European Nursing Research Foundation (ENRF)

Collaborating Centres Affiliation

Application form

This application form is to be completed in English by all candidates for affiliation to the ENRF and sent back to the ENRF Brussels’ Office, by email: or regular post: Clos du Parnasse, 11B - 1050 Brussels - Belgium. Should you have any questions, please contact the ENRF Brussels’ Office by email: , or by phone: +32 (0)2 511 34 84.


The mission of the European Nursing Research Foundation (ENRF) is to promote and encourage nursing research as a factor for professional excellence to benefit citizens' health in the EU and in Europe; use nursing research to influence EU policies (develop a strategy); and promote evidence-based decision-making. In order to accomplish this mission, the ENRF prioritizes “collaborating with national and international nursing research centres providing education and training opportunities to young researchers”(Art.3f - ENRF Constitution). A “Collaborating Centre” (CC) is ‘any institute or organization that carries out research activities relevant to nursing and collaborates in the research program of the ENRF’.


The National Nurses Associations/Organisations (NNAs) members of EFN will propose candidates to be collaborating centres of the ENRF. In the case where a centre directly asks EFN or ENRF if it could be a collaborating centre, the ENRF Secretary General will get in contact with the NNA to have an opinion about the suitability of the collaborating centre with the ENRF. It is possible to have more than one collaborating centre per country.

Once the application has been received, this will be notified by the ENRF Secretary General who will also provide a report about the Collaborating Centre application to the ENRF Board of Directors. All the applications will be analysed according to the criteria described below. It will be the ENRF Board of Directors, prior consideration of the Secretary General recommendations, who finally decides on the Collaborating Centres applications. All applications will be analysed according to the ENRF ‘Selection Criteria for the affiliation of the Collaborating Centres to the ENRF’. None of the information provided in this form will be shared with anybody other than the ENRF Board of Directors, and the experts entrusted with verifying the applications.


Be a university (or faculty/department), academic institute, foundation, association, or research centre– Hereby called ‘Institution’

Specialise in research relevant to nursing

Have “research” amongst its main aims and objectives

Have existed for at least 3 years

Have a research programme in line with the priority areas of the ENRF(Desirable Criteria)

Have submitted proposals (or been part of a consortium) to EU Calls(Desirable Criteria)

  1. General Information

Full name of the institution:
Acronym (if applicable):
Contact person:
City: / Post Code: / Country:
Tel: / Fax:
  1. About your institution

When was your institution established?


Is your institution registered?


If YES, please indicate in which country: ………………………………………………………………………………..

What is the legal status of your institution?


Is your institution officially recognised by the Government?


If YES, please specify: ………………………………………………………………………………..

Is your institution officially recognised by the European Commission?


If YES, please provide your Transparency registration number: ………………………………………………..

If YES, please provide your PIC code: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Are you a membership organisation?


If YES, please specify:

-What are the categories of membership?

  • Individuals
  • Organisations
  • Universities
  • Academics
  • Research Centres
  • Others ……………………………………

-What are the conditions or qualifications for membership?




-How many members do you have in each category? (Please indicate the names in case of member organisations)




Is your institution itself a member of other organisation(s)?


If YES, please specify which one(s): ………………………………………………………………………………………..


Does your institution have a link with an EFN member organisation?


If YES, please specify: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

What is your institution’s mission?




What are your institution’s main strategic aims?





What are your institution’s main activities and/or work? Does that include Research? (Please give a brief description)





Have your institution already submitted proposals to EU calls (or been part of a consortium)? (Please give a brief description)





What are your institution’s major publications?(Research publications, Newsletters, Bulletins, Position Papers, Magazine, Electronic materials, etc.). Please indicate title, frequency, circulation, etc. and provide one sample if possible.





What is the main (research) body in your institution?


How is your organisation funded?

  • Membership fees
  • Project funding
  • Private grants (foundations)
  • Private donations
  • EU or other publicly sourced grants
  • Other (please specify) …………………………………….

What is the total number of staff?(Please specify whether Executive or Support staff)

  • Full-time ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • Part-time ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • Volunteers …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • Senior staff (e.g. Director) …………………………………………………………………………………………..
  1. Other Information and supporting documents

What do you consider will be the benefits of the ENRF affiliation to yourinstitution?




What would your work will bring to the ENRF?




Please include here any further information that you wish to add.




Please also annex a copy of the following supporting documents (All documents have to be provided in English):

-Copy of the Statutes (Description of the legal basis of your institution or equivalent) & Internal Regulation (Official English translation);

-Copy of the current research programme;

-Copy of the latest Annual Report(if available)*;

-Any other relevant document or links to your website*.

*Do not request Official Translation

  1. Commitment

Institutions are asked to agree with the following:

In applying to become an ENRF Collaborating Centre, our institution commit to:

  • Adhere to ENRF Constitution & Internal Regulation;
  • Share the aims and objectives of the ENRF;
  • Participate in ENRF research work whenever possible with regard to the scope of action and the resources of our institution.
  • Not to act unfairly or unlawfully against the ENRF or one of its Collaborating Centres.
  • Respect the confidentiality of information provided by the ENRF and other Collaborating Centres.

I hereby certify that the information provided in this document is truthful and complete and that our institution agrees to notify the ENRF of any changes regarding this questionnaire as soon as they occur.

Date: ………………………………………….Signature: ……………………………………………………..