Reading Comprehension Select in Passage Practice Test 3

Passage for Questions from 1 to 3

Families can have time reserved for reading, thus even if the child is reluctant he knows that this time is reserved for reading, irrespective of what the reading material is. It is very commonly heard about daily allowance for the children but book allowance is something that we would like to suggest to the parents. Even if the allowance permits purchase of very less material like newspaper or a magazine once in a week, the parents are already helping the child develop willingness to reading. Some time to spare at a good magazine rack coupled with a few purchases of reading material is a good way to exercise children's interest. Since today's world is increasingly becoming dependent on technology, there is another way to grab the child's attention - by subscribing to various reading magazines of the child's interest online.

Question 1

In which sentence is discipline promoted?

Correct Answer: A. The first sentence. (Families can have…is.)


The author is giving some recommendations about how to develop reading habits in children. He suggests fixing a time for reading, granting book allowance and letting a child pick his choice of books and ordering books online for convenience. The aspect of discipline is promoted in the first sentence where the author suggests that reserving time for reading, irrespective of the child's reluctance shall make him give in. He shall be disciplined to read at that time. The correct sentence is thus the first sentence.

Question 2

In which sentence does the author justify his main recommendation?

Correct Answer: C. The third sentence. (Even if the…reading.)


The main recommendation of the author is allowing your child to buy books of his choice as an incentive for reading. He says that it shall develop in the child the willingness to read even if very little reading material is purchased. This is the justification that the author gives for his recommendation and the correct sentence is the third sentence.

Question 3

Where does the author suggest an alternative?

Correct Answer: E. The fifth sentence. (Since today's world…online.)


The author gives the suggestion of purchasing books for your child as it shall develop in him the willingness to read. He says that there is another alternative for this, in accordance with our increasing dependence on technology. He says that we can subscribe to various magazines of the child's interest. This can be done online and this alternative recommendation is given in the last sentence.

Passage for Questions from 4 to 6

Public speaking is something we cannot avoid in our life. The situation will arise when we are called upon to stand up and speak our minds out. When that situation comes are we ready to deliver? Anxiety and stress will usually attack once you get off your seat and start to speak. Sadly, this fear is the cause of lost promotions, low self-esteem, miscommunications and similar situations. But why do some people excel in it? They make it look so easy - I guess through practice one can improve his public speaking skills but in the mean time, there are guidelines and tips that can make your life easier when speaking in public.

Question 4

In which sentence is the inevitable mentioned?

Correct Answer: A. The first sentence. (Public speaking is…life)


The given paragraph is about how we all face anxiety and stress when we have to speak in public. The first two sentences show that we all face such situations in life when we are called upon to address an audience. The inevitability of this situation is mentioned in the first sentence. Where the second sentence describes the situation, the first shows that it is unavoidable. Hence, the correct sentence is the first sentence.

Question 5

Where are the consequences highlighted?

Correct Answer: E. The fifth sentence. (Sadly, this fear…situations.)


The consequences that the question asks about are those of fear of public speaking. The writer says that when we are to address a gathering, we get anxious and stressed. This fear consequently leads to 'lost promotions, low self-esteem, miscommunications and similar situations'. The correct sentence is the fifth sentence.

Question 6

Which sentence has a constructive note?

Correct Answer: E. The seventh sentence. (They make it…public.)


The paragraph is concluded in a positive note. The writer brings to our knowledge that practice is the key to success in public speaking and there are tips and guidelines that can help you improve your public speaking skills. This is mentioned in the last sentence.

Passage for Questions from 7 to 9

"Eco-friendly" or "Environmentally friendly" means that their products pose no harmful effects on the environment or its inhabitants. This includes the methods being used to produce merchandise. Unlike petroleum-based (traditional) plastics, biodegradable plastic does not produce greenhouse gases as it is formed because it is made from plant fibers. Since the aim is to have as little affect on the earth as possible, these companies ensure that all products are made in a way that avoids clear-cutting forests, wasting water, using insecticides, burning fossil fuels, etc. They support the use of eco friendly products and encourage others to pave the way for a brighter, cleaner future.

Question 7

From which sentence is it understood that the environmentally conscious inspire others?

Correct Answer: E. The fifth sentence. (They support the…future.)


The author explains how companies that are environmentally conscious produce goods in an eco-friendly fashion. Apart from their own practices, they 'encourage others to pave the way for a brighter, cleaner future'. Hence, they inspire others. This is mentioned in the last sentence.

Question 8

In which sentence is the claim of companies mentioned?

Correct Answer: A. The first sentence. ('Eco-friendly' or…inhabitants.)


