
Careers in the Veterinary Field

  1. Purpose: Gather in-depth information on one of the following careers and present that information to the class.

  1. Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT)
  2. Certified Veterinary Assistant (CVA)
  3. Kennel Technician
  4. Small Animal Veterinarian
  5. Equine Veterinarian
  6. Large Animal Veterinarian
  7. Zoo Keeper Veterinarian
  8. Military Veterinarian
  9. Laboratory Animal Technician
  10. Hospital Manager
  11. Veterinary Dentist
  12. Artificial Insemination Technician
  13. Alternative Therapist (massage, acupuncture, hydrotherapy)
  14. Feed Store Owner
  15. Pharmaceutical Sales
  16. Nutritionist Farrier
  17. Animal Behaviorist
  18. Animal Trainer
  19. Animal Breeder
  20. Research Scientist
  21. Groomer
  22. Wildlife Rehabilitator
  23. Animal Control Officer
  24. Pet Boarding Owner
  25. Mounted Police Officer
  26. Pet Store Owner
  27. Racetrack Official
  28. ASPCA
  29. Marine Biologist
  30. Wildlife Conservationist
  31. Government Veterinarian (NASA, FDA, EPA, USDA)
  32. Others as approved by the AST

  1. Suggested Resources:
  1. Procedures/Requirements:
  2. Choose one of the careers above that most interests you and construct acareer profile using the Career Research Worksheet as a guide. NOTE: It’s a first come, first served basis, so you’d better let me know which one you want before it’s taken by someone else. There will be no duplicates!
  3. Research the career through the websites listed above and/or conduct a personalinterview of someone who works in that career. NOTE: Be sure to site your sources in a bibliography!
  4. Find pictures that illustrate the career using the web or any veterinary or animalrelated magazines.
  5. Write a 1 page statement explaining why this career interests you.
  6. Compile the information onto a Poster Board that can be presented to the class.
  7. Present your research to the class.
  1. Grading Rubric

20 points / 15 points / 10 points / 5 points
Career Information / All information regarding the career was covered in detail. / Most of the information regarding the career was covered in detail. / Some of the information regarding the career was covered in detail. / Information regarding the career was absent or severely lacking.
Supporting Pictures / There were at least 5 well thought out and constructed pictures to support the career. / There were at least 3 well thought out and constructed pictures to support the career. / There were at least 1 well thought out and constructed pictures to support the career. / Pictures were absent or not of good enough quality to support the career.
Personal Interest / The personal interest page was well thought out, written in complete sentences, and gave an efficient account of the researcher’s interests. / The personal interest page was written mostly in complete sentences and gave an account of the researcher’s interests. / The personal interest page was gave an account of the researcher’s interests. / The personal interest page was absent or severely lacking in quality.
Display / The tri-fold board was used entirely. It was organized and accurately represented the individuality of the presenter. / A tri-fold board was used. It was organized and represented the individuality of the presenter. / Poster board was used. It was organized and represented the individuality of the presenter. / No display board was used. It was unorganized and did not represent the individuality of the presenter.
Presentation / Proper dress was worn. Eye contact was made throughout the presentation. The presenter’s voice showed emotion, had correct pitch, and volume. / Somewhat proper dress was worn. Eye contact was made some times during the presentation. The presenter’s voice showed some emotion, had correct pitch, and volume. / Casual dress was worn. Minimal eye contact was made during the presentation. The presenter’s voice did not show much emotion, correct pitch, or volume. / Improper attire was worn. No eye contact was made during the presentation. The presenter’s voice did not show any emotion, correct pitch, or volume.

Career Profile Worksheet

Directions: Find and answer these questions relating to the career you have chosen.

1. What is the official job title?

2. What are the tasks and responsibilities associated with this job?

3. What is the salary range for this type of career?

4. What education is required for this career?

5. What are the benefits of this career?

6. What kinds of skills do you need to be successful in this career?

7. What types of hours are you expected to work in this career?

8. What are the working conditions for a job of this nature?

9. What are the possibilities for advancement?

10. What are the disadvantages to this career?

11. If interviewing a presenter, what is their background? What path did they take to end

up where they are today?

12. After finding the above information, explain how this career fits with your personality

and career goals. Are you still interested in this career? Why or why not?