The notes of the Meeting of Wragby Parish Council
Held on Monday 1st October2012
in the Annex of WragbyTown Hall at 7.15pm
There were10members of the public attending the meeting.
Cllrs Mr MColeman (Chair), Miss J Thacker, Cllr V Nash, Cllr T Buxton-Rockley, Mrs J Knowles,Mr N Bailey,Mr J Sadler, Cllr D Reeves andActing as Clerk to the Parish Council - Mrs B Solly.
Public Forum
A resident questioned whether the council had heard anything about parking meters in the market place? No-one had heard anything on the council but it was acknowledged that this had been discussed in the past. A resident questioned whether the Council would be purchasing any more planters as promised previously. Cllr Nash expressed that the resident should put in a grant application for the cost. The Council had purchased the first six planters with a view to re-addressing the situation at budget time. A comment was passed about Dove Park being very well kept. A resident questioned the pedestrian access to Dove Park and the bowls club, stating that a pedestrian gate should be installed.
As the Clerk is not able to clerk the meeting the Council agreed that Bridget Sollywould take the notes for the Council meeting in her absence.
- Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman introduced Cllr Reeves and welcomed him to the Council. Cllr Coleman then thanked Cllr Nash for organising the new village signs, stating how good they looked. The Council have received some grant applications but would welcome more applications for grants – closing date is the 31st October.
- Apologies for absence
Mrs J Trotter (Clerk) – illness.
- To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act.
Cllr Sadler – (Scout and Guide hut Chairman).
Cllr Thacker – Christmas tree as manager of the Co-Op.
- Notes of the last meeting on 3rd September 2012, to be approved as minutes
The notes were signed as a true copy.
Proposed: Cllr Bailey. Seconded: Cllr Knowles. Resolved Unanimous.
- Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding
Traffic light situation reported to Highways Officer – sent onto designated department for investigation. Confirmation sought that Councillors were happy to have the block paving replaced with tarmac as outlined by Highways Officer. Have spoken to Drainage Board representative with regard to ditch and this will be progressed by them – however he did note that the ditch further down is not currently a hazard and looks like most country ditches at this time of year.
- Correspondence
Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine
LCR Magazine
E-mail from parishioner with regard to Wire Hill Lane.
Letter from Swimming Pool – Cllr Coleman informed the Council about the receipt of this letter – it was stated that Mr Wickert had been informed he would need to apply for a grant. Cllr Nash suggested that the Council could fund the Oil. It was stressed by Cllr Nash that the Swimming Pool is a very important part of the village. Cllr Coleman stated that the Council would consider any application for monies alongside those received by the end of October.
Horncastle Area Committee Meeting Information.
Electoral Review of East Lindsey Letter.
E-mail from Bowls Club - Cllr Coleman thanked the bowls club for their correspondence and suggested that members of the Council meet with the bowls club committee – 2 members of the bowls club present suggested that all councillors should meet with them to go through the issues as raised in their e-mail. It was agreed that a date be organised outside of the meeting. It was noted that should any decisions be needed the Council would have to come back to a full Council meeting.After the meeting it was agreed that Councillors would meet with the Bowls Club on the 18th October at 6:30pm Cllrs Sadler, Thackerly, Knowles, Nash and Bailey will attend.
- Finance – Accounts for Payment
Income£ 675.00 – Burial Payments
£11,800.00 - ELDC
Tudor Grounds£ 897.50
Sign of the Times£2469.60
Mrs J Thacker£ 7.50
HMRC (Post Office)£ 240.00
AON£ 44.60
Mr G Ward£ 300.00
Lincspest£ 70.87
Mrs J Trotter£ 347.23
Payments were agreed. Quarter 2 reconciliation deferred to next meeting.
Budget Discussions: Income expected is ahead of schedule. Expenditure is below forecast due to items not costing as much and other items being deferred for a couple of months. This leads to a strong financial position currently. It was agreed that further discussion would be held at the November meeting.
- Planning
S/216/01931/12 – PlayPark Equipment – THMC – no comments.
S/216/02041/12 – Sunbeam Cottage – change of use – some confusion – car parking could be an issue, safety issue, will the access encroach on the footpath?
S/216/01725/12 –The Corn Dolly – alterations – no drawn plans, in a conservation area, Cllr Nash stated that we need more details before it can be approved. There are no further details about the outside staircase. No information about the window and what it will look like.
- Working Party Updates
Cemetery - there has been a concern raised about the skip in the cemetery. The front door fell open when the skip was last filled, all the debris is falling out. There is some concern that the door will not be closed by the skip company and the skip will not be taken away. Dove Park – both the school and Rand Farm Park have expressed an interest in taking the shelter for other use at their cost. A decision will be made in November.
- Update and decision regarding Trees in DovePark
Cllr Coleman proposed that the work should be carried out but stated that JT should firstly check ownership of all trees and get 3 quotes – final decision to be made in November. Seconded by Cllr Bailey. Agreed Unanimously.
- Road Safety Partnership Update
E-mail from RSP stated that all work has been completed and the reports are currently being compiled. Nothing further until report received.
- To consider report on future steps for Parish Plan
Cllr Coleman still working on this – nothing further to report at this meeting.
- To consider and resolve any decisions regarding Parish Assets & Responsibility System (including Noticeboards)
Cllr Sadler stated that he has gone through the Council asset register. He stated that he had discovered items that need replacing or repairing alongside some that can be disposed of. More assets found that were not on the asset register. Cllr Coleman stated that a programme of repairs could be put in place soon. To be discussed under item 18.
Discussion ensued regarding the noticeboards – it was suggested that all Council notices be placed on the new noticeboard and the one at the Turner’s Arms.
Cllr Sadler will look at the grass cutting areas of responsibility for the Council. Cllr Sadler to work with the Clerk to agree replacement value for each item to update the asset register.
- To consider any further decisions regarding Grant Applications.
Cllr Sadler proposed sending a letter to previous applicants enclosing the advertisement and process documents. Seconded by Cllr Knowles. Agreed unanimously.
- To consider and resolve purchase of Christmas Tree
Tree size the same as last year – height is not an issue, broadness is. Council to look at the barriers around the tree – re access. Lights £20 per set – proposal to buy 2 or 3 more sets (up to £100).
Proposed: Cllr Buxton-Rockley . Seconded: Cllr Knowles. Resolved unanimous.
- Items for next meeting
Budget items
Grant applications
Bowls Club
Parish Plan
Shelter at DovePark
Gritting wagon – football club (JT to check about schedule for this winter with football club).
- To resolve on whether to move into closed session. Should this resolution be passed members of the press and public will be asked to leave.
Proposed: Cllr Coleman . Seconded: Cllr Nash. Resolved unanimous.
- Staffing Matters
Cllr Coleman stated that with regret the Clerk has tendered her resignation. The Clerk had stated that she would continue until the November meeting but did not want to carry on beyond then. It was agreed to advertise for a new Clerk using the same advert as previously used in the same places as previously.
Handyman –JT to formalise an advert regarding this matter to go in the Wraggoe News. JT to speak to Cllr Coleman regarding wording but the Council would like it to be an advert for expressions of interest from individuals or contractors.
Proposed: Cllr Coleman. Seconded: Cllr Sadler. Resolved unanimous.
- Close of Meeting
There being no further business the meeting closed at8:30pm.
Signature of Chair: ...... Date: ......