SHA Assurance reporting tool: v1.2 17th January 2011

SHA Assurance Reporting Tool – January 2011

SHA assessment of the progress in implementation of Modernising Scientific Careers

Please return the completed form by: / October 21st
Please return to: / Nicola Chandler
Name of SHA: / Yorkshire and Humber
SHA contact person for this submission: / Neil R Porter / Title Lead Scientist
Email / Phone 0787 9475018
Submission approved by:
Director of Workforce: / Tim Gilpin / Director of Workforce and Education
Director of Medical Director/
Lead Scientist: / S Singleton North Cluster Medical Director/Neil Porter Lead Scientist / Clinical Development Adviser for MSC ;Lead Scientist
Date returned to DH: / Date October 19th 2011

Please complete the boxes above. Using the levels as described below, please indicate on the form the SHAs current position with an X in the box that is closest to it and give examples of evidence available to support this. Comments may be added in the final column for information and clarity.

Levels showing State of Readiness

Level 0 – not engaged
No evidence of engagement at this stage.
Not able to implement as waiting for external changes. / Level 1- passive
Cascades national guidance to HEIs, NHS Trusts, FTs and PCTs. Reacts effectively to address priorities and risks; evidence of improvements in processes in the system, specific programmes and initiatives in place to develop the system and address topical issues, but these tend to be fragmented. / Level 2- reactive
Clear strategy in place for developing the system and a programme of support and assurance. Robust processes in place demonstrating tangible results.
(plus level 1)
(plus level 1) / Level 3- proactive
Fully embedded assurance systems and development programmes across the region leading to demonstrably improved outcomes; SHA strategy and plans constantly evolving; disseminates lessons learnt / best practice; supports other SHAs and / or influences national policy.
(plus level 2)

For support completing this form please contact Nicola Chandler on 07908 761755 or email

Levels of engagement / Level 0 / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Actions & progress since previous round / Planned actions & next steps following this round /

1. Implementation, planning, engagement and communication

There is an overarching implementation plan in place, covering all aspects of the project to phase in the new education and training programmes from Autumn 2010 and 2011. / √ / Y and H Action plan produced and sent to DH for approval. All Trust representatives have copies of this .
Scientist trainees have been appointed and started their programmes.
PTP placements have been organised for Bradford University / Finalising numbers for 2012 intake of STP and actively discussing PTP courses and requirement for 2012
Arrangements are in place for the project management of the overarching implementation plan that are clear and compatible with the local and national structures governing the development of MSC / √ / SHA MSC leads have project managed to date and have spent considerable time establishing HR nominated contacts for each of the Science Divisions in each of the Acute Trusts in the SHA
Workshops held in July with all Science divisions / More meetings with local HEI’s
Apprenticeship options being discussed with Colleges and Trusts.
Original MSC lead plans to return to work in January
Regional communications networks have been developed to include key stakeholders (give details in narrative) and with clear terms of reference and reporting mechanisms / √ / Networks established across all Divisions . Engagement is hard work but groups becoming more focused.
NHS Employers have release d MSC quiz to HR / NHS employers to be asked to put MSC on HR directors agenda with SHA MSC lead to attend; Deputy HRDs to be engaged with MSC as more likely to be closer to the issues as they arise.

