Resume of Name /
Mailing Address, City, State, Zip Code Phone # Email Address /


/ Briefly describe your ideal job and/or career goals.


/ Job Title
Company Department and Name, City, State
Supervisor Name
Dates of employment
Brief Description of position
·  Job duty or responsibility
·  Job duty or responsibility
·  Job duty or responsibility
Job Title
Company Department and Name, City, State
Supervisor Name
Dates of employment
Brief Description of position
·  Job duty or responsibility
·  Job duty or responsibility
·  Job duty or responsibility
Job Title
Company Department and Name, City, State
Supervisor Name
Dates of employment
Brief Description of position
·  Job duty or responsibility
·  Job duty or responsibility
·  Job duty or responsibility


/ Emphasis and Major of Degree
School Name, City, State
Emphasis and Major of Degree
School Name, City, State


/ Include special interests, awards, community service
§  XX
§  XX
§  X


/ Include Professional References
Name, Title
Company Department and Name, City, State
Email Address and Phone Number
Name, Title
Company Department and Name, City, State
Email Address and Phone Number
Name, Title
Company Department and Name, City, State
Email Address and Phone Number
Resume of [Full Name]
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