Minutes of the Aldworth, Brighton Hill, Challoner Local Children’s Partnership
Friday 9.3.12
Julie Churcher- Headteacher, AldworthScienceCollege
Terry Lynch- Head of Adult and Community Learning ASC
Steve Willis- Manager, Youth Support Services
June Balcombe- Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
Mark Blackwell- HCC Locality Team
Tracey Loten- St. Anne’s Primary School
Pam Bottomley- StudentSchool Nurse
Pam Luck- Early Years District Advisory Teacher
Jaynie Lewis- Basingstoke Voluntary Services
Julie Poynter- Basingstoke Consortium
Laura Kirkby- Community Development Facilitator, HCC
Lesley Bird- Westside Children’s Centre
Diane Palmer- Health Visitor
Sally Clark- School Nurse Manager
Charlie Currie- Headteacher, BrightonHillCommunity College
Councillor Terri Reid- Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
Lynn Clement- HeadteacherParkViewJuniorSchool
Mike Penny- District Manager (Children and Families)
Mandy Harrison- Headteacher, CliddesdenPrimary School
Richard Howison-Johnstone- Wessex Youth Offending Team
Mary Rome- Manager, Ashwood Education Centre
Michelle Moore- Headteacher, HatchWarrenInfant School
- Minutes of 6.1.12
- Matters Arising
- Mark advised that training on attendance codes across the 4 LCPs will take place during the summer term. Finalised dates to be circulated with the minutes. N.B. (These will be forwarded on).
ACTION: Mark/Maz.
- Julie did talk with the Chairs of the other 3 LCPs regarding Richard’s request that some of the pupil premium could be accessed by the Youth Offending Team to support hard to place pupils and those not attending school. This money has been allocated to schools to ensure that students on FSM achieve 3/4 levels of progress and schools would not be comfortable with using this for other purposes. It was also noted that one of the LCP priorities was to reduce NEETs and engage families which would in essence be supporting those children on the Youth Offending Team.
- All other matters dealt with under agenda items.
- Update on Children’s Centres
Julie advised that Jan Lefley was due to attend this meeting but this was no longer appropriate as the bid they had put forward had been unsuccessful. “Action for Children” has been awarded a contract to manage 13 clusters including the two clusters covering Basingstoke with effect from 23.4.12. The organisation has experience of delivering children centre services and demonstrated a clear vision for the future of children’s centres in Hampshire. They also bring added benefits such as specialist knowledge, training opportunity for staff, access to broader management support and an established administrative infrastructure. Over the next few weeks Hampshire will be meeting with the new providers and holding briefings for staff to support the new arrangements. It was agreed to invite Mike Newman, Children’s Centres Support Officer to the meeting on 29.6.12 to give an update on Children’s Centres.
ACTION: Agenda item.
- LCP Co-ordination Funding
Julie advised that each of the 4 LCPs across Basingstoke and Deane will receive £11,000 administration and co-ordination funding. At the recent Chairs’ meeting it was acknowledged that there is a need for flexibility on how to use this funding to meet our needs. A suggestion was that it could be used to fund some time for someone to spearhead and co-ordinate projects. However, no decision can be made until the action plan is completed. Julie also advised that she had agreed on behalf of the ABC LCP that Aldworth be the banker school. If anyone has any objections to this please let Julie know.
ACTION: Decision needed/Future agenda item.
- Primary Liaison and Transition
In the absence of Charlie and Mary this item is deferred to the next meeting.
ACTION: Future agenda item/Maz.
- Priorities and Action Plan 2012 – 13
A draft template for the CVC LCP had been circulated with the agenda. It was agreed that it would be good for LCPs to use similar templates with their own identified priorities for ease of monitoring. Priorities previously agreed - Attendance, Engaging Families and NEETs. All organisations need to fill in core work section showing work already being undertaken. Consortium work on NEETs to be included in the plan. The transition project discussed at previous meetings to become a project within the attendance and engaging families section. It was agreed to put together a small working party to collate the action plan. June, Diane, Jaynie, Steve, Julie P and Lesley agreed to serve on the group. It was also agreed that the meeting date of 5.5.12 be used as a working party meeting. Julie asked for any information regarding project work or core work be forwarded to June and Maz by 23.4.12 to enable paperwork to go out in advance of the 5.5.12 meeting. Julie also suggested that at the meeting on 29.6.12, the group consider meeting schedules for 2012 – 13. Possible suggestion , 3 full meetings and 3 working party meetings for those working on projects.
ACTION: All/future agenda item.
- Update on the Delivery of the Youth Service
Steve advised that contracts had now been awarded to specific contractors and all identified projects had been successful. He also advised that Basingstoke Voluntary Services had received the contract for youth work delivery across the borough. All contracts are for one year only from 1.4.12 to establish if successful organisations are meeting the needs identified. Next year the contracts will run for three years. Teenage pregnancy, crime reduction and NEETs remain high priority. Meetings will be set up with all providers and an update to be provided through a 3 monthly report. A progress report on the delivery of the youth service, to be an agenda item for the next meeting on 29.6.12.
ACTION: Future agenda item.
- Locality Team Consultation Report
Mark advised that consultation is currently going on with stakeholders, primarily schools but also with other agencies. Closing date for consultation is 20.4.12. Mark summarised the proposals. Educational Welfare Officers will be reduced to 8 across the county, 6 will be allocated to children in care and 2 will form part of a Legal Intervention Team processing prosecutions etc. The rest of the staff will carry out a role similar to that of the previous PSAs working with families to improve attendance, and working with LCPs on their identified priorities within this remit. The focus for the team will be students from 5 – 14, where it is felt the biggest impact will be gained. 0 – 5 will be covered by the Children’s Centres, 14+ are able to access their own support.
- LCP response to the Consultation on the Children and Young People’s Plan
Julie apologised for the wrong paperwork initially being set out. However, the correct paperwork had been emailed out yesterday. The group went through the CYPP consultation question by question and agreed the priorities and Julie noted down comments to each of the questions. Julie will complete this on behalf of the group and send off to county.
ACTION: Julie.
- Careers Guidance
Julie advised that with the demise of Connexions, schools were responsible for securing their own careers guidance. There are 3 options, to go with County, to go with Basingstoke Consortium or to employ their own careers adviser. This had been discussed at the recent Basingstoke Heads meeting but no decisions had yet been made. Deadline for decision was the end of March but has now been extended until May. Sally asked if this also included work experience. She felt very strongly that work experience was much more beneficial than careers advice, as this could be accessed via the world wide web, particularly for the more vulnerable children. Julie Poynter advised that the Basingstoke Consortium would include work experience at £44 per student. It is likely that schools may ask parents to pay, but for those unable to pay the school will cover the cost. Julie agreed to contact Charlie Currie and Tony Corish for their views on work experience, a common LCP decision would be helpful.
ACTION: Julie.
- A.O.B.
- Mark advised of a school communication document “Progress”. This is a scheme to work with families where anyone over the age of 16 is unemployed. Mark to email to Maz to be attached to the minutes.
ACTION: Mark/Maz.
Julie thanked everyone for attending. Although the May meeting will be the working party meeting to finalise action plan anyone is welcome to attend. Maz will send out reminders.
Future Meeting Dates
Friday – 11.5.12 – Working party meeting
Friday – 29.6.12 – Full Meeting