Stamina Stampede – Week 4 Written Response
The Smart SnackDescribe how this text is organized. Use 2 specific details from the passage to support your answer.
Level 3 – Complete Understanding
This is a recipe. It tells you everything you need to make a smart or healthy snack. It tells you the cooking supplies you need, like measuring cups and mixing bowls. It also gives you the ingredients and the steps to making the granola.
Level 2 – General Understanding
The text gives directions about how to make a healthy snack. It includes the ingredients you need.
Level 1 – Minimal Understanding
It gives directions about how to be healthy.
Level 0 – No Understanding
It tells about a healthy snack.
/ Fishing in Central Park
Read this sentence from the story. “The city bustle is only a faint echo.” Explain the meaning of the word bustle as it is used in the sentence. Then tell which context clue helped you understand the meaning.
Level 3 – Complete Understanding
Bustle in this sentence means the energy or the noise of the city. I know this because New York is a busy city with a lot of noise. They are far enough away from the city that they can only hear the light echoes of the sounds.
Level 2 – General Understanding
Bustle means moving about fast or energetic, like hustling.
Level 1 – Minimal Understanding
It is busy.
Level 0 – No Understanding
Bustles can be worn under dresses.
Powell’s Grand Adventure
Write a summary of this passage. Include at least 4 key points.
Level 3 – Complete Understanding
This passage tells about John Powell’s adventures in life. His first adventure was in the Civil War where he lost his right arm. Then, he and 9 other men decided to explore what is now called the Grand Canyon. Even though it was dangerous, John Powell and 5 of the men completed the trip. Last, Americans have learned a lot about the Grand Canyons from John Powell’s maps.
Level 2 – General Understanding
This passage tells you about the adventures of John Powell. It tells about his life as a young boy. Then, it tells about his first journey through the Grand Canyon and the men that went with him. Lastly, it tells about his second trip through the Grand Canyon.
Level 1 – Minimal Understanding
The book is about John Powell. He went on some adventures.
Level 0 – No Understanding
My favorite adventure was a treasure hunt.
/ Football Fun/Let’s Make Pie
Describe the theme of these two poems. Use at least one detail from each poem to support your answer.
Level 3 – Complete Understanding
These two poems are about families working together to accomplish something. In Football Fun the family is trying to win a football game. In Let’s Make a Pie the family is working together to make a tasty dessert.
Level 2 – General Understanding
It is important to work together. The families are playing football and making a pie.
Level 1 – Minimal Understanding
The families are spending time with each other.
Level 0 – No Understanding
Playing football and making pie.