DREAM Survey Information Sheet

Study Name: Click here to enter text.

PI Name: Click here to enter text.

Primary Project Contact’s Name: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter text.

Anticipated start date for DREAM data collection (month/year):Click here to enter text.

Anticipated completion date for DREAM datacollection (month/year):Click here to enter text.

Icon label(s): Click here to enter text.

A label will appear below the survey icon to help participants identify the survey program. In order to fit below the icon on all screens of the device, the label should be 8-10 characters. If your study will be using more than one icon for the study, please provide the icon label you would like for each different icon/sets of surveys.

Accessing the Surveys:

For surveys completed in response to specific events, there will be an icon on the smartphone screen that participants will use to access the survey.

For pre-determined and pseudo-random time schedules:

Would you like the survey to automatically show up on the smartphone when it beeps?

☐ No, I want participants to have to go to an icon on the phone and select the survey

☐ Yes, I want the survey to automatically show up for participants after the beep

If you selected yes above, you would like the survey to automatically launch:

In addition to automatically launching, would you also like an icon on the phone so that participants can manually launch the surveys (this may be useful if participants are expected to miss some beeps and you want the participants to later complete missed beeped surveys at their convenience)?

☐ No

☐ Yes

If you selected no above, “you do not want an icon so that participants can manually launch surveys”:

If you would like, we can create an icon to be used only during participant training. This would allow you to launch the survey to show participants the survey questions and how to use the device to complete the survey. At the end of the training, this icon would no longer be active so participants would not be able to launch the survey on their own. Would you like an icon to be available to use only during training?

☐ No

☐ Yes

Maximum number of digits in participant ID numbers: Click here to enter text.

The participant ID number is entered into the survey program during the login process. The program will not allow a number larger than the maximum digits. For example if you specify the maximum number of digits is 4, then numbers larger than 9999 cannot be entered as a participant ID.

Number of minutes before timeout: Click here to enter text.

Surveys can be set to “timeout” after a period of participant inactivity. This means the survey will close and all response data entered up to the timeout point will be saved. The number entered above should be the total amount of time the participant has to complete the entire survey (the timeout countdown starts as soon as the survey begins).

Survey Screen Layout and Font Size:

The DREAM staff will adapt your survey questions so that they are centered on the device screen whenever possible. Researchers can chose the font size used for their survey, selecting from Standard or Large font size. Sample screens with text in each of these sizes appear on the following page. These images reflect the actual size the text will appear on the Droid Razr phones.

Preferred font size:

☐ Standard

☐ Large

When choosing a font size, please note that the Large font size (and in some cases, the Standard font size) may not fit on the screen for very long questions or questions with many response options. In these cases, researchers can chose to have on the font size for only very long questions made smaller (and shorter questions would use a larger font), or can opt to maintain a consistent font throughout the survey by selecting the smaller font size.

If text does not fit on screen:

☐ Reduce the font size only for questions with too much text

☐ Reduce the font size for all questions to maintain a consistent font size across all survey questions.

Snooze Button:

The snooze button works similarly to snooze on an alarm clock. The “snooze” button is usually in the bottom left hand corner of the survey reminder screen. It allows the user to postpone taking the survey if it is an inconvenient time. You can select the length of time (in minutes) before the next reminder. You can also select the number of times the user can hit the snooze button. Keep in mind that the length of time and number of snoozes must be consistent with the length of time you set for the survey timeout.

Would you like to include a snooze button?

☐ Yes, If yes, indicate: Number of minutes for each snooze: Click here to enter text.

Number of snoozes: Click here to enter text.

☐ No

Sample Font Sizes

(Screen captures appear the actual size for Droid Razr phones)

Normal Font Size
Large Font Size

Revised 03/28/14