Monday, January 7, 2013

Read this issue online:


1. Executive Director’s Reflection *

2. Member news! *

3. Thanks to all of you who helped us reach our 2012 Annual Member Campaign Goal! *

4. January-February Vision issue ready for viewing! *

5. February 15th is the postmark deadline for certification applicants’ support materials! *

6. Member networking calls for January 2013 *

7. Please note target audience and purpose of “Age 40ish and Under Group” call *


8. New Year’s Resolution! Register today for the 2013 National Conference! *

9. Do you know about our plenary speaker, Sr. Carol Keehan, DC, RN, M.S.? *

10. Seeking Items for the Silent Auction – NACC 2013 Conference *


11. World Day of the Sick Prayer Cards are available for ordering! *

12. Are you ministering in innovative, emerging settings outside of acute care settings?

13. 2013 NACC audio conferences being finalized! *

14. Spiritual Care Champions Webinar Series *

15. APC Webinar Series *

16. Thank you to those who shared the blessings of hands resources! *

17. Request for sample services for World Day of Sick *

18. Healing Tree: a request for prayers *

19. Recent job postings *

*new/updated items

1. Executive Director’s Reflection *

“Then you shall be radiant at what you see, your heart shall throb and overflow…” Wouldn’t that make a wonderful New Year’s wish and prayer for those we know?

Yesterday’s first reading, from Isaiah 60, described the Feast of the Epiphany. This ancient feast started in the East as marking God’s theophany in Jesus’ birth, then picking up several of Jesus’ showings in His Baptism and the feast of Cana, and the visit of the Magi. Gradually, celebrating Jesus’ birth got separated out, and in the West this feast focused on the Magi coming to see the newborn king!

As part of the western Roman Church, what always strikes me about this feast is our fascination with and appreciation for the Magi of the East. Certainly this feast commemorates the grand mystery of God’s light among us in Jesus – which we just spent twelve days celebrating. However, now as I enter the newness of 2013 I am reminded that I can be tempted to see everything just as it looked in 2012, and much of life can carry a sameness to it.

Yet, the Magi are haunting and intriguing as they left the familiar to search. I find myself reflecting on the many individuals who help me see anew what I can take for granted, miss, or be fearful of.

I suspect for each of us 2013 might be conjuring up many concerns, as well as hopes. We have already lived a week of 2013, and the fiscal cliff has morphed into other financial showdowns. Tragedies may have struck people we love and care for, the routines of work, school, and life have again embraced us (or are we embracing them?), and what Rahner used to call the “desolate dailiness of life” is now upon us. So, perhaps, our prayer, at least my prayer today and in the days to come needs to include a marveling of the mystery of the Magi’s search, and a deep acknowledgement of faith that helps me to see today the Mystery among us, and, in the words of Isaiah,

“Then you shall be radiant at what you see, your heart shall throb and overflow…”

Happy New Year!

David A. Lichter D.Min.

Executive Director

2. Member news! *

We welcome our new members who joined us in December!

Member Student

Margaret M. Hardebeck Mia Lynn L. DeBruyne

Richard W. Majewski Khoa M. Nguyen

John R. Mastalski Mary Lou Shimshock

Mary E. Schmidt Ronald L. Stilwell

We wish to congratulate the following current members who have accepted new positions recently:

· One of our certified members, Sr. Bridget Zanin, was recently named Executive Director of the Cabrini Shrine in Chicago.

We welcome news about our members, and your professional moves. Please let us know and we are glad to publish them. You can email Cindy Bridges ().

3. Thanks to all of you who helped us reach our 2012 Annual Member Campaign Goal! *

If you recall, in the last NACC Now, it was announced that we were $2,973.55 shy of our 2012 budgeted goal of $44,000. Thanks to many of you we succeeded in exceeding our goal by $891.45. We are deeply grateful to all of our annual member campaign donors. Go to to view the names of those who have given, and join me in thanking them.

