CSTMC Open Data – Web Content

Draft updated 2014-10-07

This document covers web pages for CSTMC open data on the CSTMC Web site, and metadata for the data.gc.ca portal.

For this daft, text in [square braces] indicates a hyperlink to another page or site.

Open Data – Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation [Landing Page]

Teaser: CSTMC is releasing open data for programmers, researchers, students and hackers. Download and mash up the Museums’ data!


The Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation is making data freely available as Open Data, to enable anyone to use it in innovative and value-added ways.Open Data is in machine-readable form, and is intended for programmers, researchers, students, hackers, builders, or anyone interested in the museums’ collections and operations.

The Museums’ first release is [data for all artifacts] in the collection of the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, and the Canada Science and Technology Museum. Developers are encouraged to have some fun and mashup this unique and fascinating collection.

You can [download open data sets] directly from the Corporation’s Web site.You can also use the Corporation’s[CKAN search portal], produced by the Corporation’s partner, Think Data Works, to search for data sets.

If you want to viewthe museums’ collection, the [collection pages] showcase highlights of the collection.

CSTMC open data is released under the [Government of Canada Open Government Licence].

Possible sidebar items:

CKAN Portal

Collection Pages

Open Data Sets – Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation

Teaser: CSTMC is releasing a range of data as open data. The first release is the entire collection of the three museums.

CSTMC is releasing a range of data as open data.

The first release is the entire [artifact collection] of theCanada Agriculture and Food Museum, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, and the Canada Science and Technology Museum is currently available as open data.

Data is released under the [Government of Canada Open Government Licence]

Artifact Open Data Set: mashup the past, map the future

Teaser: Have some fun with the museums’ unique collection. Mashup open data on artifacts from the iconic to the innovative to the downright weird.

Developers across the country are encouraged to have some fun with the museums’ unique collection. Delve into Canada’s scientific and technological achievements and mashup everything from the iconic (Bombardier’s First Snowmobile) to the innovative (Rudolph Koeig’s Sound Analyzer) to the downright weird (Cheese Moisture Tester).

This data set includes all artifacts in the collection of the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, and the Canada Science and Technology Museum. These artifacts represent the products and processes of all areas of science and technology, including communications; non-renewable resources and industrial design; physical sciences and medicine; renewable resources, including agriculture and forestry; and transportation including land, marine, aviation and Space flight.

The data set is currently available in XML.The data set also includes images for almost every artifact in the collection.Subsets are also provided, based on subject group.

A [data dictionary] and [tips] are available to help you understand how this set is structured, and how to interpret it.

You can also search the Corporation’sopen data [CKAN portal].

This data is released under the [Government of Canada Open Government Licence]

[Data dictionary]

[Full data set]

[links to subject subsets]

Using the Artifact Data Set

Draft is in a separate document

Why CSTMC is Releasing Open Data

Teaser: CSTMC is releasing open data to provide greater access to information about collections and operations, and to support open science and open government.

CSTMC is releasing open data to provide greater access to information about the Corporation’s collections and operations, as one means of fulfilling the Corporation’s mandate to share knowledge about the impact of science and technology on the lives of Canadians, and as part of the Corporation’s commitment to transparency and accountability.With more than 100,000 artifacts in the collection, highlighting Canadian achievements in science, technology and engineering over the past 150 years, the Museums’ challenge is sharing these fascinating artifacts with as many Canadians as possible. The Government of Canada’s Open Data initiative provides a useful and accessible way of sharing the collection with everybody.

The release of open data also supports the Government of Canada’s commitment to open science and open government.

It is the Corporation’s hope that Canadians will make new discoveries, and will create new and unanticipated applications using this data. [Contact us] if you have any questions, and let us know what you create and discover with this data.

What is Open Data?

Teaser: Open data is data in machine-friendly formats that can be freely used by anyone in new and unanticipated ways.

Open data is data that can be freely used and reused by anyone in new and unanticipated ways - subject to only minimal requirements such as attribution. There are a few key principles behind open data:

Permissive licensing – to enable use, reuse, and redistribution, data must be provided under terms that enable third parties to re-use data, including the intermixing with other data sets, with minimal or no legal or policy constraints. There should be no restrictions against specific fields or groups of users (e.g. “non-commercial” or “education-only”).

Data availability and accessibility – Data must be readily available, such as by download over the internet. Data also needs to be in a convenient and modifiable format that enables reuse by programmers who may develop new applications. Typically, this is a machine readable format such as structured XML or equivalent.

Data discoverability – It is important that data be findable. Open Data relies extensively on some form of metadata to catalogue the data.

Open Data Licence

Teaser: CSTMC open data is released under the Government of Canada Open Government Licence, allowing you to reuse the data so long as you acknowledge the source.

CSTMC open data is released under the [Government of Canada Open Government Licence]. This licence allows you to copy, modify, publish, translate, adapt, distribute or otherwise use the information in any medium, mode or format for any lawful purpose, so long as you acknowledge the source of the information, and provide a link to the licence where possible.

CSTMC open data is licenced “as is,” and CSTMC excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities, whether express or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by law. CSTMC is not liable for any errors or omissions in the information, and will not under any circumstances be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other loss, injury or damage caused by its use or otherwise arising in connection with this license or the information, even if specifically advised of the possibility of such loss, injury or damage.

This licence applies to all open data sets released on the CSTMC web sites.

Please refer to the [Government of Canada Open Government Licence] for full details and exemptions.

Contact Us

Teaser: Let us know if you have questions about our data sets, if you create something interesting, or if you make any discoveries.

Let us know if you have questions about our data sets.

We would also like to know if you create something interesting with the data sets, or what discoveries you make by using this data.

Please send your open data queries to ((address)).

Metadata for data.gc.ca

Note: these are the required and optional metadata fields for the data.gc.ca portal.

Main Dataset Fields

Publisher: Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation

Title English: Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation Artifact Collection

Title French:

Description English:((see data set description used in Web site content))

Description French:

Tags English: artifact, object, material culture, science, technology

Tags French:

Subject English:

Subject French:

Date published:

Date modified:

Homepage URL:

Frequency: Bi-annual

Resource Fields

Title English: Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation Artifact Collection (Complete; XML)

Title French:

Resource Type:


Format: XML

Language: Bilingual (English and French)