Held February 28, 2008


Mayor Strauss called the regular scheduled meeting to order at 7:31 PM. After the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken with Honer, Price, Gregory, Kincannon, Dill and Karpinski present. Solicitor Clark arrived at 7:39 PM.

Motion by Honer with a second by Price to approve the minutes of the 2/14/2008 regular Council meeting as prepared. Roll call: 5 yeas, Kincannon abstained.


1. Peggy Horvath petitioned Council to add pet grooming, pet store and pet supplies in Central Business zoning code.


1. Apparently the West end of Keywood Blvd has not been dedicated. Poggemeyer Design Group investigating the effect to Issue II funding for reconstruction of Keywood Blvd.


1. The Village received a check for the balance of a 40 year mortgage revenue bond. The Village will get the approval of the common pleas court to record the funds into the sewer fund.

Motion by Kincannon with a second by Karpinski to authorized the Solicitor to expend $250.00 for the filing fee to petition Common Pleas Court approval to record the funds into the Sewer Fund. Roll call: 6 yeas.


1. Keywood hydrant has been installed. Fences around lift stations on US Grant, Granger and Opportunity Way are installed with privacy weave. A gate on Opportunity Way is being repaired.

2. Administrator in Columbus on March 11 and 12 for continuing education.

3. The CRA transfer from Royal Manor to Keystone Point needs approval from Council. The Department of Taxation will accept The Department of Development’s opinion that the transfer refer back to the original agreement with Royal Manor and not negatively impact the schools.


1. Discussion on proposed ORDINANCE 2008-2150 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POINT OF SALE INSPECTION REQUIREMENT AND FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION. Motion by Karpinski with a second by Kincannon to table the Ordinance pending further investigation. Roll call: 6 yeas.

2. A second letter to Commerce Drive Businesses has been drafted. A second meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2008 at 6:30 with a Council meeting to follow.


1. The annual meeting of the District Advisory Council of Lorain County General Health District is March 6, 2008. A Council representative will attend.

2. ORDINANCE 2008-2152 AN ORDINANCE TO AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2002-1096. The first reading is noted.

3. Mayor Strauss read by title only ORDINANCE 2008-2153 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE RECODIFICATION, EDITING AND INCLUSION OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES AS PARTS OF THE VARIOUS COMPONETS OF THE CODIFIDED ORDINANCES OF LAGRANGE OHIO AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Kincannon with a second by Dill to suspend the rules requiring three readings. Roll call: 6 yeas. Motion by Kincannon with a second by Dill to adopt Ordinance 2008-2153 as an emergency measure. Roll call: 6 yeas.

4. Mayor Strauss read by title only ORDINANCE 2008-2154 ESTABLISHING A PEACE OFFICER TRAINING PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENT FUND AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Kincannon with a second by Dill to suspend the rules requiring three readings. Roll call: 6 yeas. Motion by Kincannon with a second by Karpinski to adopt Ordinance 2008-2154 as an emergency measure. Roll call: 6 yeas.


The Fiscal Officer presented the following bills for payment as shown on the attached list for checks 31126 through 31xxx. Motion by Dill with second by Price to pay the bills and charge to the respective accounts. Roll call: 6 yeas. Motion by Kincannon with a second by Dill to approve the January 2008 financial reports. Roll call: 6 yeas.

Motion by Kincannon with second by Dill to adjourn the meeting. Roll call: 6 yeas. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

ATTEST: _________________________

SIGNED: ______________________________