Martha Pennington Chapter
Student Activity Information Form
Directions: Pleasecompleteallsections.Donotbemodest.Everybitofinformationcanbe usedbytheFacultyCounciltoassistwiththeselectionprocess.Completionofthisformdoes notguaranteeselection.Signaturesforeach activitymustbeobtainedtoverifyyour participation. Be sure to delete the examples prior to submission!!!
I.SchoolSponsoredActivities:Listallactivitiesinwhichyouparticipatedduringhigh school.
Activity / Year / Accomplishments (ifaleadership positionpleaseindicatehereand elaboratebelow) / Signature ofCoach/Advisor
9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Baseball / X / X / X / X / HighestAverage,20 Steals,Co-Captain / Mr.B Jefferson
II.Leadership Positions: List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, communityorworkactivities.Positionsinwhichyouwereresponsible fordirectingor motivatingothersshouldbeincluded.Forexample:elected studentbody;classorclub officer;committee chairperson;team captain; newspapereditor;work area manager;or communityleader.
LeadershipPosition / 9 / Year
10 / 11 / 12 / Explanation / Signature of
SpanishHonorSociety / X / President / Mrs. J Doe
III.CommunityService/Volunteerism:Listcommunity activitiesinwhichyouhaveparticipated andnoteanymajoraccomplishmentineach.Theseshouldbeanyactivitiesoutsideofschoolinwhich youparticipated forthebettermentofyourcommunity.Forexample:Churchgroups,clubssponsored outsidetheschool,BoyorGirlScouts,volunteergroups,orcommunityart endeavors.
Activity / 9 / Year10 / 11 / 12 / Total No. Hrs. Worked / Explanation / Signature of
Humanity / X / X / X / 20+9+10
=39 / Helped Build Houses for Poor
Families / Mr. T Smith
IV.RecognitionsandAwards:Listbelowany,honorsorrecognitionsthatyouhavereceivedwhich supportyourbidtobeselected formembershipintheNationalHonorSociety.
RecognitionorAward / Year/ Grade / Explanation / Signature of
Coach/ Advisor
Kiwanis Honor
Athlete / 2007 / 11thgrade / Plaquecertificate awardedforthe
HighestGPAfora studentona team / Ms. Marie
V. Work Experience:List belowanyworkexperienceyouhave.Thismaybepaidorunpaid.
Job/ Location / Year / Duties / SupervisorCashier/ Pathmark / 7/2007 - 9/2008 / Ringupcustomersorders,restock shelves,andpricecheck / Mr.MarkPeters
VI.RequiredPersonalStatement:It is importantthat candidatesdevotetheirattentionto the personalstatement.Typeanessay(150-250words),whichhighlightsimportantexperiences and achievementsinyourhigh schoolyears. Asyouwrite, keepinmindthefourcornerstonesoftheNational HonorSociety:character,leadership,scholarshipandcommunityservice.
Please readthefollowingstatementcarefully andsign:
Iunderstandthatthecompletionofthisforminnoway guaranteesmymembershipin TheNationalHonorSociety,but that I am being considered and reviewed for membership in accordance with the rules and regulations of The National HonorSocietyandthelocalchapter’sbylaws. Ihaveattended the mandatory information meeting and understand all instructions. IwillacceptthedecisionoftheFacultyCouncil charged with the responsibility of selecting new members as final.
I wish to be considered for membership.
I do not wish to be considered for membership at this time.
Student Name (Printed)Student SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate
Martha Pennington Chapter
Community / School Service Record Form
Student Name:
Name of Organization:
Description of Services:
Total HoursAccumulated To Date:
Supervisor’s Name:
Supervisor’s Title:
Supervisor’s Phone # ( )
_(If not a H.S. NORTH faculty member)
Supervisor’s Signature:
Submit this form to Mrs. Diercksen in 2127