
September 1, 2014

Presidents Corner:

Larry Ward and I heard our boat called and off we went. The El Cap night tournament was underway. We blasted up to full speed in no time and around the first turn was a breeze. It was then it got kinda dark, it was like we drove into an unlit closet and the door was slammed shut. Had it not been for Larry and his very bright flashlight I would have ran into any number of banks. Actually without a partner I might have ended up at Barona. Fishing was a little tough for us but as expected it was another fun night at El Cap. Shout out to Terry and his team for another job well done, we all appreciate it.

A little Council News; A committee has been formed to study what it will take to have the Council’s savings that is earmarked for a Fisherman’s relief fund accessible. These funds have been in an account for years yet never used. Council President Jim Putney has expressed his interest in having these funds available for the intended use before his term ends.

State Biologist Russell Black was the guest speaker, there will no longer be variances issued for our lakes. Event permits will be available; an event permit will guarantee no commercial tournament on that permit date. The 15” rule at El Cap will be reinstated to 12” on March 1st.. The 15” rule will continue at Hodges. Russell reported that Hodges, Barret and Morena are Quagga free. When San Vicente opens Russell believes the lake permits will be handled through Ticketron, no word on how they would handle tournaments.

Nominations are now being accepted for 2015 Council President. For anyone interested, nominations will be taken at our general meeting.

We spoke to Gina Molise with the San Diego Water Authority about touring the San Vicente Dam Project. It seems any group touring has been put on hold. We are now on the list and will be advised when the touring program will begin.

The El Cajon Ford’s two day tournament was held in the middle of the month. This event has a long history and if possible should be on the list of things to do next year. It does take some planning due to the Monday, Tuesday format. The “El Cajon Ford Open” has become the premiere team tournament of the County. Scott Ashley and I left Otay with a respectable 5th spot, but took care of that the second day at El Cap. Despite our dismal 2nd day we had a great time, with the free raffle with quality prizes and great food. Look forward to this event again next year.

Also another tournament note, October 11th Gene Estabrook and Jim Sleight will host the charity event for the two young men that tragically lost their lives in an accident while fishing El Cap. One half of the $50.00 entry will go back to the contestant’s, one half of entry and 100% of a great raffle hosted by Andy Paluzcak and his committee will be donated to the families. This will be a great one to fish if you can.

One more El Cap then off to the river, can’t wait.

See ya at the meeting,


Vice President ~Greg Gardner

First I want to thank Terry Foreman, Adam East, and Scott Ashley for the very good program at our last meeting! They were very open with their knowledge of night fishing. I know that I learned a lot from them. And at our last night tournament at El Cap, some people told me that the program helped them have a better tournament. Sometimes the acts of talking and thinking about a subject helps us get a better understanding. Again, thank you, Terry, Adam, and Scott!

Bunco was August 9th. Vicki Becker organized it, and it was absolutely a success. Thank you, Vicki, for all your good work. Also, big “thank you’s” go out to Gerie and Frank Morrin. They arranged for us to use their church’s meeting room for our night. Frank and Gerie also did a lot of work setting up and cleaning up the room for us after it was all over. Vicki’s team did an excellent job, thank you to all of them. It was a lot of fun. And…the food that everyone brought was very good. We who were there are all looking forward to doing it again next year. Those of you who were not there, missed another good event.

Next function coming up: the year-end Award’s Banquet. That will be December 7th at the Sycuan Golf Resort in the Magnolia Room. We have a bit of time yet to go before this night happens, so I won’t have a lot of details at this time. But it will be a fun night, good food, and all your favorite friends will be there.

Once again we had our Board meeting at Gina and Dave Seaberg’s home. It was a very good meeting, and Gina made us all feel welcome. Thank you, Gina and Dave.

You will really feel more pride in your club when you serve on the Board next year. Hey…I moved into that real smoothly. What I am saying is it’s getting close to the time when we choose our officers for next year. Start thinking where you can best serve the club and step up when the time comes. Serving the club on the Board can be a very satisfying experience, and you can make a difference.

See you at the meeting,

Greg Gardner

Tournament Director – Terry Chenowth

Hello Bassmasters,

Our seventh tournament of the year is completed. Fishing was a bit different than last month. The weather was good again but it sure was a lot darker. I know when I moved I couldn’t see anything but some boat lights in the distant. I relied totally on my GPS and depth finders to make sure I was off the bank. I luckily avoid all the buoys. Our El Capitan champion was Josh Buller. He brought in 14.92 pounds to the scales, topped off with a 8.05 pound kicker. Great job Josh. Inder Lopez came in with a 10.31 pound big bass of the tournament. His total of 13.72 pounds was good for second Place. Marshall Martin fished his first tournament of the year and did well. Marshall had 12.18 pounds and finished in third place.

The Angler of the Year race changed around. Greg (I hate night tournaments) Gardner closed his lead to 9 points. Inder Lopez, Josh Buller and Keith Coward are bunched together and are in second, third and fourth places. Nick Meyer dropped to fifth pace. It’s going to be interesting down to the wire.

We have had seven tournaments and seven different winners, Nick Meyer, Ed Byrd, Jim Putney, Inder Lopez, Greg Gardner, Terry Foreman and Josh Buller. Could we have ten different winners and a full field for our Tournament of Champions?

Our next point’s tournament will be at El Capitan. It is a draw tournament. It will be on Sunday September 21th. Make sure you have your running lights on when you launch and keep them on until sun-up.

We will be having a Fun night tournament on Friday September 12th. This will be a pick tournament. One Bassmaster must be in every boat. Cost will be $100.00 per boat plus launch and permit fees. You will pay at the lake.

See you on the water,

Terry Chenowth

From the Treasurer’s Desk:

Hello Everyone,

We are done with the points tournaments at night for 2014. We still have one more opportunity to fish at night this year, more on that later.

Once again El Capitan produced a whole lot of fish and filled up everybody’s live wells. Some of our anglers were much better at finding the bigger fish needed to win these night tournaments than others. Josh Buller found an eight pounder that was willing to take up the challenge. Josh won and put that one together with two other decent fish to come up with almost 15 pounds and enough for the win. Inder also came up with a giant at over 10 pounds and two others for 13.72 lbs., enough for second place. Rounding out the top three was Marshall Martin with a fish over six pounds and a 12.18 pound bag to capture the third place spot. Congratulations to all on an excellent job.

The year to date standings are tightening up with a couple people making a run for the angler of the year spot. Greg Gardner is still out front, surprise, but a couple of his fellow Bassmasters are bring the pressure. Inder is a mere 9 points behind and Inder is consistently putting up high finishes. Josh Buller is one point behind Inder. Keith Cloward is fourth and making his move with four strong finishes in the last five tournaments. The spread between first and fourth is a mere 11 points. There are three tournaments left and anything can happen. I can feel the pressure from here. This will make an exciting balance of the year. I am glad I will be watching from way back in the pack. (Not really but I have not performed well enough to be running with the big dogs). Good luck to everyone.

Okay, back to the last opportunity to fish El Capitan at night this year. We have scheduled our Fun/Fund Raiser tournament for September 12, 2014. This will be the last big fund raising event of the year. I hope we have a big turn out and a lot of big fish are caught. Terry will have the specifics but if you have read this down to this far, you know fishing El Capitan at night can provide the opportunity to catch the fish of a life time.

I want to give a big shout out to Vicki Becker, Zoé Gardner and everyone who was involved in running our Bunco night. The event raised $419.00 for the club. Thank you to all who participated in this event in raising money that will go toward our year end banquet. As I have said in the past, our year end banquet is far and away the best event that any bas club puts on for their members. The funds that were raised has kept us on track for the budget laid out at the beginning of the year to have a great year end event.

Speaking of the banquet, everyone that was at last year’s banquet will never forget the incredibly moving moment when Josh Rhodes proposed to Jennifer Brown in front of everyone there. Josh that took a whole lot of courage and was one of the coolest moves I have ever seen a man pull off. Josh and Jennifer were married August 8, 2014 and I know everyone wishes them the very best. Both of these two young people are wonderful and I know everyone wishes them the Best of the Best now and forever.

