S2S v1.6 Certification Requirements – Release 2
S2S v1.6 Certification Requirements – Release 2
1 Overview
The S2S v1.6 Certification Requirements Checklist, on the following pages, is used to specify the Functional Groups and Optional Data Sets to be certified for products that implement the GSA S2S Message Protocol v1.6 and its errata. The checklist identifies the Functional Groups and Optional Data Sets in which a product may be certified. Operational and jurisdictional requirements will determine which Functional Groups and Optional Data Sets must be certified. Each Functional Group and Optional Data Set corresponds to a specific set of functionality defined within the detailed class descriptions of the GSA S2S Message Protocol v1.6 specification. The detailed requirements, which follow the checklist, identify the specific System Service groups, or commands, within those classes that are associated with each functional group.
1.1 Eligible Versions
The following versions of the GSA S2S Message Protocol v1.6 are eligible for certification. From time-to-time, as new versions and errata are released, this list may be updated and a new version of these Certification Requirements may be released.
· GSA S2S Message Protocol v1.6
1.2 Technical Bulletins
From time-to-time, Technical Bulletins regarding the S2S Message Protocol may be issued by the Gaming Standards Association (GSA). The Technical Bulletins contain critical information regarding corrections, clarifications, and certification requirements for the S2S Message Protocol. Information contained in the Technical Bulletins may have a direct impact on the requirements of the S2S Message Protocol v1.6, its errata, and its extensions. Information contained in the Technical Bulletins may also have a direct impact on and the requirements for GSA certification of implementations of the S2S Message Protocol v1.6, its errata, and its extensions. It is strongly recommended that implementers of the S2S Message Protocol review the Technical Bulletins on a regular basis for corrections and clarifications that may affect their implementations. The Technical Bulletins are available on the GSA website at www.gamingstandards.com.
1.3 Transport Requirements
The GSA S2S Message Protocol specification does not specify the transport required to communicate S2S messages. However, to be certified, implementations of the GSA S2S Message Protocol v1.5 MUST use a GSA-approved transport. A list of those transports may be found on the GSA website at www.gamingstandards.com.
1.4 Certification Requirements
To be certified, implementations of the GSA S2S Message Protocol v1.6 and its errata MUST meet the requirements of the version of the protocol under test and the requirements identified in this document. Released versions of the GSA S2S Message Protocol v1.6 and its errata can be found on the GSA website at www.gamingstandards.com.
Implementations of the GSA S2S Message Protocol v1.6 and its errata MUST adhere to the following requirements to be GSA certified. From time-to-time, as new versions and errata are released, these requirements may be updated and a new version of these Certification Requirements may be released.
· The manufacturer of the implementation MUST comply with all requirements of the GSA Certification Program Guide. This document can be found on the GSA website at www.gamingstandards.com.
· The implementation MUST comply with all requirements of the version of the GSA S2S Message Protocol under test. Within the GSA S2S Message Protocol specification, requirements are identified by the terms MUST, MUST NOT, and REQUIRED. Some requirements may not be specifically tested by the testing agency.
· All messages generated by the implementation MUST be well-formed, syntactically correct, and semantically correct.
· All messages generated by the implementation MUST contain all required elements and attributes.
· All messages generated by the implementation MUST contain all optional elements and attributes necessary to construct a semantically correct message. Optional elements and attributes MAY be omitted provided that the default values associated with the elements and attributes convey the proper semantic meaning to the recipient of the message.
· To be certified for a Functional Group, the originator of requests or notifications MUST generate at least one request or notification within the Functional Group.
· To be certified for a Functional Group, the recipient of requests or notifications MUST support all requests and notifications within the Functional Group.
· To be certified for a Data Set, for each Functional Group under test that supports the Data Set, the originator of requests or notifications MUST generate at least one request or notification containing the Data Set.
· To be certified for a Data Set, for each Functional Group under test that supports the Data Set, the recipient of requests or notifications containing the Data Set MUST support all requests and notifications containing the Data Set.
· For each Functional Group under test, the recipient of requests MUST generate the prescribed response to the request or generate a response that contains a semantically correct error code.
1.5 Errors and Ambiguities
Should an error or ambiguity be discovered during certification testing, the Certification Authority should use the following guidelines to resolve the issue.
