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University of Connecticut: Ph.D. in Management, 1998.
Dissertation: The effects of the actual and perceived glass ceiling on perceptions of promotion fairness.
London Business School: M.B.A., 1988.
Boston College: B.A. in Communications, 1983.
Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China (Fall 2009 until today)
Visiting Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Summer School 2008-2010).
Associate Professor, CEU Business School, Hungary (2008-2009).
Visiting Program Professor, Tsinghua University, China (Spring 2007 to July 2008).
Visiting Scholar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2005-2006).
Assistant Professor, Drexel University (2002-2005).
Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2000-2002).
Lecturer, Richmond American International University in London (1998-2000).
Doctoral Student/Instructor, University of Connecticut (1994-1998).
Research Associate, Harvard Business School (1993-1994).
Zhang, L.Q., Ngo, H.Y., Loi, R., Foley, S., & Zheng, X.M. (in press). Perceptions of organizational context and job attitudes: The mediating effect of organizational identification. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management.
Foley, S., Ngo, H.Y., & Loi, R. (in press). The adoption of high performance work systems
in foreign subsidiaries. Journal of World Business. Published in the Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD).
Ngo, H.Y., Loi, R., & Foley, S. (2011). Human resource flexibility in foreign subsidiaries:
An empirical investigation in Hong Kong. International Journal of Business Studies, 19(2).
Ngo, H.Y., Foley, S., & Loi, R. (2009). Family-friendly work practices, organizational
climate, and firm performance: A study of multinational corporations in Hong Kong.
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30(5): 665-680.
Ngo, H. Y., Lau, C. M., & Foley, S. (2008). Strategic human resource management, firm
performance, and employee relations climate in China. Human Resource
Management, 47 (1): 73-90.
Foley, S., Ngo, H. Y., & Loi, R. (2006). How do cultural types affect work-related
attitudes? The mediating role of perceived organizational support. International
Journal of Employment Studies, 14 (2): 37-62.
Weer, C., Greenhaus, J. H., Colakoglu, S. N., & Foley, S. (2006). The role of maternal employment, coping strategies, and gender in college students’ expectations of work-family conflict. Sex Roles, 55 (7-8): 535-544.
Foley, S., Ngo, H. Y., & Loi, R. (2006). Antecedents and consequences of perceived gender discrimination: A study of solicitors in Hong Kong. Sex Roles, 55 (3-4): 197-208.
Ngo, H. Y., Foley, S., & Loi, R. (2006). The effects of cultural types on perceptions of justice and gender inequity. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17 (6): 983-998.
Foley, S., Linnehan, F., Greenhaus, J. H., & Weer, C. (2006). The impact of gender similarity, racial similarity, and work culture on family-supportive supervision.
Group and Organization Management, 31 (6): 420-441.
Loi, R., Ngo, H. Y., & Foley, S. (2006). Linking employees’ justice perceptions to organizational commitment and intentions to leave: The mediating role of perceived organizational support. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 79: 101-120.
Foley, S., Ngo, H. Y., & Lui, S. (2005). The effects of work stressors, perceived organizational support, and gender on work-family conflict in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 22: 237-256.
Bowes-Sperry, L., Kidder, D., Foley, S., & Chelte, A. F. (2005). Just on a team or on a just team? The influence of justice and collectivism on student learning in a team environment. Journal of Applied and Behavioral Management, 7: 4-24.
Ngo, H. Y., Foley, S., & Loi, R. (2005). Work role stressors and turnover intentions: A
study of professional clergy in Hong Kong. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16 (11): 2133-2146.
Foley, S., Ngo H. Y., & Wong, A. (2005). Perceptions of discrimination and justice: Are there gender differences in outcomes? Group and Organization Management, 30 (4): 421-450.
Ahlstrom, D., Foley, S., Young, M. N., & Chan, E. S. (2005). Human resource strategies in post-WTO China. Thunderbird International Business Review, 47 (3): 263-285.
Loi, R., Ngo, H. Y., & Foley, S. (2004). The effect of professional identification on job attitudes: A study of lawyers in Hong Kong. Organizational Analysis, 12 (2): 109-128.
Ngo, H. Y., Foley, S., Wong, A., Loi, R. (2003). Who gets more of the pie? Predictors of
perceived gender inequity at work. Journal of Business Ethics, 45 (3): 227-241.
Foley, S., Kidder, D. L., & Powell, G. N. (2002). The perceived glass ceiling and justice perceptions: An investigation of Hispanic law associates. Journal of Management, 28 (4): 471-496.
Foley, S., & Kidder D. L. (2002). Hispanic law students' perceptions of discrimination,
justice, and career prospects. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 24 (1): 23-37.
Foley, S., & Powell, G. N. (1999). Not all is fair in love and work: Coworkers' preferences for and responses to managerial interventions regarding workplace romances. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20 (7): 1043-1056.
Powell, G. N., & Foley, S. (1998). Something to talk about: Romantic relationships in organizational settings. Journal of Management, 1998 Yearly Review Issue, 24 (3): 421-448.
