Please be accurate, as any changes you make after the application has been submittedmay need to be done in writing to your school’s financial aid office. Before you start, you will need: your OEN#, your SIN#, Parent(s) SIN #, Parent(s) tax information [Lines 150, 308, 310, 312, 435 - income estimations are acceptable initially]

STEP 1 / STEP 2 / STEP 3
Start your application online (November) / Gather documents (May) / The MSFAA (May)
  1. Go to the application website:[Although not required, it is in your best interest to complete OCAS and/or OUAC application before starting your OSAP application].
  1. Click on ‘Register.’ Read and agree to the OSAP User Agreement, OSAP Terms & Conditions and Collection of Personal Information.
  1. Complete the ‘New User Registration.’ If you have not linked your application already from your OCAS/OUAC application, they will ask: “Did you use either of these online applications to apply for college or university? Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) or Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC).” Click ‘Yes’ and choose one - or both - of OCAS and OUAC. For OCAS, you will enter your OCAS Account Number and Date of Birth and click ‘Link.’. For OUAC, simply click ‘Setup Link to OUAC’ and enter your OUAC Username and Password. Choose ‘Next’ to proceed with OSAP application. Use your legal name.
Make sure to write down your OSAP Access Number (OAN) at the end of the registration process. You will need it to log in.
  1. Complete contact and mailing information. Please mark that you want to check the status of your application online and that you will print all personalized forms yourself.
  1. Validate your email address (within 24 hours). You will receive an email telling you to click a link which will direct you to log in to the OSAP website.
  1. Start application by clicking ‘Apply for OSAP’ under ‘Full Time Application.’
  1. Under ‘Ready to Apply?’, select the right start date (month/year – i.e. Sept 2018). It will tell you(at the bottom) that you are applying for the 2018-2019 school year. Confirm your profile.
  1. Read and agree to both the regulations and terms & conditions regarding your OSAP application.
  1. Click ‘Show all University Applications’ and/or ‘Show all College Applications.’ All of your school/program choices will appear. Even if your schools appear, you will still need to go into EACH one and fill in all outstanding information. Click the ‘Finish’ button under each program to start this process. You will need to have a separate application for EACH program/school.(Financial information will likely need to be changed in April to reflect current and accurate financial and tax information). For this application, please indicate ‘100%’ as your projected course load.
Under “Current Status”, you will most likelychoose“single” and then will likely answer “no” to the remaining four questions. For the question(s) involving ‘Ontario Residency’ please answer accordingly.
  1. Submit the application online (it will be reviewed by the Canada Revenue Agency). If you do not complete your application in one sitting, when logging back in, click “Go to My Application’ then ‘Show all University Applications’ and/or ‘Show all College Applications.’
After submission, you will be able to review and change your file (likely until early April or May). It will then be locked. OSAP will contact you via email as to when and how to submit remaining required paperwork (Column 2 and 3 on this instruction sheet – likely early April or May). / There are required documents you must provide before your funding can released.
The paperwork you print is unique to each school and each application. You need to ensure you are printing off the forms connected to the application you wish to "complete" (where you decide to go) and get them to the correct school.
The best thing to do is to WAIT until you have selected and accepted a program and then CLOSE all other applications before proceeding with the paperwork.
When directed to the documents screen after submitting your application, you will need to enter a8-digit password displayed on the top right-hand side of this webpage to access all documents to print. This is different from your OAN number and your OSAP Password.
  1. Print, date and sign your declaration and signature page.
  1. Print the declaration and signature page for your parent(s)/guardian(s). Let them date and sign it.
  1. If necessary, gather any other supporting documents OSAP may require from you after your application has been submitted (e.g. tax receipts).
  1. Mail (or upload) all these documents to your school’sfinancial aid office.
  1. In mid-May, you will receive an email from the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC). It is a legitimate institution that pays out your OSAP funding.
They will provide you with an emailed link to the electronic version of your“Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement” (e-MSFAA).
This is your loan agreement indicating your promise to repay you loan upon 6 months after you stop being a full time student (otherwise known as the ‘grace period’).
You will only have to complete the e-MFSAA in your first OSAP year.
  1. Read the terms and conditions.
  1. Complete the form and submit electronically.

Through one OSAP application, you will have the opportunity to access many financial aid programs.