Reaching for the Stars

Conference Highlights

The 2014 VA AER conference in Roanoke on April 2nd -4th is twinkling with stars from all across Virginia. That is right! Our conference theme is “stars” for Roanoke (the Star City), and for all the bright professionals whose rays of light reach young and old students across the Commonwealth! This year’s conference is comprehensive and up-to-date, delving into current topics for:

Ø seniors- dealing with depression, evaluation and treatment presented by David Hartman, M.D.

Ø teens and working age adults- understanding bioptics for driving in the US and abroad presented by Chuck Huss

Ø technology- the newest wearable technology from Dr. Ahmed Bouzid, Co-Founder and CEO of XOWi, Inc.

Ø current educational issues-new policies and procedures with AIM-VA

and the Department of education.

Ø current medical breakthroughs- new treatment for people suffering from Non-24 (a sleep disorder) presented by Vanda Pharmaceutical

Ø professional support of the whole person- The 1Touch Self-Defense Project presented by Mark Melonson and Liz Myska, Healing Strides (Therapeutic Riding) presented by Carol Young and Outdoor adventures presented by Marilee Kenlon

Ø supporting the field- supervising interns presented by Jamie Maffitt and more!

Speaking of fun… there will be plenty of it! But, like the Hollywood stars, it is exclusive and you must be here to get ‘in’. There is still time to register for the conference. So consider this your official invitation to join us in April. Visit http://virginia.aerbvi.org/events.htm to register and see the full conference agenda.

Tech Talk

Happy New Year! In our new quarterly newsletter, I will be writing about topics involving use of technology. I would love some ideas regarding what topics you would like me to cover and I would also love it if you would like to share about technology that is working for you and/or your learners. Please send ideas for topics and/or sharing to me (Amy Colaizzi) at .

In this issue, I thought I’d share some great websites for getting resources to help with your technology. These are some I have found interesting. Feel free to share some of yours!

1) AppleVis - http://www.applevis.com - This is a site specifically for users of Apple products who are blind or have low vision. It is searchable by topic and starts at the beginning with many “getting started” topics. I particularly like the blog of “32 Apps to Get You Started with a New iOS Device” found at http://www.applevis.com/blog/ios-apps/32-apps-help-you-get-started-new-ios-device. There is also information for the more advanced user such as how to assign hotkeys to styles in Pages. Didn’t know you could do that!

2) Paths to Literacy - http://www.pathstoliteracy.org/technology - There are many posts that are interesting, here. There are posts regarding trainings on products such as TypeAbility, many app demonstrations, talking digital magnifiers, etc.

3) Ai Squared - http://www.aisquared.com/learning/more/webinars/ - free webinars on using Zoomtext!

4) Flying Blind - http://www.flying-blind.com/index.html - This site is presented in more of a newsletter format and you can sign up to get regular publications (unfortunately, it is not searchable). It is dedicated to promoting technology for use by individuals who are blind and there are often products for sale. Most posts are video-or podcasts and discuss products ranging from the BraillePen, various Windows how-tos, Window-Eyes, android accessibility, etc. I urge you to take a peek!

Cook’s Corner

Disaster struck at my house before Christmas! I was making a pie crust and my pastry blender broke!! Now you may be thinking, “And your point is?”

I was bemoaning my fate to my daughter and we agreed that there are several items that any kitchen should not be without. One was a pastry blender. The other two that we came up with in rapid succession were a good rolling pin and a tea kettle.

The next quest was to find a pastry blender. That turned out to be a task that was easier said than done. I went to several different stores, even a gourmet kitchen store and could not find one. My daughter lives in Boston and she could not find one either. Panic was beginning to set in! Finally my daughter ordered one from Amazon. It is a very good one, with proper weight and spacing of the prongs. Aw, relief.

Pie Crust Recipe:

1 cup flour (I use Unbleached)

¼ teaspoon salt

5 Tablespoons butter

About 3 Tablespoons cold water

Blend flour and salt together. Using a pastry blender, cut in butter until dough is pea sized. Add COLD water until dough is moist but not sticky.

The amount of water used may vary from 2-4 tablespoons, depending on the humidity in your house.

Using a rolling pin, roll out dough on a pastry cloth or wax paper. The circle should be about 9 or 10 inches. Be sure to coat the rolling pin with flour to prevent the dough from sticking to the pin.

Place the dough into a pie pan, either an 8 or 9 inch pan will do. Using your fingers, pinch the dough around the rim of the pan to flute it. Depending on your recipe you may now fill the crust or bake it at 425 degrees for about 10-12 minutes.

In the next issue we will talk about pie recipes. Please send me your favorite recipe! I would like this section to be a sharing of ideas and recipes rather than just me going on and on. Also, do share your ideas of what EVERY kitchen should have. This could be equipment, spices, or other products. You may send your suggestions to Me,

Marilee Kenlon at:

Let’s make this a fun sharing section of our newsletter! Oh, by the way, we need a fun name for this column. Any suggestions?

