Freak Flag

Lyrics: Black

Choreography: Red

Sugar Plum fairy: Let your-

Right leg starts left and comes across body

Freak flag wave

Pop shoulders forward three times

Let your freak flag fly

[START ON LEFT LEG] Trot in place with arms moving side to side

Never take it down x2

Arms: Stay up until the word “down”

Legs: Kick right foot out then forward. Repeat with left foot.

Raise it way up-

Shuffle forward with right leg in front


Shuffle forward with left leg in front

Let your freak flag fly

Spin 360° OVER RIGHT SHOULDER & shuffle right


Spin 360° OVER RIGHT SHOULDER & shuffle right

Fly x2

Spin 180° OVER RIGHT SHOULDER & shuffle right

Pinocchio/ (Ensemble): It’s hard to be a puppet (little puppet boy)

Bend at waste from 0° to 90° to 45° to 90° (Shuffle with arms at sides)

So many strings attached (Can’t cut loose)

Swing legs from right to left. Legs: >>, < >, << (Shuffle while swinging arms)

It’s not the choice you made

Squat facing stage right and point left arm downstage

It’s just how you were hatched

Bounce on leg

Let your-

Right leg starts left and comes across body

Freak flag wave

Pop shoulders forward three times

Let your freak flag fly

[START ON LEFT LEG] Trot in place with arms moving side to side

Never take it down x2

Arms: Stay up until the word “down”

Legs: Kick right foot out then forward. Repeat with left foot.

Raise it way up-

Shuffle forward with right leg in front


Shuffle forward with left leg in front

Soloists/ (Ensemble): I’m proud to be a piggy (little pig, little pig)

Shuffle left (take right arm across body)

I raise my furry fist (Papa bear, papa bear)

Shuffle right (Pump left fist x2)

It’s time I told the world I’m a scientologist (Scientologist!)

Shuffle left x3, Shuffle right x3 (Pose)

I did some time in jail (yea, yea)

Shuffle left (swing arms and spin in circle)

I’m filled with constant doubt (We don’t judge)

Shuffle right (stick right leg out and shrug)

I’m gonna shed my house coat (go!) Miss thing you work it out

Shuffle left and lunge facing stage right & shrug shoulders

Let your-

Right leg starts left and comes across body

Freak flag wave

Pop shoulders forward three times

Let your freak flag fly

[START ON LEFT LEG] Trot in place with arms moving side to side

Never take it down x2

Arms: Stay up until the word “down”

Legs: Kick right foot out then forward. Repeat with left foot.

Raise it way up-

Shuffle forward with right leg in front


Shuffle forward with left leg in front

Oooooh Ooooooh

Lean left on first “Ooh” then lean right

Bum ba da da da Dum ba da da da Dum ba da da da Dum Bum x3

Spread legs and bend knee, then come together and bend knees x4

Raise it up way high

Step forward and raise arms

We’ve got magic

Gesture hand up while facing center stage

We’ve got power

Gesture hand down while facing center stage

Who are they to say we’re wrong?

Raise hands above head

All the things that make us special are the things that make us strong

Right hand up and snap, then move diagonally across body and snap x3

What makes us special x3 makes us

Spin into center stage


Right arm held 90° with hand in a fist

Let your-

Right leg starts left and comes across body

Freak flag wave

Pop shoulders forward three times

Let your freak flag fly

[START ON LEFT LEG] Kick out alternating feet with arms moving side to side

Never take it down x2

Group 1 does this twice! Wave arms in front like you’re saying no

Raise it way up-

Shuffle forward with right leg in front


Shuffle forward with left leg in front


Turn and face stage left

Let your freak flag fly

Shimmy downstage


Turn forward & shimmy toward stage left or right depending on your group number

Fly x3

Drag feet toward left or right stage


Squat slightly and extend right arm up

You’re Done! J