· Errors and ambiguities should be resolved in a manner that is consistent with subsequent released versions of the GSA S2S Message Protocol or, in the absence of a released version, with clarifications or corrections that have been approved by the GSA S2S Technical Committee for inclusion in a future version of the GSA S2S Message Protocol.
· Errors and ambiguities should be resolved in a manner that will do the most to promote interoperability.
1.6 Deprecated Functionality
Functionality within released versions of the S2S Message Protocol specification, its extensions, and its errata may be identified as deprecated. This indicates that the GSA no longer recommends that the functionality be implemented. Implementations SHOULD NOT include deprecated functionality. However, to maintain backwards compatibility, implementations MAY include deprecated functionality.
Functionality may also be identified as deprecated in subsequent released versions of the S2S Message Protocol specification, its extensions, and its errata. Implementations MAY omit any such deprecated functionality. However, before doing so, manufacturers SHOULD verify that the functionality is not needed for interoperability with other end-points.
2 S2S v1.6 Certification Requirements Checklist
2.1 How to Use Checklist
To indicate that implementation of a specific Functional Group is to be certified, check the box next to that Functional Group.
To indicate that an implementation is to be certified for an entire class (all Functional Groups within that class), check all Functional Groups for the class.
Once the Functional Groups have been selected, to indicate the role for which the implementation is to be certified, check the appropriate box for the Functional Group – for example, check the Consumer or the Provider box. If the implementation is to be certified for both roles, check both boxes. Additional information about the specific roles within a class can be found in the detailed description of the class in the GSA S2S Message Protocol specification.
In some classes, certain Data Sets may be optional. Those Data Sets are listed following the Functional Groups for the class. To indicate that an implementation is to be certified for an optional data set, check the box next to the optional Data Set.
Checkboxes may be checked within this document (double-click, and choose “Checked” for the default value), or the list may be printed out and completed by hand.
2.2 Classes Introduced or Significantly Enhanced in v1.5 or Later Versions
Class / Functional Groups / Optional Data Sets / Roles /communications / Point to Point Communications / Consumer / Provider
Request System Services Information / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to System Services / Consumer / Provider
Compatibility with Earlier Versions / Consumer / Provider
Transport Status / Consumer / Provider
clientUpdate / Request Supported Data Sets / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Supported Data Sets / Consumer / Provider
Subscribe to Changes to Data Sets / Consumer / Provider
clientInfo / Request Client Information / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Client Data Sets / Consumer / Provider
Add Client Information / Consumer / Provider
Modify Client Information / Consumer / Provider
Delete Client Information / Consumer / Provider
EGM Profiles
EGM Combos
EGM Devices
Kiosk Profiles
Cashier Workstation Profiles
Cashier Workstation Clients
Gaming Table Profiles
Sign Profiles
System Profiles
Bingo Profiles
Keno Profiles
Fixed Odds Betting Profiles
Parimutuel Wagering Profiles
propertyInfo / Request Property Information / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Property Data Sets / Consumer / Provider
Add Property Information / Consumer / Provider
Modify Property Information / Consumer / Provider
Delete Property Information / Consumer / Provider
Employee Job Codes
Player Accounts
Player Tags
Player Attributes
Geographic Areas
Player Clubs
Player Groups
Comp Locations
Comp Items
Comp Purpose Codes
Physical Areas
Physical Zones
Physical Sections
Game Types
Game Themes
Game Paytables
Multi-Player Groups
Player Junkets
Junket Reps
Player Discount Programs
Chip Sets
Cash Equivalents
Player Rating Calculations
playerInfo / Request Player Information / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Player Data Sets / Consumer / Provider
Add Player Information / Consumer / Provider
Modify Player Information / Consumer / Provider
Delete Player Information / Consumer / Provider
Query Player Information / Consumer / Provider
Request Player Cards / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Player Cards / Consumer / Provider
Add Player Cards / Consumer / Provider
Modify Player Cards / Consumer / Provider
Delete Player Cards / Consumer / Provider
Validate Player PINs / Consumer / Provider
Request Player PINs / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Player PINs / Consumer / Provider