4. January-February Vision issue ready for viewing! *

Please enjoy the January-February 2013 issue of Vision. The theme of this issue is “New Times, Changing Strategies: Increased Collaboration with Community Leaders and Clergy.” You can access it on the NACC website at

5. February 15th is the postmark deadline for certification applicants’ support materials! *

Please be aware that if you want to be considered for the October 2013 certification interview, the postmark deadline for all supportive materials is Friday, February 15, 2013. You can go to the NACC website for certification to review the questions and answers regarding certification: For further questions, you can contact Lindsey Tews, our certification specialist at .

6. Member networking calls for January 2013 *

Please note the following networking calls set for this month. If would like to participate in any one of them and have not been on the email list for that call, please contact Cindy Bridges ().

· Long Term Care Group – Wednesday, January 9th, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Central time

· State Liaisons – Monday, January 21st, 10:00-11:00 a.m. Central time

· Deacon Group – Tuesday, January 22nd, 2:00-3:00 p.m., Central time

· Prison/Correctional Chaplains – Wednesday, January 23rd, 10:00-11:00 a.m. Central time

· State Liaisons – Wednesday, January 23rd, 2:00-3:00 p.m., Central time

· Palliative Care/Hospice Group – Thursday, January 24th, 11:00 a.m.-noon, Central time

· Age 40ish and Under Group – Thursday, January 24th, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

· Mentoring Group – Wednesday, January 30th, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

7. Please note target audience and purpose of “Age 40ish and Under Group” call *

On the most recent call this group saw the need to position this group not so much as age-related, but as wanting to attract members who look to create a virtual community of accountability by helping to set up networks of smaller groups around particular agenda items. They hope to create opportunities for members to get to know, support, and learn from each other around the country through small group virtual contact. The group itself will look to determine its agenda and direction. If you are interested in exploring such an approach, please consider joining the call. Age is not a determinant. After this call we will choose another way of identifying this group. If interested, please contact Cindy Bridges ().


8. New Year’s Resolution! Register today for the 2013 National Conference! *

Have you met your New Year’s resolution to register for the 2013 National conference? Register today! If you have misplaced your conference brochure, you can just click on 2013 National Conference to access one. For other questions, please contact Jeanine Annunziato ().

9. Do you know about our plenary speaker, Sr. Carol Keehan, DC, RN, M.S.? *

Sr. Carol Keehan has served as the ninth President and Chief Executive Officer of the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) since 2005 and is responsible for all association operations and leads CHA’s staff at offices in Washington, DC and St. Louis, MO. Sr. Carol has worked in administrative and governance positions at hospitals sponsored by the Daughters of Charity for more than 35 years, including Ascension Health’s Sacred Heart Health System, Providence Hospital, Sacred Heart Hospital and Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital/Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Center. She serves on numerous boards and committees including several health, labor, and domestic policy committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Among her many awards, Sr. Carol has received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (Cross for the Church and Pontiff) from Pope Benedict XVI and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) 2011 Outstanding Leadership Award. In 2010, Sr. Carol was named one of Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World.” She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in nursing from St. Joseph’s College and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of South Carolina, Columbia.

For more information about Sr. Carol including articles and videos, please visit

10. Seeking Items for the Silent Auction – NACC 2013 Conference *

We invite members to bring to the 2013 Conference handmade or other types of items, including items from your institution, for our silent auction to be held at the conference. Share your talents and gifts to benefit other members! Proceeds will go towards conference scholarships. If you are interested in contributing an item, please contact Susanne Chawszczewski at in order to receive a Silent Auction Identification Sheet. We ask you to fill the sheet out and mail, fax, or email it to us so we can have materials prepared prior to our conference.


11. World Day of the Sick Prayer Cards are available for ordering! *

Copies of the NACC 2013 World Day of Sick Prayer Cards for the Sick and the Caregivers are available for viewing and ordering. We always have a limited supply and they go quickly! Please go to the NACC website for the Prayer Card Order Form: They must be ordered by Thursday, January 31st for them to be delivered on time for the February 11th World Day of the Sick. For questions, please contact Cindy Bridges ().