It is only from the fourth sentence that we understand that the author is talking about companies. However, the complete text is about companies only and it is amply clear. The claim that companies make is that they produce eco-friendly products, including the procedure. This is mentioned in the first sentence and the use of the words 'their products' makes it clear.

Question 9

Which sentence highlights the efforts of companies?

Correct Answer: D. The fourth sentence. (Since the aim…etc.)


The author explains in the fourth sentence how companies make extra efforts to ensure that they do as little harm to the earth as possible. The companies ensure that their 'products are made in a way that avoids clear-cutting forests, wasting water, using insecticides, burning fossil fuels, etc'. This highlights the efforts that companies make and it is mentioned in the fourth sentence.

Passage for Questions from 10 to 12

I like to tell my clients that the smallest and easiest of environmental actions -- replacing an incandescent light bulb, making a $30 donation, signing an electronic petition -- matter. They matter a lot if you see them as a kind of "gateway drug" for the person who does them. If you can make that person aware of how good it feels to make a little difference, some will come back looking for a bigger fix. Next time around, they might insulate their attic, make a large donation, or speak up for the environment at a public hearing. "A body at rest stays at rest, a body in motion stays in motion." In the world of behavior change psychology, that might be rephrased this way: "a body that pays lip service to the environment will probably keep doing that, but a body that takes a first step for the environment is likely to take a second."

Question 10

In which sentence does the author suggest positive reinforcement?

Correct Answer: C. The third sentence. (If you can…fix.)


The author says that people who make smaller contributions towards the environment, ultimately end up making bigger contributions. He puts a condition on this transformation in an indirect manner. He says that if you can bring to the consciousness of the doer the satisfaction that such a contribution makes, then he might come back looking for other options. This is how the author suggests positive reinforcement and it is mentioned in the third sentence.

Question 11

In which sentence does the author imply oblivion of the doer?

Correct Answer: C. The third sentence. (If you can…fix.)


In the fourth sentence, the author says that if we can bring to the doer's knowledge the good feeling that his deeds bring, he might end up making contributions that are more significant. This sentence shows that the doer need not be aware of his contribution and hence it implies oblivion of the doer. The correct sentence is the third sentence.

Question 12

Which sentence mentions the technical expression for the expected performance?

Correct Answer: E. The sixth sentence. (In the world…second.")


The expected performance is that the person who makes minor contributions initially might end up making contributions that are more significant if he gets positive reinforcement. The author calls this 'behavior change psychology' in the last sentence. Hence, he introduces a technical expression for the expected performance and the correct sentence is the last sentence.

Passage for Questions from 13 to 15

Since the mental well-being of all continues to hang by a thin thread, moral management is an area of focus by experts of the field. Rather than confining patients to a life behind locked doors, barred windows, high walls and body restrainers, professionals seek to find alternative methods of reaching out to those having lost their way on the mental journey. By practicing this form of treatment, studies show improvement in the patients individual, social and occupational needs by addressing their moral and spiritual states. Reliance on traditional methods and prescribed drugs lessens, resulting in a better chance for rehabilitation and reduced expenses to care for this inopportune group. Even though it is not the perfect cure to mental malady, this exercise in ethics helps to preserve society from further decline into gloom and doom.

Question 13

In which sentence is the adopted technique best explained?

Correct Answer: C. The third sentence. (By practicing this…states.)


The focus in the given paragraph is on how new methods of addressing metal problems are showing more success than the traditional methods. The traditional methods are being replaced with therapeutic methods concentrating on the moral and spiritual states of the patients. The technique is best explained in the third sentence. The author says that the moral and spiritual states of the patients are addressed and this results in improvement in the individual, social and occupational needs of the patients. This sentence, thus, mentions the focus of the treatment procedure as well as its effect.

Question 14

Which sentence lists two relative benefits?

Correct Answer: D. The fourth sentence. (Reliance on traditional…group.)


The complete paragraph brings forward the benefits of the contemporary form of treatment. However, the sentence that lists two benefits is the fourth sentence. The author compares the two forms of treatment in this sentence and establishes the supremacy of the new method. He says that it results in firstly, better chances of rehabilitation and secondly reduced expenses of treatment. Hence, the two relative benefits are mentioned in the fourth sentence.

Question 15

In which sentence is it explained that the method is more preventive than it is curative?

Correct Answer: E. The fifth sentence. (Even though it…doom.)


Towards the conclusion of the paragraph, the author makes a significant statement. He says that the treatment is not the perfect cure of mental malady, yet it preserves the society from further doom and gloom. This shows that the method is more preventive than it is curative. It is better than the traditional methods and provides prevention against further loss of social characteristics of the inopportune group.