2. Training Infrastructure

Sustainable processes are in place to collect, collate and monitor training capacity within provider organisations / √ / Organisations have this as a local objective. In those Trusts with STP trainees coming in October, training capacity is being looked at. C Morgans questionnaire completed
Rotation plans currently being executed / Status report requested for October 2011.
Dialogue and networking still required as organisational understanding of work based training improves.
Arrangements are in place for
-  Workplace-based trainers
-  Placement capacity planning
-  Management of rotations and risks
(give details in narrative) / √ / Train the Trainer event held between October 10-12th. Clash with national event on October 11th did not help and not resolved by DH despite requests.
SHA has been helping to resolve numerous issues as they have arisen re. placement capacity and management; progress being made in adapting placement management model previously used for CTCP scheme across MSC trainees. / Rotation issues still require resolution in Clinical Engineering
Placement capacity still a problem in Pathology
More detailed scrutiny required going forward re. ability to provide placement capacity before hosting trainees.
A clear process is in place for monitoring the quality of trainees’ placement experience / ü  / HEIs have employers fora to assess this and their own governance arrangements with providers
SHA has regular contract meetings with HEIs and service partners / Clarification of how this will be provided by HEI’s out of SHA region required
We will collate trainee and trainer experience from all of the units taking trainees
Evidence of partnership working with HEIs / ü  / HEI’s have been invited to each of the Science division Implementation Groups.
Met with Leeds Uni re PTP provision for Cardiac Physiology and Audiology in 2012
SHA Attended Accreditation event at Bradford Uni in October / Moving forward with Bradford on PTP placements with Life Science and Clinical Engineering.
Need to rebuild bridges where HEI has failed to secure STP course in case of retender in 2012 – clarity needed on this soon or will be too late again for some HEIs to consider internally.

3. Workforce Planning

Plans are in place to raise capacity and capability of service organisations to workforce plan for HCS services / ü  / A progress report template has been circulated to all of the Implementation Group participants
It is the main project for one of the EA sites which has convened a permanent HCS council
Same EA sites is revisiting profiling exercise using the Pathology Tool in the next 3 months
Workshops were held in July for all three science divisions to scope STP ,PTP and Associate requirements for 2012 working with Finance and Workforce Planning colleagues / This is gradually becoming an obvious requirement across al the Science divisions
We will continue to raise this at the Implementation Group meetings
Follow progress with use of workforce planning tool in EA site
Explore use of Calderdale approach for Bands 2-4
Local networks ensure continued monitoring of workforce data and specific reporting of workforce demand and training capacity / ü  / All sites contributed to the ESR cleansing exercise in Jan 2010. One site has refreshed this in 2011.
All sites have been asked to predict needs for 2012 / We will assess the requests for STP for 2012 and get more robust ideas about PTP requirements
We have additional workstreams around Band 2-4 training
HCS are included in provider workforce plans linked to service and finance plans / √ / Schedule 3 of LDA requests this information and returns are usually fully completed by all trusts. / Implementation Group participants to ensure their HR department engages with them.
One EA site has successfully agreed that its HCS Council takes ownership of this area working with HR. Much work still required though
Plans are in place for developing HCS as leaders / √ / Pathology Leaders programme commenced in September with several network members included
Agreement with Regional Leadership Director to link in with CE Transforming leaders group
Lead Scientist invited onto Regional Leadership Council / Promote organisational uptake where such courses are offered. Meet with Trust leads to ensure there is not conflicting strategies
Promote use of CPD funding for this
Report back on projects and initiatives coming from Path Leaders course

4. Preparation for Providers

Work is taking place to identify, with education providers, how resources can be used to support the introduction of the new BSc programmes / √ / Discussions ongoing with HEI’s
We have had several ,models proposed on how best to proceed / Work with finance on model to support placements, given the risk of students not being attracted to course on financial grounds
Continue to work with MSC team via teleconference and at SHA leads meetings to agree National strategy
Work is taking place to explore options for supporting HEIs to recruit to PTP training programmes / ü  / Bradford has committed to 30 places for 2011.
Joint meetings being held with Trusts to secure commitment to placements
Trusts have agreed placements / Implementation groups continue to work with HEI’s on recruitment strategy Further meetings planned with Hull and Leeds re PTP provision for 2012
Education providers have stakeholder engagement processes in place to ensure communication around curricula delivery and placement provision / ü  / All HEI’s have fora for discussion with Employers . Usually twice yearly
HEI’s well represented on Implementation Groups
Newly established Y and H MSC website on NHS networks / Broadcast and disseminate curricula information via MSC website and networks
Increase subscriber rate to local NHS network site
Communication processes are in place to ensure the education providers have access to the latest information and are engaged with national meetings as appropriate / ü  / HEI’s on Implementation Groups
Specific one to ones with HEIs
HEI’s are invited and attend National meetings / HEI Attendance at update meetings nationally when required
Train the Trainers for PTP to be confirmed
Locally, service leads are fully aware of the new PTP and STP programmes; of their role in ensuring the success of the programmes and the likely workforce implications if the programmes fail / √ / Implementation Group meetings in August and October
Presentations to York and Harrogate Trusts / Still work to be done to convince service of the benefits as many still need to be convinced of added value over previously commissioned programmes re. fitness of trainees for practice and purpose.
‘Grow your own’ trainees being actively encouraged
Presentation to Children’s Hospital in November
Local arrangements are established with FE for Assistants and Associates supported by Skills for Health- / ü  / Some programmes in place .
Significant work done on Apprenticeship programmes at two FE colleges which are targeted to commence in October this year
Failed to get good applicants for this year, so new strategy for 2012 / Joint SHA , Health and Social Academy and FE meetings to promote Apprenticeship route and map through to Associate
Explore Calderdale work in New Year

5. Preparation for Commissioning by Lead Commissioner

Realisation of and planning for MPET review implications / √ / MPET review generally supported and accepted but still no confirmation that we can begin implementation over six years as planned. / With or without MPET review, have now modelled finances within available funding envelope so progress can be made regardless of national position.
Process for identifying PTP demand and workforce placements and collaborating with /informing lead commissioner / ü  / Have done predicted need for PTP but this is being refreshed in October for 2012 / Lead commissioner will be kept abreast of progress, but otherwise not clear of what their involvement would be in PTP
Process for identifying STP demand and rotations and collaborating with/informing lead commissioner / √ / STP demand for 2012 has been collated
Predicted needs up to 2013 scoped but thought to be unrealistic and unaffordable – and do not fit with overall skill mix within MSC model. / Assess STP requests and workforce planning rationale by end of October
Requirement for agreed rotation plan is mandatory
Process for identifying HSST demand / √ / All Trusts asked to indicate requirements
recently / Collate requirements
Clear statement on SHA funding support for all the career framework / √ / The SHA has confirmed support for 2011 STP places and additional help for travelling and accommodation
Financial support for PTP under active discussion / Meeting with Finance colleagues to scope flexibility for PTP support
Need debate nationally to avoid post code allocation of student support. However, also need to acknowledge other considerable pressures on MPET budget and priorities outside of MSC that have to be addressed
Participate in National teleconference.
Arrangements in place to support co-ordination function of lead SHA / √ / This has been agreed with W Midlands.
Supported them through recruitment process with questions and assessors / Continue to participate in teleconference; still employer concerns about full engagement in process at a more local level in order to meet future requirements in less popular geographical areas.
A process is in place to commission MSC programmes including commissioning work based training components of programmes / ü  / This is being managed through W Midlands for 2011/12.
Discussions have continued following the outcome of the 2011 tendering exercise / Now that North of England Cluster is in place will scope provision across the cluster
May need to consider other options to ensure provision of this level of scientist in the region as presents a greater risk to eventual employment destination.

6. Benefits Realisation

A process is in place for collecting and reporting benefits realisation / ü  / Implementation Groups have had EA site benefits disseminated to them and will be more able to collect data of their own once they are more established / More work to be done on local and national outcome measures
Plans are aligned with the QIPP programme as part of the better ways of working / ü  / QIPP matrix work from EA Project meetings has been circulated
Article written for SHA QIPP newsletter outlining alignment
Lead scientist well linked into MSC, pathology and QIPP agendas. / Further develop links with QIPP team, but all context, documentation and discussion with partners in region is centred around this theme.
Evidence of learning from Early Adopter sites and supporting their programme of work / √ / Standing agenda item for Implementation Groups / Outcomes to be disseminated and posted on website

7. Additional Comments