one of the jobs or a task you think needs to be done please contact the Work Bond Chair, Norm Viste at or 303-980-7131. Work Bond that you volunteered for with a specific committee should still be coordinated through that committee chair who will coordinate with Norm. Thank you for your help and participation.
Over the last few weeks a number of work parties have been held at the range to get things in tip top shape for the upcoming reopening. Activities have included everything from vegetation removal (fire mitigation) to carpentry and painting. The BOD would like to thank everyone who has come out and put in a lot of hard work. Not only are we meeting the necessary requirements but we are also doing some much needed maintenance. Wait till you see a fully color coordinated range! In particular, Tom Moore deserves an extra special thank you for heading up the work parties and his never ending list of things that are “DONE”. If you want to find Tom – look at the range – he is likely there working more items off the list just about every day of the week. Thanks Tom for your extraordinary dedication to the club!
Regular Hunter Ed
The 2011 schedule for the rifle and archery regular hunter education is listed below. The current instructors are Gene Adamson, Jeff Edwards, Mitch Arnold, Don Biesecker, Dave Unruh, Jim Gilmore, Ron Steen, Mike Jacobs, Mike McKaig, Ken Ruiz, Margaret Rothermel, Clayton Allen, Bob Ventura, and Jim Ball. Hunter Education always needs help in both the classroom and range. If you are interested in helping out in either the rifle and/or archery hunter education courses contact: Gene Adamson at 301-971-1531 or Mitch Arnold at 303-977-2117 and we’ll get you started.
Regular Hunter Ed students must attend the 3 classroom sessions (Tues, Wed, & Thurs; 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.) and the range session (Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.) to complete the course. All classes will be held at the clubhouse in the SHFC recreation area. You must attend all four days in a month’s session. Cost for the class is $10. Pre-register by calling Mitch Arnold at 303-972-8983 or Bob Ventura at 303-953-1966. A minimum of 10 students are needed at the first class to continue the class. Classes are open to the public.
Upcoming dates for 2011 Firearm Hunters Ed:
(Three classroom sessions, One Range Day)
Apr 26, 27, 28 & 30 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wen & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
May 17, 18, 19 & 21 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wen & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
Jun 21, 22, 23 & 25 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wen & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
Aug 23, 24, 25 & 27 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wen & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
Sep 27, 28, 29 & Oct 1st 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wen & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
Oct 18, 19, 20 & 22 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wen & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
Nov 15, 16, 17 & 19 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wen & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
Dates for 2011 Archery Hunters Ed:
(Complete Course, 3 days)
Jun 8 1800 to 2100, Wed
Jun 9 1800 to 2100, Thur
Jun 11 0800 to 1400, Sat
(Advanced one day course)
May 7 0800 to 1700, Sat
Jul 10 0800 to 1700, Sat
Archery Committee NEWS & Hunting Report
When SHFC receives the LMSSC HR and Plant protection permission letter to archery hunt on LMSSC property for the 2011 season, the entire membership will be informed. This is part of the CWD control plan requested by the CDOW:
* The boundaries will probably be similar to 2010, with some minor changes.
* Only personnel who are SHFC members in good standing effective April 1 of the current year will be allowed to archery hunt the LMSSC property during the 2011 season.
* Anyone wanting to archery hunt the 2011 season must complete their 2011 work bond (any committee type) (Guests are exempt, but encouraged, from this requirement) prior to obtaining a 2011 permit.
* The definition of immediate family who may be a guest hunter includes spouse, child, grandchild, & parent of SHFC members.
* The following personnel are NOT included on the list given permission to archery hunt on
LMSSC property as a guest or member
* Brothers & Sisters, in laws, nephews, uncles, etc of SHFC members
* SHFC members who work for either the government or a subcontractor.
Other requirements include
* Must attend the safety/security briefing & hold a permit issued by plant protection
* Be in possession of a valid DOW hunting license
* Possess an archery hunter education card
The archery hunter education card will be required for all personnel prior to getting a hunt permit for 2011. Your regular hunter ed. card will not be adequate if you desire to get a permit to archery hunt on LMSSC property in 2011.
If you are interested in archery specifics contact: Mitch Arnold at 303-977-2117.
See April’s newsletter for March’s fishing report – you are going to like it!
SHFC will continue to offer a youth shooting sports programs this year. This will consist of Firearm Safety Training, Small Bore Rifle, High Power Rifle, Shotgun, and Muzzle Loading. We will also be hosting Boy Scout shooting events. The programs are COED, and open to all youths between the ages of 12 through 19 and who have a valid safety or NRA firearms safety card in their possession for admittance to the SHFC range. A parental permission form is required. At this time Paul Monce is the contact for all youth shooting programs, including the Explorer Scout shooting programs. Paul can be reached at 303-977-3823. His e-mail is: .
The shotgun program will consist of informal trap shooting, a trap league, and a couple of trips to a sporting clays range. We also have an opportunity to register one or more teams (5) in the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Scholastic Trap Program. These teams will participate in the Colorado State Shoot. Winners at the state level will get an expenses paid trip to the Grand American Tournament