Virginia Chapter Bylaws Get

An Extreme


Editor’s note. Bylaw changes must be voted on by the general membership. Because the business meeting at the annual conference has a full agenda, discussion of these changes needs to begin now. See email for comments below.

First a little background information: when Virginia reconstituted as a chapter in 2007, another chapter assisted us with revising our bylaws. As Virginia AER has developed its own mission statement and character we realized that the bylaws did not reflect who we are or how we invest our energies. Overall, the proposed bylaws are streamlined and focus on what a chapter of our size can address.

Of the 13 Articles, the most significant rewrites were Article 2 and Article 6. Using the Virginia Chapter Mission Statement as a foundational purpose, the proposed Article 2 Purpose has three sections focused on the three key points: Empower, Encourage, and Educate. The proposed change for Article 6 Committees uses a modern term, “Lead Teams”. The nature of Lead Team provides flexibility and fluidity, allowing people to serve for shorter periods of time on specific projects of interest. The article rewrite simplifies the extensive list of current Committees while allowing additional Lead Teams to be formed as needed.

Below are two of the proposed Articles for your review and comment. A link to the current bylaws is posted on the Virginia AER website at http://virginia.aerbvi.org/leadership.htm Please submit your comments and questions by March 17th to the Bylaws Lead Team.

Draft of ARTICLE II: Purpose

The purpose of the chapter shall be to empower, encourage, and educate professionals who work in all phases of education and rehabilitation of blind and visually impaired children and adults in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The following goals shall be utilized to promote this purpose:

Section 1: Empower its members by providing a platform to communicate professional concerns, by providing collective voice to speak to issues in the field that impact members and those they serve, by upholding professional standards, and by offering grants to support creative projects to enhance their work and their outreach.

Section 2 Encourage members through presenting awards for exemplary service, through providing opportunities to share skill sets with colleagues, through challenging professional growth by presenting at conferences and training seminars, and through offering scholarships to people committed to entering the field of vision services.

Section 3. Educate members by developing trainings, planning conferences, and facilitating collaborations with other individuals and organizations who impact the lives of children and adults with visual impairments


Section 1. The President-Elect, in preparation for assuming office, shall appoint Lead Teams and special committees as required. All appointed Lead Team chairs and members shall be members in good standing of AER. The following standing committees are approved by the Board of Directors:

· Conference Planning Team – may vary in size but shall not have fewer than five members with the Vice President serving as chairperson. The principal task of the Planning Team is to plan and prepare, with the full assistance of the Board of Directors, for the next Conference on Visual Impairment including scheduled time for a general membership meeting.

· Bylaws Review Team – will be composed of a minimum of three members and will review, draft and submit to the membership proposed revisions and/or amendments to the bylaws of the chapter. The Secretary will chair this lead team.

· Awards Lead Team – shall be composed of at least three members, including one Board member and is charged with the responsibility of polling the membership at least ninety days prior to the annual meeting for the purpose soliciting nominations for all awards and citations to be presented to the chapter. The chair shall submit all proposals to the Board of Directors at least thirty days prior to the presentation of the awards for Board approval.


· Publications Lead Team – shall be composed of the Editor of the Chapter Newsletter and other members as recommended to the President by the Editor. The Editor shall serve as chairperson. Based on Board approval the committee will collect and distribute information to the membership through the chapter newsletter which may be published up to four times a year.

· Grants and Stipends Lead Team- this committee is composed of at least one Board member and other members of the AER membership. The purpose is to promote educational opportunities to members. Based on Board approval the committee may provide funding for training events, individual members attending conferences, and implementation of special projects involving persons who work in the field. Further this new information learned by the members’ may be disseminated to other members in the form of feedback, newsletter articles or training sessions.

· Scholarship Lead Team- This team is lead by the Past President and at least two other Virginia AER members. The team sets timetables for posting scholarship applications, the review of submissions, and the selection of the recipient.

· Education Lead Team - this committee will be composed of at least one Board member and other members of the AER membership. The purpose is to promote training opportunities to those who work in the field beyond what is offered at the Vision Conference.

· Nomination Team-shall consist of a minimum of three members with the Immediate Past President serving as chairperson. The Team verifies upcoming vacancies on the board.

The President may work within the board or appoint a lead team to address the following:

· Legislative

· Public Relations

· Membership

· Resolutions

· History and Memorial

· Fundraising

Section 2: Lead Team chairs will be appointed by the President for a period of one year.

Section 3: The Lead Team’s chair shares the following with the incoming Chair: a contact list of current Team members, proposals or projects that have been discussed or worked on, as well as relevant notes or documentation of the Team’s objectives.

Thank you to our contributors!

Comments and suggestions welcome. Email Virginia AER HIGHLIGHTS