March 26, 2004

>>> Robert Wilson 3/26/2004 4:13:32 PM >>>

The purpose of this email is to provide information relevant to the Wyoming Statewide Public Safety Mobile Communications (PSMC) planning initiative. That plan highlights the WyoLink choice: a statewide, VHF-highband, trunked, digital, P25-compliant public safety mobile communications system; with low-speed data, automatic vehicle location, and encryption capabilities.

Robert Wilson

Project Manger, WY Statewide PSMC Plan

WYDOT Telecommunications Program Manager



1. WyoLink website at:

2. Federal Engineering's website:

client code- wyoming

This site has the final published versions of all parts of the PSMC Plan posted, behind the "Documents"/"Milestone Documents" links.

3. Steering Committee. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 31st, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m, in the Cheyenne WYDOT Auditorium. Agenda items include:

>Published WY PSMC Plan (Volumes I & II).

>Federal Delegation Letter of Support?

>Frequency Planning

>Subscriber Equipment Acquisition

>SALECS/PSCC transition

>Consideration of adding system wide paging to WyoLink

>Interoperable Emergency Responder Comms Planning

4. A relevant SALECS meeting will be held the previous day (Tuesday, March 30) 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in room 223 of the Emerson Building. Steering Committee members and other interested persons are invited to attend. The agenda will include the transition process from SALECS to the Public Safety Communications Commission (PSCC), which will be representative of all the public safety entities throughout Wyoming.

5. Next steps. Now that we have the PSMC plan published, legislation for governance of the WyoLink system, and initial funding seems secure, the following next steps are being pursued by the project team and Steering Committee.

A. Facilitate arrival of 2004 HS Grant funds.

B. Hire WyoLink PM and Tech Lead.

C. Prepare for new PSCC: support appointees as needed, including working group organization.

D. Continued informational outreach to counties, cities, tribal councils and various levels of agencies.

E. Plan and vigorously pursue licensing of Spectrum needed.

F. Pursue Grant and other Federal funding. (WyoLink grantwriter in place)

G. Assist localities with WyoLink compatible subscriber equipment purchases.

H. Craft WyoLink RFP, seek comments.

I. Issue WyoLink RFP - August 2004.

6. Long Range Timeline: November 2004: contract award. March 2005: design approval. Oct 2005: initial operational capability of pilot phase. October 2006: commence core network phase implementation. 2007-2010: four expansion phases, to field remaining subscriber equipment and to cover difficult regions and late-adopters.