Hi Parents,

I wanted to keep everyone up to date on what’s happening the next two weeks in preschool. Enclosed you will find our song attached and our featured stories. We are so grateful to our amazing PTO for supporting our project based learning and supporting the preschools by purchasing our butterfly kits! We will be watching caterpillars turn into butterflies over the next few weeks. We will be documenting what they look like through our drawings each week and compare them to some of our stories within the curriculum as we go along this journey. It will be exciting to see how tiny little caterpillars eat, eat and eat and transform into butterflies!

Next week we will be reading the story Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Our song of the week will be Over the Meadow and our letter focus will be letter L and the sound it makes as in lion, Lego, lizard and lunch. Our math focus will be on finding similarities within groups. For example kids will find that the groups can be the same color, the same size and the same type of object like all butterflies, crickets or beetles. Our phonological awareness focus will be taking away the first sound in a word and trying to hear what is left over. For example if I say sat and take away the /s/ sound we have –at left. We will explore these words and their parts by using manipulatives and playdough. Our new vocabulary will include bug, crawl, insect, pinch, stinger, stings, swarm, wings, flutter, creeping and fuzzy. In art we will be making caterpillars, butterflies, lady bugs and bees for your enjoyment!

The week of December 5th we will be doing a review of letters A-L and continuing to watch our caterpillars transform! Our story will be Butterflies! The song of the week will be Oh I Wish I was a Butterfly! Lyrics are below  Our math focus will be sequencing events in the order that they happened. For example we will use new vocabulary before, during and after. We will discuss real life examples as well which include what happens before snack or after play time. Our new vocabulary will include adult, baby, change, develop, grow, growth, stage, chrysalis and hatch. We will be creating the life cycle of a butterfly, process art butterflies and some secret projects to be revealed at a later date. We will be reviewing syllables and breaking words into parts and putting them back together as well.

Song Lyrics:

(sung to "Oh I wish I were a little bar of soap"

Oh, I wish I were a little butterfly.


Oh, I wish I were a little butterfly.


I would go zoom, zoom, zoom.

All around the room.

Oh, I wish I were a little butterfly

**** Can you please put your students name inside their jacket or sweatshirt? It is difficult for us to keep them all straight and as independent as our kiddos are becoming some days they just don’t remember whose belongs to who. Thanks so much!

Important Dates:
November 28th- School Resumes from Thanksgiving Break

December 15- Last Day of School before Winter Break

December 16th- January 2nd- No School

January 3rd- School Resumes

January 16th- No School- MLK Day

Lastly, thank you again for all you do for our program and supporting Mirada! We are so thankful to have you in our lives. See you on Monday!

Ms. Jenn, Ms. Lisa and Ms. Karel