Art 1 – Ms. Thornberry – Room 222
Norton High School – 2014/2015
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. “
Ms. Thornberry’s Contact Info:
Work Phone: 330-825-7300 extension: 532116
Welcome to Art 1! Below you will find the basic information for what will be expected of you during class, how you will be graded, and other information that will help to make this year fun-filled and smooth sailing!
Course Description
As an introductory course, the class will require you to learn, explore, and employ the art elements and principles of design through various mediums and projects. You will learn techniques in drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, design, and craft. Art history, appreciation, vocabulary, journaling/writing, and critique will also be introduced and used in this course.
Class Rules
- Respect – give it to get it! I expect each of you to treat everyone with respect, EVERY DAY! This includes your classmates, the art room, art materials, me (or any other teacher), and yourself!
- TryEvery Day– your EFFORT and ATTITUDE will factor into your grade more than your talent. If you TRY your best, WORK during class, and TURN IN your assignments you will have no issues in my class.
- Come Prepared – it is your responsibility to come to class ready to work. This includes bringing your art kit, sketchbook, a pencil, and your brain!
- Craftsmanship – neatness, effort, and pride in what you create does not necessarily mean being the most talented artist. Great artists with poor craftsmanship will not receive high marks!
- Do not touch or damage anyone else’s artwork – this will result in an automatic zero!
- Participation – as mentioned above, it is expected that you ACTIVELY participate in class every day. This means that you are working on ART assignments and are engaged in the project at hand – no other school materials or outside materials will be worked on during class time.
- Food/Drink – due to the nature of art class (materials that should not be ingested, projects that could easily get ruined) you will be asked to not bring any food/drink into class. If you have a drink/waterbottle you will be asked to keep it on my desk and it must have a lid.
- Cell Phones/Ipods/Tablets/Etc. – music is allowed in the art room under the following circumstances – you must have headphones (no personal music will be played out loud), you will only wear one earphone in order to hear announcements, if your digital device (phone, tablet, ipod, etc.) is found to be a distraction you will be asked to put it away or you will receive a detention and a zero for participation. No texting, no snapchat, no facebook, etc. Your phones or devices can only be used for you to listen to your own music if you follow the rules above.
- Restrooms/Lockers/Leaving the Room – you will only be allowed to leave the room if you have your student planner for me to sign. You will be given 5 minutes maximum. If you abuse your restroom/drink/locker privilege by overusing or taking too long you will not be allowed to leave the room.
- Classroom Behaviors –
- Talking – quiet talking will be allowed to those students around your seat. If it becomes an issue one warning will be given then talking privileges will be revoked.
- Getting Materials – students should come in to the class, get materials out, and begin work unless instructed otherwise. If a supply is needed students can freely get up and get materials unless an issue arises in which privileges will be revoked.
- Material Clean Up – students are expected to clean up their own messes, keep their materials as well as the schools materials clean, and put all materials back in their proper location. I will not clean up after you – if you lose or misuse your personal art materials new ones will not be given!
Assessment/Breakdown of Grades
Throughout this school year your overall grade will be comprised from projects, quizzes/tests, sketchbook assignments, and participation (including daily material clean up).
Projects/Quizzes/Tests = 75% of overall grade
Sketchbooks/Participation = 25% of overall grade
Projects – any finished pieces of art that are created. Projects will determine the majority of your grade so it is imperative that they are completed on time and to the best of your ability!
Quizzes/Tests – any assessment of learned vocabulary, art history, or art making methods.
Sketchbooks – 24 assignments will be given throughout the year. Sketchbooks should serve as a portal for artist’s thoughts, inspirations, rough sketches, journaling, note taking, and practice. Sketchbooks will be graded twice every term (8x total).
Participation – includes time on task, interaction during discussions and reviews, as well as daily material clean up. Participation will be assessed every day but given a grade once every term (4x total).
Late Work/Make-Up Work
Late work will be accepted up to 3 school days after the original due date:
1 day late = 25% off overall grade
2 days late = 50% off overall grade
3 days late = 75% overall grade
4 days late = 0
**Students will be given one extra day for assignments for every EXCUSED ABSENCE
If you miss class it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. I expect you to verbally ask what was missed as well as check the “What Did You Miss?” board for any handouts, lessons, rubrics, etc. that you did not receive while out of class. If you are turning in a late assignment it is your responsibility to personally hand me your project with your name on it – do not leave it in the turn in bin or on my desk!
Grading Scale
This class will be graded by the Norton City Schools’ grading scale found below.
98 – 100 = A+77 – 79 = C+**59 and below = F
93 – 97 = A73 – 76 =C
90 – 92 =A-70 – 72 =C-
87 – 89 = B+67 – 69 =D+
83 – 86 = B63 – 66 =D
80 – 82 =B-60 – 62 = D-
Art Fee
Due to the nature of this class there will be a $28 fee for each Art 1 student. This fee not only helps to cover the materials you will use throughout the year for your personal projects, but it also goes toward individual art kits. The art kits will consist of basic materials that can be kept at the end of the school year. These materials can be used at the discretion of the student but will be used on a daily basis. It is the responsibility of the student to bring materials to class every day. The school will provide any additional art supplies needed for the completion of projects.