Name: ______________________________________________Date: __________________ Pd. ___________

Where the Red Fern Grows WebQuest


1. Complete the following WebQuest on a separate sheet of paper, using complete sentences. Use this sheet as your rough draft.

2. Report on information gained to the class.

Ozark Mountains

1. The Ozark Mountains are found in the states of:

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

2. Where does the name “OZARK” come from?

3. What are the important industries in the Ozarks?

Common Raccoons

1. This website claims that the raccoon is “nocturnal and solitary”. What does nocturnal mean? Check for the definition and part of speech. Provide examples of 3 other nocturnal animals.

2. What does a raccoon do when it is very cold?

3. What does omnivorous mean?

4. What can the common raccoon do with its “nimble fingers”?

Hunting Hounds

1. What kind of dog do you need for raccoon hunting?

2. How do you train dog to hunt for raccoons?

3. Where should you hunt raccoons?

4. When should you hunt raccoons?


· Look over the headings listed on the given websites to find the information that you need to answer the questions.

· Respond in complete sentences.

· You should be researching ONLY the websites given on this webquest.