Insurance Scholarships
(1)achievedscholasticsuccess duringtheircollegecareerandincoursesorprogramsofferedby theDepartment of Finance,Financial Planning, andInsurance; and
(2)demonstratedaninterestininsurancethroughaninternshipwithaninsurancecompanyor financial services firm, orbysuccessfullycompletingoneormorecoursesofthe following:
Courses: FIN 336 Principles ofInsurance;FIN431 Risk Management; FIN434LifeandHealth Insurance; and FIN495a AdvancedTopicsinInsurance.
Requirements andCriteria forSelectionforScholasticSuccess:
(1)Junior or senior who has achieved overall scholasticsuccessasevidencedbyacumulative gradepointaverageofatleasta2.70during theirentirecollegecareer,aswellassuccessincourses or programsofferedbytheDepartmentofFinance,FinancialPlanning,andInsuranceasevidenced byacumulativegradepoint of3.00 or abovein courses carryingthe FIN designation.
(2)Leadership and communityservicewill beconsidered.
Requirements andCriteria forSelectionforDemonstratedInterestinInsurance:
(1)Successfulcompletionofaninternshipwithaninsurancecompany,orsatisfactorycompletionofone or more insurancecourses (FIN336PrinciplesofInsurance;FIN431RiskManagement;FIN434 LifeandHealthInsurance;and/or FIN495aAdvancedTopicsinInsurance), or current enrollment in oneoftheseinsurance classes.
(2)Other characteristics oractivities that demonstrate an interest in theInsurance/Risk ManagementIndustry.
Deadline: Friday,March 2, 2018
(1)Thewinners will be chosen byaCommitteeselected bytheDirectoroftheCenter forRisk andInsurance.
(2)TheCommitteewill givepreferenceto applicantswho demonstrate a documentedinterest in insurance.
(3)Dependingonthenumberandmeritofapplicants,itisanticipatedthatseveralawardsof$500 ormorewill beprovided.
Scholarship recipients will be awarded at the Nazarian College Scholarship Dinner on April 17, 2018. This event is hosted by the Nazarian College; awarded students and two guests attend at no cost.
Application Form of Insurance Scholarships
Name / Please put your digital headshot here, so the committee can recognize you in the review of your application!Student ID#
Cumulative G.P.A.
Unites Completed
Address / (Street Address, City, State, Zip)
Insurance courses that you enroll or have completed / Course title / Put either “Currently enrolled” or“Completed” in the boxes below. Otherwise, leave it empty.
FIN 336 Principles ofInsurance
FIN 431 Risk Management
FIN 434LifeandHealth
FIN 437AdvancedTopicsinInsurance
(Note: Please comment on your interest in Insurance as a field of study and/or a career. You may wish to comment on any internship with an insurance company or financial services firm you have enjoyed. You also might include discussion of any related courses you found interesting. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary.)
(1)This form should be typed, printed, and then signed.
(2)Attach a copy of your DPR or unofficial transcriptanda recent resume.
(3)The application form should be received no later than 5 p.m. on Friday of March 2, 2018to Amy Feliciano in the Department of Finance, Financial Planning, and Insurance, JH3125.
(4)AtthediscretionoftheSelectionCommittee,thisapplicationmayalsobeusedforother awardsand scholarshipsadministered bytheDepartment.
Signature: Date: