Department of Endoscopy

(312) 942-5861

Department of Endoscopy

(312) 942-5861

·  Your appointment is on: (date)______(time)______With Dr. ______

·  You are scheduled to have your test done at RUSH Oak Park Hospital: 520 South Maple Avenue

o  Register at outpatient registration, and then take the “A” elevator to the 5th floor.

o  Notify the receptionist that you have arrived.

o  Arrive 45 minutes before scheduled time.


Department of Endoscopy

(312) 942-5861

What is a colonoscopy / This is an examination of your large intestine (colon). A long flexible tube (colonoscope) will be inserted into your rectum and passed through your colon. If necessary, a tissue sample (biopsy), or removal of a growth (polyp), may be done.
The day BEFORE the colonoscopy / 1.  Pick up a prescription for SUPREP.
2.  DIET:
·  You may have a regular breakfast.
·  FOR DINNER & LUNCH, ONLY EAT CLEAR LIQUIDS. NO SOLID FOODS. Clear liquids include water, ginger ale, apple juice, Gatorade, lemonade, and broth. No red or purple liquids.
·  Nothing to eat after midnight.
·  At approximately 6pm begin taking the bowel prep (instructions below).
The day of the colonoscopy / 1.  DIET:
·  NOTHING TO EAT OR DRINK (except for prep and small sips of water for meds).
·  3-4 hours before you leave your house, complete the remaining bowel prep. Stool must be liquid and clear without solid material in order to proceed with successful colonoscopy.
·  OK to take your usual medications, including aspirin. Some exceptions:
i.  If you have diabetes, do not take your usual dose of insulin and oral diabetes medications; check with your primary care doctor regarding these medications. Bring your insulin with you to the exam.
ii.  If you are taking anticoagulants, such as warfarin (Coumadin), heparin, dabigatran (Pradaxa) or antiplatelet medications such as clopidogrel (Plavix), check with your primary care doctor and your gastroenterologist; They may need to be held for up to 5 days before your colonoscopy.
iii.  Do not take iron pills, herbal medicines or supplements for 7 days before exam.
·  Make arrangements to have someone drive you home after the procedure. You cannot use public transportation or a taxi cab. Colonoscopy involves sedation, and you will not be allowed to leave unaccompanied. nO eXCEPTIONS.
·  A picture ID, proof of insurance, list of your medications and allergies, and your referral form (if your insurance requires it).
The EXAM / 1.  The procedure takes 30-60 minutes. However, you will be in the office for 3 to 4 hours.
2.  A nurse will check you in, ask questions about your health, and place a needle (IV) in your hand or arm. You will need to sign a consent that will allow the doctor to perform the exam.
3.  You will lie on your left side. You will be given medicine through the IV that will help you relax and feel sleepy but you will not be unconscious. The nurse will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. You may feel bloated or need to pass gas during the exam because air is used to inflate the colon, to allow the doctor to see clearly. You will feel better when you pass gas. Let the staff know if you are uncomfortable.
AFTER the exam / 1.  In the recovery area, your blood pressure, heart rate and breathing will be monitored. It will take about 30 to 45 minutes for you to wake up from the medicine. Once you are awake, the doctor will discuss the results of the exam with you.
2.  You may have some abdominal bloating and gas after the procedure. It should resolve within a few hours. If you have severe rectal bleeding (such as passing a cup of blood) or pain following the procedure, contact us immediately.
3.  You may eat your usual diet after the procedure, unless advised otherwise. Remember to drink at least 4-6 more 8 oz glasses of fluids prior to bedtime to ensure adequate hydration.
4.  If biopsies were taken or polyps removed, they are sent to a laboratory to be processed and examined under a microscope. You can call to check on the results 1-2 weeks after the test. If you would like your results mailed, please fill out a result form with your correct address.
Questions? / If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 312-942-5861.
The evening before your colonoscopy beginning at 6:00pm:
STEP 1 / ·  Pour ONE (1) 6-ounce bottle of SUPREP liquid into the mixing container.
STEP 2 / ·  Add cool drinking water to the 16-ounce line on the container and mix.
·  NOTE: Be sure to dilute SUPREP as shownat leftbefore you drink it.
STEP 3 / ·  Drink ALL the liquid in the container.
STEP 4 / ·  You must drink two (2) more 16-ounce containers of water over the next 1 hour.
The morning of your colonoscopy beginning 3-4 hours before you leave home:
STEP 1-4 / ·  Repeat steps 1 through 4 using the other 6-ounce bottle
·  NOTE: You must finish drinking the final glass of water at least 2 hours before your procedure.
·  Stool must be liquid and clear without solid material in order to proceed with successful colonoscopy.