Add Player PINs / Consumer / Provider
Modify Player PINs / Consumer / Provider
Delete Player PINs / Consumer / Provider
Request Player Account Balances / Consumer / Provider
Phone Numbers
Email Addresses
Stop Codes
Player-to-Employee Relationships
Player-to-Player Links
Club Memberships
Group Participation
Junket Participation
Discount Program Participation
playerComp / Post Player Comps / Consumer / Provider
Request Player Comp Information / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Player Comps / Consumer / Provider
Request Comp Availability / Consumer / Provider
employeeInfo / Request Employee Information / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Employee Data Sets / Consumer / Provider
Add Employee Information / Consumer / Provider
Modify Employee Information / Consumer / Provider
Delete Employee Information / Consumer / Provider
Query Employee Information / Consumer / Provider
Request Employee Cards / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Employee Cards / Consumer / Provider
Add Employee Cards / Consumer / Provider
Modify Employee Cards / Consumer / Provider
Delete Employee Cards / Consumer / Provider
Validate Employee PINs / Consumer / Provider
Request Employee PINs / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Employee PINs / Consumer / Provider
Add Employee PINs / Consumer / Provider
Modify Employee PINs / Consumer / Provider
Delete Employee PINs / Consumer / Provider
Phone Numbers
Email Addresses
Employee-to-Employee Links
Job Codes
informedPlayerInfo / Post Property Configuration / Consumer / Provider
Request Property Configuration / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Property Configuration / Consumer / Provider
Post Property Restrictions / Consumer / Provider
Request Property Restrictions / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Property Restrictions / Consumer / Provider
Post Player Restrictions / Consumer / Provider
Request Player Restrictions / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Player Restrictions / Consumer / Provider
Post Player Exclusions / Consumer / Provider
Request Player Exclusions / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Player Exclusions / Consumer / Provider
Post Player Sessions / Consumer / Provider
Request Player Sessions / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Player Sessions / Consumer / Provider
Request Player Status Information / Consumer / Provider
clientEvents / Request Supported Events / Consumer / Provider
Request Supported Meters / Consumer / Provider
Subscribe to Events and Meters / Consumer / Provider
Request Meter Information / Consumer / Provider
hotelReservation / Post Updates to Hotel Reservations / Consumer / Provider
download / Set Download Configuration / Consumer / Provider
Request Supported Transfer Protocols / Consumer / Provider
Request Hardware Device List / Consumer / Provider
Request Available Storage / Consumer / Provider
Transfer Packages / Consumer / Provider
Create/Delete Packages / Consumer / Provider
Request Package Contents / Consumer / Provider
Request Module Status / Consumer / Provider
Execute Scripts / Consumer / Provider
Request Script Authorization / Consumer / Provider
sddp / Request Supported Features / Consumer / Provider
Request Component Information / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Components / Consumer / Provider
Modify Components / Consumer / Provider
Request Transfer Locations / Consumer / Provider
Target Clients
Package Actions
playerTracking / Set Player Tracking Configuration / Consumer / Provider
Post Player Sessions / Consumer / Provider
Validate Player IDs / Consumer / Provider
Send Player Messages / Consumer / Provider
Query Open Player Sessions / Consumer / Provider
Broadcast Changes to Player Sessions / Consumer / Provider
Query Player Session History / Consumer / Provider
EGM State
EGM Player Tracking Configuration
EGM ID Reader Configuration
EGM Generic Overrides
EGM Configuration Status
EGM Point Balances
EGM Host Point Awards
EGM Player-Specific Overrides
EGM Point Carryovers
2.3 Classes Introduced in Versions Earlier than v1.5
Class / Functional Groups / Roles /openClose / Broadcast Changes to Table Status / Client / Server
Process Openers/Closers / Client / Server
Post Table Updates / Client / Server
Request Table Status / Client / Server
Request Pit Status / Client / Server
fillCredit / Broadcast Changes to Fill/Credit Information / Client / Server
Process Fills/Credits / Client / Server
Request Fill/Credit Information / Client / Server
Request Active Fills/Credits / Client / Server
marker / Broadcast Changes to Markers / Client / Server
Process Markers / Client / Server
Request Marker Information / Client / Server
Broadcast Changes to Transfers / Client / Server
Process Transfers / Client / Server
Request Transfer Information / Client / Server
Broadcast Changes to Vouchers / Client / Server