Foley, S., & Powell G. N. (1997). Reconceptualizing work-family conflict for business/marriage partners: A theoretical model. Journal of Small Business Management, 35 (4): 36-47.
Greenhaus, J. H., & Foley, S. (2007). The intersection of work and family lives.
In H. Gunz and M. Peiperl (Eds.), Handbook of Career Studies. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage Publishing Company.
Foley, S. (2005). Managing Creative Practice: An International Study of Women in Arts Management. In L. B. Lengel (Ed.), Intercultural Communication and Creative Practice: Women, Performance, and Civic Discourse in Global Contexts (pp. 241-260). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Powell, G. N., & Foley, S. (1999). Romantic relationships in organizational settings:
Something to talk about. In G. N. Powell (Ed.), Handbook of Gender & Work.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing Company.
Foley, S. (1994). Cola Wars Continue: Coke vs. Pepsi in the 1990s. Harvard Business School Case #9-794-055, prepared under the supervision of Professor David B. Yoffie. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Foley, S. (1994). Wal*Mart Stores, Inc. Harvard Business School Case #N9-794-024, prepared under the supervision of Professor Stephen P. Bradley. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Foley, S. (1994). Swissair’s Alliances (B) 1991-1994. Harvard Business School Case #N9-794-153, prepared under the supervision of Professor David B. Yoffie. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Foley, S. (1994). Internationalizing the Cola Wars: The Battle for China and Asian Markets. Harvard Business School Case N9-794-146, prepared under the supervision of Professor David B. Yoffie. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Ngo, H.Y., Foley, S., & Loi, R Zhang, L.Q. Factors affecting standardization of high performance work systems in foreign subsidiaries: An empirical investigation in Hong Kong. Conditional acceptance at International Journal of Employment Studies, October 2011.
Ngo, H.Y., Loi, R., Foley, S., & Zhang, L.Q. Perceived job insecurity, psychological capital, and job attitudes: An empirical investigation in Hong Kong. Paper submitted to International Journal of Human Resource Management, June 2010.
Ngo, H.Y., Foley, S., & Loi, R Zheng, X.M. Work satisfaction of Chinese employees: A social exchange and gender-based view. Paper submitted to Journal of Applied Social Psychology, May 2011.
Foley, S., Ngo, H.Y., Zhang, L.Q., Loi, R., & Zheng, X.M. Social identity theory and perceived gender discrimination: An examination of mediating processes in China. Paper presented at the AAoM conference 2010 in Macau; Paper submitted to Group & Organization Management, September 2011.
Foley, S., Ngo, H.Y., & Loi, R. Antecedents and consequences of upward and downward social comparisons: An investigation of Chinese employees. Paper submitted to Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, October 2011.
Zhang, M., Foley, S., & Yang, B.Y. Prioritizing work for the family’s benefit: Work-family conflict among Chinese married couples. Paper presented at the AAoM conference 2010 in Macau; in preparation for submission to a journal. In preparation for submission to International Journal of Human Resource Management, October 2011.
Zhang, M., Foley, S., & Li, H. Work-family balance in China. Working paper.
Price Waterhouse, London, England
Management Consultant from 1988 to 1991.
Worked with clients on a project basis to formulate and implement successful strategies. Assignments included industry analyses, market entry strategies, and joint venture projects.
Ngo, H.Y., Loi, R., & Foley, S. Human resource flexibility in foreign subsidiaries:
An empirical investigation in Hong Kong. Accepted for presentation at the AIB Conference June 2011, Nagoya, Japan.
Zhang, M., Foley, S., & Yang, B.Y. Prioritizing work for the family’s benefit: Work-family conflict among Chinese married couples. Paper presented at the AAoM conference 2010 in Macau.
Foley, S., Ngo, H.Y., Zhang, L.Q., Loi, R., & Zheng, X.M. Social identity theory and perceived gender discrimination: An examination of mediating processes in China. Paper presented at the AAoM conference 2010 in Macau.
Zhang, L.Q., Ngo, H.Y., Loi, R., Foley, S., Zheng, X.M. Perceptions of organizational context and job attitudes: The mediating effect of organizational identification. Paper presented at the 2010 IACMR conference in Shanghai.
Foley, S., Ngo, H.Y., & Loi, R. (2009). The adoption of high performance work systems in foreign subsidiaries. Paper presented at the 2009 Academy of Management meeting in Chicago.
Ngo, H. Y., Foley, S., & Lau, C. M. (2006). The effect of strategic human resource management and human resource practices on firm performance and employee relations climate in China. Paper presented at the 2006 Asia Academy of Management meeting in Tokyo.
Foley, S., Ngo, H. Y., & Loi, R. (2006). How do cultural types affect work-related attitudes? The mediating role of perceived organizational support. Paper presented at the 2006 Academy of Management conference in Atlanta.