See you on the water,


Membership Chairman - Regina Seaberg

Frank Morrin a former member of the San Diego Bassmasters is requesting to be reinstated back to the club. Frank left in good standings over three years ago.

The Constitution and By –Laws state that he can be reinstated to full membership by:

· Approval by a majority of Board Members.

· Approval by two thirds of members at a General Meeting

· Payment of the initiation fee and one month’s dues

On August 20, 2014 during the SDBM Board Meeting, all Board Members approved Frank’s request to be reinstated as an active member.

The next step will be to take a vote by the members of the SDBM for approval of this request.

2014 San Diego Bassmasters

Active Members 2014: 46

Inactive ~ ~ Marshall Bubel ~ Adam East ~ Ryan Boulware ~ Lynn Brown ~ Ken Louis ~ Scott Garber

Lifetime Members ~ Doris Cook ~ Les Mar ~ Harold Stephens ~ Darryl Crippen ~ Lee Chapman ~ Jim Davis

Family Members ~ Cheryl Byrd ~ Regina Seaberg ~ Cody Billock ~ Bobby Forman

Honorary Members ~ Larry Bottroff ~ Donalea Brant ~ Regina Seaberg ~Jim Cavanaugh ~ Mary Gray ~ Ben Massey

~ Kathy Stephens ~ Don Williams ~ Linda Williams

At-Large Members ~ Brandon Hoffman ~ Kevin Kerr ~ Rowan Stone ~ Mark Thomas ~ Dave Mack

Friends ~ Debe Crippen ~ Chris Mineo

Prospective members ~

See you at the next Membership Meeting, good luck everybody!

Regina Seaberg

San Diego Bassmasters General Meeting

August 5, 2014

President Ron Overman-


Ronnie welcomed everyone to the Aug club meeting that started it at7:00pm. The traditional Bass Master greeting was held.

San Vee Dam Update

Ronnie went to a tour of the San Vee dam. There is a 900 foot launch ramp but the water is not touching the ramp yet. This is one of the highest dam raise projects in US and largest in the world for the unique stair step construction. Doris cook had a sample from the dam. (But her piece of dam concrete broke already). The lake should be open in 2017.

Lee Chapman mentioned there is an opportunity for a private tour of the San Vee dam for our club if there is interest. The majority of people at the meeting were interested so stay tuned for a date.

Boating safety and memorial for Jefferey Ingram and Russell Mendez-

Ronnie reminded us all how important it is to operate boats safetly. In our club a jet ski ran into Stoney’s boat, and a buoy got in the way of Putney. Accidents can happen, try to avoid them. Ronnie brought a donation box for Jeffery Ingram and Russell Mendez, the two kids who died in a boating accident at EL Cap recently.

Gene from ECBT may be holding a charity tournament for the families of the two kids. Maybe

Aug 30th but that is a holiday weekend. Tournament will end at7:15pm when the kids passed away. 50 bucks per team with 25 going to the family, and matched by ECBT and also matched by ECF. Watch for updates onSDFish.

Former San Diego Bass Master wins $100,000 at FLW tournament Kentucky Lake-

Skip Johnson was associated with the club through his dad. Skip recently won a FLW tournament on Kentucky lake for $100,000. When he received the trophy he spoke highly of the club and how he got into bass fishing through the club’s friends and family tournaments since he was to young to be a member at the time. Maybe some of the original members remember Skip. It was nice he recognized our club.

Membership Regina Seaberg-


Joyce and Adam East, Jim Robinson, Irene Chapman, and Curtis’ friend Brent.

Prospective members-

Jim Robinson has been prefished, and was tournament prefished at July tournament. Jim spoke about himself at the meeting-loves fishing got back into fishing recently, wants to learn from the boaters in the club. Works as an auto body tech. Ronnie asked if he was available for social events (he has been to all social functions so far.) He said yes and Ronnie asked about out of town tourneys and Jim said he’d like to fish them. Jim recently bought a ranger boat. Keith was unable to attend the club meeting, but let Regina know that he had nothing negative to say about Jim. Inder spoke about Jim and reminded us that he is eager to learn and that he had been to the social functions so he should make a great bassmaster.