Remax Board Room
APRIL 06, 2010
TIME: 5:30
Attending: Guy Bezeau, Sandra Milne, Pat Moore, Michael Furlot, David Walbank
Guest: Nita Grant
Opening remarks
Guy welcomed back David.
March was a busy month and it is time to catch our second wind.
Minutes of the last meeting
M/S Sandra/Pat MOTION: to accept minutes as distributed. CARRIED
Discussions resulting from minutes
Joan’s proposal to be discussed under old business
Handicap Van issue that was to be dealt with by Mary for this meeting was resolved in a meeting held in Mary’s absence, by Michael with the individual making the proposal. The issue was resolved when the city announced the new Trolley had a handicap lift for wheelchair passengers thus negating the need for another specially equipped vehicle.
· Future Vision Grant Management Session
M/S David/John MOTION: To have PE Marshal and PE designate Laura and Dan Spence be approached to attend the training session in Nanaimo on May 01, 2010. CARRIED
· We received an invitation to participate in the Lantzville Club’s annual Golf Tournament. This will be presented to the club members on Thursday to see if we can get a team or two together.
Directors Report:
· Mary’s report is attached ATTACHMENT #1
· Mary asked for an updated list for avenues of service showing the members assignments. Michael will update and forward to for insertion into the Club website
· Mary addressed the invitation for Rotary to host the “Road Kill Café” at the Outrageous Evening Event at Aggy Hall. We will keep whatever monies we will generate.
· The recommendation by Community Service to build a Gazebo in the Community Garden was accepted in principle by the executive but we cannot commit the club to this project at this time, unless suitable funding is found. Currently there is no funding available.
M/S Pat/Mary MOTION: If the Foundation Chair, Joan Phillips, is in agreement, the funding from the proceeds of the 2010 Golf Tournament will be used to fund the Gazebo at the Community Garden.
M/S Mary/John MOTION: Mary to write a letter of support from our club supporting the need of the Brown Drive Park
· John reported of a student that approached the club for funding support for him on a project in Africa. The project was a good one but the funding was for the individual not the project. The request was declined for reason.
· John read a (press release) letter acknowledging the contribution of a transformer for the hospital in Puerto Escondidos by the Rotary Mid Island Community Service Group.
****John’s letter is attached and to be published on our website and in our club newsletter******ATTACHMENT #2
** Carry forward from last meeting’s minutes: What to do with the Club’s accumulated Paul Harris Fellowship points
Guy suggested that all the board members e-mail to him their ideas and recommendations for Joan and him to consider.
· Sandra said her committee had a car-side meeting
· Sandra expressed concern for the budget constraints that are prohibiting Vocational Service from engaging in more projects. This concern is second only to the fact that there are also not enough members involved in Vocational Service to carry out any new projects.
Finance Report
Report attached as submitted by the Club Treasurer Pat Moore
M/S Pat/John MOTION: To accept report as circulated CARRIED
Old Business
New Business
David expressed his disappointment that the International Women’s Day event held at Cottonwood Golf Course was organized by the women in the club and not the men. If we are to honour the women then it follows that men should organize the event.
§ Fund raising
§ Because of the Government cutback on lotteries donation to charities, we are receiving a substantial increase for funding requests by different organizations. We too are hurting because we are now experiencing a potential cut to our income of approximately $18,000/annum
§ Discussion by the board centered on how and what other clubs do for major fund raising
§ Membership attendance
§ Ask Marshal to have an updated report for the next meeting
Final comments
Date for next meeting ______MAY 10TH______
ROTARY CLUB OF LADYSMITHCommunity Service Committee
Meeting Minutes - April 19, 2010
Mary Mulroney (Chair)
Pat Bryan, Loyd Fair, Doug Galloway , Sandra Milne, George Newton, Larry Trahan, Hank Voth and Brenda Clarke ( Recorder)
Regrets: Ken Bosma, Rob Waters
Meeting brought to order at 6:30PM. Committee members thanked Loyd and his wife for hosting the meeting and refreshments. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM
Description of Item / Decision/Direction / Action Steps By WhomWhen, Costs
1) Request from RCMP Community Policing in Ladysmith for donation:
2) Nanaimo Unique Kids Org. oyster School ;
§ Request for summer camp funds
3) Ladysmith Kinsmen Club
§ Request for Funds for a playground at Brown Dr. Park and support in principle
§ Committee needs advice and direction regarding policy of funding other service organizations in town
4) David Wallbank requested approval to add daffodils to the memorial Peace Park garden. Ladysmith Parks said they will plan and weed the garden ongoing.
5) Downtown Business Association Update - May 1st event at the Aggie Hall is coming along; Rotary will operate the Road Kill food cafe for the evening
6) Golf Course Plaque -
§ Rod the stone mason quoted $1,100 for carin/support structure
§ Executive approved $1,500 and $1,150 has been spent on plaque
§ Must complete this year due to 30th anniversary with Golf Club
§ Mary noted there is free rock
7) Trolley Bus Shelter
§ Shelter is in place and decal on glass has been done
8) Rotary Walkway
§ Pat wrote letters to the Mayor, DFO and Fisherman’s Wharf officials for approval to complete the walkway to the shore
§ We are approved to build the Gazebo anytime- just no guarantee on the approval of walkway itself as requested; could be 10 years or 2
§ Committee recommends a 9x9’ slab of concrete to anchor the 14’ Gazebo which would overhang
9) Rotary Dock and Ramp Repair
Ramp to be repaired at slack tide
§ 1st step is forming with concrete
§ 2nd step is to pave ramp / § Application was denied by group
§ Application was denied by group
§ Committee approved to support the playground project in principle; CS Did Not approve funds
§ Research Rotary policies regarding fund giving to other service clubs and also criteria for using the Lottery/gaming government funds
§ Approved a $250 Rotary fundraising campaign by David for the Daffodils
§ Committee agreed to support decision to have all profits from the Café go to Rotary;
§ Celebrations must apply separately for funding support; were given $1,000 last year ….
§ Doug/Loyd to continue to move installation forward; look at some free rock and use Mary’s Rotary signage
§ Glen Britton will be needed to help with project; ask for help
§ Rotary bus shelter complete
§ Continue to pursue approval of walkway as planned
§ Complete a design and costing of the Gazebo & walkway
§ Inquire about special pricing or donations from Hub Concrete, Mayco and Big Rock
§ Complete a cost of material needed for the job / § Brenda will write a letter explaining no funding
§ Brenda will write a letter explaining no funding
§ Brenda will prepare and send a letter to inform Kinsmen of outcome
§ Mary will inform David he can champion the fundraising effort for $250 and supervise the installation of same
§ Mary will confirm with John our support for the event; Laura and Michael will coordinate the Road Kill Café
§ Celebrations group will be informed to apply separately for funds
§ Doug/Loyd will speak with town/golf course officials assess quality/quantity of free rock available
§ Mary to donate Rotary sign to group
§ No further action is required
§ Pat, Doug and Loyd to continue to pursue approvals, design of gazebo and costs for the entire project
§ Doug, Loyd and Pat to continue to follow up on costs and best time ( ideally in June)
Project Description
(Continued ) / Decision/Direction / Action Steps By Whom and When
10) Chemainus First Nations Memorial Garden at Kullet Bay -
§ Brenda talked with CFN Council and members; they only want a garden, some trees & benches
11) Ladysmith Community Garden– coordinated by Garden Society
§ Concern was expressed re vandalism of the gazebo given the project is an allotment garden
§ Rotary could be recognized for their ‘Gazebo gifts to the community”
§ There may be better pricing with materials if we cost out 2 Gazebos at the same time
12) Rotary Garden Tour
§ Gardens, posters advertisement and sponsors are coming on board and plans are well underway
§ Prizes & speakers are in place
13) Summer BBQ on July 22nd
§ Still on at Brenda’s home at 5118 Brenton Page Road / § Continue to monitor situation and opportunities to support CFN
§ Committee asked to add a supervision and maintenance condition to the funding of Gazebo
§ Review the cost benefit of getting supplies for 2 Gazebos at 1 time
§ Continue to involve all Rotary members in the promotion and support of May 30th
§ Promote evening and event to club and spouses / § Brenda will work with CFN to learn of their support/interests for the Memorial site and best timing/costs to proceed
§ Doug, Loyd and Pat will review the design and costing for the Gazebo
§ Mary will review budget funds available with Pat and confirm $3,000 is available for Society
§ Mary will continue to follow up with Tour planning/supervision
§ Doug and Valerie hosts a BBQ after the Garden Tour on May 30th
§ Brenda to facilitate BBQ and food with Community Services team hosting the evening of events
FINANCIAL Review of Community Services Budget -
1) Mary will consult with Pat to get a status quo budget update for Community Services; we need to define what has been spent and then well look at priorities for spending the remaining funds in the Community Services Budget for the 2009/10 year
2) Mary will ask Pat and Executive to inform committee of any criteria or policies/procedures required for using/spending the Lottery/gaming funds.
3) The Committee also wants to set aside dedicated funding for capital projects that take several years to fund raise for and create/complete; committee needs a defined budget that allows for carry over from one year to the next - depending on the project status.
NEXT MEETING – May 10th at 6:00PM @ the Government wharf/docks for a site tour of projects to start followed by a meeting afterwards.