Ngo, H. Y., Foley, S., & Lau, C. M. (2005). The effect of SHRM and HR practices on firm performance and employee relations climate in China. Paper presented at the HR Leadership Forum, Shanghai, December 2005.
Allen, T. D., Greenhaus, J. H., & Foley, S. (2005). Family-supportive work environments: Further investigation of mechanisms and benefits. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the 2005 SIOP conference in Los Angeles.
Foley, S., Ngo, H. Y., & Loi, R. (2004). Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived
Gender Discrimination: A Social Identity Perspective. Paper presented at the 2004 Asia Academy of management meeting in Shanghai.
Weer, C., Greenhaus, J. H., Foley, S., & Colakoglu, S. N. (2004). The role of maternal employment, coping strategies, and gender in college students’ expectations of work-family conflict. Paper presented at the 2004 AOM conference in New Orleans.
Bowes-Sperry, L., Foley, S., Kidder, D. & Chelte, A.F. (2004). Just on a team or on a just team? The influence of justice and collectivism on student learning in a team environment. Paper presented at the 2004 AOM conference in New Orleans.
Symposium titled: The Positive Side of the Work-Family Interface (2004). Presenters
include: Gary Powell, Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, Dawn S. Carlson, K. Michele Kacmar, Joseph G. Grzywacz, Julie Holliday Wayne, Ginger C. Hanson, Leslie B. Hammer, Cari L. Colton, Tammy D. Allen, & Sharon Foley. Chair of the session: Sharon Foley. Symposium presented at the 2004 AOM conference in New Orleans.
Symposium titled: Holding Multiple Roles and Using Family Policies: Benefits and Costs. (2004). Presenters include: Bryanne L. Cordeiro, Alicia A. Grandey, Ellen E. Kossek, Brenda A. Lautsch, Susan C. Eaton, Kerrie L. Vanden Bosch, Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, Tammy D. Allen, Sharon Foley, Rebecca H. Mulvaney, Candace B. Cronin, and Julie Holliday Wayne. Symposium presented at the 2004 SIOP Conference in Chicago.
Foley, S., Linnehan, F., Greenhaus, J. H., & Weer, C. (2003). The Relation of Gender and Racial Similarity to Family-Supportive Supervision. Paper presented in the GDO Division of the 2003 AOM conference in Seattle.
Foley, S., Ngo, H. Y., & Lui, S. (2003). An Investigation of the Moderating Effects of
Gender and Perceived Organizational Support on the Relationship between Work Stressors and Work-Family Conflict. Paper presented in the GDO Division of the 2003 AOM conference in Seattle.
Loi, R., Ngo, H. Y., & Foley, S. (2003). The effect of professional identification on job attitudes: A study of lawyers in Hong Kong. Presented at the 10th Anniversary International conference on Advances in Management held in Seoul, Korea, July 2003.
Foley, S., Fu, P. P., Ng, T. W. H., & Zhao, H. J. (2002). The perceived glass ceiling in
China: A current reality or years away? Paper presented at the 2002 Asia Academy of Management conference.
Foley, S., Ngo H. Y., & Wong, A. (2002). Perceptions of discrimination and justice: Do
the outcomes differ between men and women? Paper presented at the 2002 Academy of Management conference in Denver.
Foley, S., & Kidder D. L. (2001). Hispanic law students' perceptions of discrimination, justice, and career prospects. Paper presented at the 2001 AOM conference in Washington D.C.
Foley, S., Powell, G. N., & Kidder, D. L. (1999). The Effects of the Perceived Glass Ceiling on Perceptions of Promotion Fairness. Paper presented at the 1999 British Academy of Management (BAM99) meeting held in Manchester, England.
Powell, G. N., Butterfield, A., & Foley, S. (1997). Conducting research on glass ceiling issues: Where do we go from here? Part of a joint symposium entitled, “Women on the Verge of the Glass Ceiling/Women Who Have Broken Through: Paths, Progress and Tradeoffs.” Presented at the 1997 AOM conference in Boston.
Powell, G. N., & Foley, S. (1997). Experiential learning in a global economy. Experiential paper presented at the 1997 Eastern Academy of Management meeting in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The paper won the award for Outstanding Experiential Paper.
Foley, S. (1996). Workplace romance: A justice perspective. Paper presented at the 1996 AOM conference in Cincinnati.
Foley, S., & Powell G. N. (1995). Reconceptualizing work-family conflict for business/marriage partners: A theoretical model. Paper presented at the 1995 Southern Management Association (SMA) meeting in Orlando. Published in the 1995 SMA Proceedings.
Taught courses such as:
Leadership Development
Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management
Managerial Communication
Principles of Management
Ethics and the Business Environment
Ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of Vocational Behavior
Ad-hoc reviewer for Human Relations
Ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of Management
Ad-hoc reviewer for Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Ad-hoc reviewer for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Ad-hoc reviewer for International Journal of Manpower
Ad-hoc reviewer for Human Resource Management Quarterly
Reviewer for Academy of Management, 1994 through 2004, Gender and
Diversity in Organizations Division.