12. Are you ministering in innovative, emerging settings outside of acute care settings? *

The NACC 2012-2017 Strategic Plan, Goal I, includes the objective, Provide formation and resources for chaplains to be effective ministers and leaders, especially in emerging settings and health care systems (both Catholic and other) and across the continuum of care. To help us address this goal, we want to learn from you what might be some of the emerging settings where our members are working, and the particular challenges, innovative work, and learning in those settings. Therefore, we plan to host a conference call with our members who are working in such situations. If you think your work setting might fit this description, please email Cindy Bridges () and describe briefly your work setting by Friday January 18th. Once we have a list, we will set a call time late January-early February.

13. 2013 NACC audio conferences being finalized! *

We are finalizing the rest of the 2013 NACC audio conferences. Look for their announcement in the near future. Thank you to all those presented for and participated in the 2012 audio conferences!

14. Spiritual Care Champions Webinar Series *

Please consider the webinar offerings of the Spiritual Care Champions Series offered on Wednesdays. Go to The next three webinars will address The Ethics of the Profession of Spiritual Care, and be presented by Philip Boyle, PhD, Vice President, Mission and Ethics, Catholic Health East, and David Lichter, D.Min., Executive Director, NACC. These take place noon-1:00 p.m. Eastern time.

· Wednesday, January 16, 2013: Part I - The Code of Ethics for Spiritual Care Professionals and applying them to everyday spiritual care.

· Wednesday, February 13, 2013: Part II – Key Ethical Issues and Ethical Discernment

· Wednesday, March 13, 2013: Part III: Key Interdisciplinary Ethical Issues Related to Chaplaincy and Ethical Discernment

15. APC Webinar Series *

Have you recently checked the APC website for its listings of webinars? You can access them at

16. Thank you to those who shared the blessings of hands resources! *

As mentioned in the prior two NACC Now’s we are beginning to request resources from members that can be shared with other members. Last time we asked for samples of what our members use for prayer services for blessing of the hands. Three members sent us their samples. Thank you to Sr. Mary Lou Palas, Mary Salois, and Pat Duffield! You can access these samples at We continue to welcome others’ samples of blessings as well. You can send them to Phil Paradowski ().

17. Request for sample services for World Day of Sick *

As you know, February 11th is World Day of the Sick. Many members order NACC prayer cards to distribute that day. Have you also used a prayer service that day? If so, what have you used? Would you be willing to share your examples with members? Please send them to Phil Paradowski (), and we will make them available to members in the January 21st and February 4th issues of NACC Now. Each year Pope Benedict XVI offers a reflection for the day, but we are still waiting for it to be published. CHA also provides a meditative video on their website that you might find helpful:

18. Healing Tree: a request for prayers *

Please let us know if you would like our membership to pray for your health and healing. Also please let us know when you want us to remove your name from our Healing Tree.

We continue to pray for: David Bjorkman (son-in law of Jennifer Martin), Francis J. Aguilar (father of NACC member Bruce Aguilar), Sr. Mary Brigid Riley, O.Carm., Jeanine Annunziato’s family, Dianna (Dee) Chapman, Mary Potts, twin sister of Deacon Francis Potts, Mary Ann Gorelczenko, Elizabeth A. Walsh, Francesco Marshall, Glenn and Pat Teske, Anna Maria Marabella, Susan Murphy, Fr. Jim Radde, SJ, Sr. Mary Clare Boland, SP, Sr. Phyllis Ann DiRenzo, Kathy Brier (daughter of NACC member Theresa Brier), Ginny Conron, Gloria Troxler, Fr. Kevin Ikpah, Lourdes B. Ruta (wife of Peter Ruta), and Kelly Elizabeth Sexton (daughter of NACC member Melyssa Sexton).

19. Recent job postings *

The following positions have been posted recently on our Positions Available page. Please go to for more information.


Cincinnati, OH – Mercy Health


Charleston, WV – Saint Francis Hospital


Lubbock, TX - Covenant Health