July 2017
Quick Reference Guide – Create and maintain staff accounts using the My Aged Care provider portal
/ This Quick Reference Guide has been designed to inform those who perform the role of ‘Administrator’ within the My Aged Care provider portal (the provider portal) of the procedures for creating and maintaining staff accounts. /After you have created outlets for your organisation, you can create staff accounts. You will need to assign roles to your staff, and assign your staff to one or more outlets
The table below outlines the functions for each role within the provider portal.
Key Functions / RolesOrganisation
Administrator / Outlet Administrator / Team Leader / Staff Member
Focussed / Search for a client record (for referred clients) / a / a
View client records (for referred clients) / a / a
View referrals / a / a
Accept, reject and revoke referrals / a
View tasks and notifications / a / a / a / a
Manage organisation preferences for tasks and notifications / a / a
Manage outlet preferences for tasks and notifications / a / a
View My Aged Care interactions / a / a / a / a
Add client service information / a / a
Organisation Focussed / Request change to contractual information / a / a
Enter quality indicator data for Residential Care Facilities / a / a / a
Submit quality indicator data for Residential Care Facilities / a
Add outlets / a
Manage outlets: edit, activate, deactivate, remove / a / a
Manage services: add, edit, activate, deactivate / a / a
Manage staff (organisation level): add, edit, deactivate, remove / a
Manage staff (outlet level): add, edit, deactivate, remove / a / a
· This document relates only to the functions able to be performed by an administrator at the organisation or outlet level.
· An outlet identifies the location or area from which service providers deliver a specific service(s). An organisation may choose to maintain one or more outlets. Each outlet can have different staff, service information, locations and contact details recorded against it.
· Staff members can be assigned more than one role at the same time.
· If you are assigned an Administrator role at an organisation level, you will be able to manage outlets, service information and staff access for the entire organisation in the portal.
· If you are assigned an Administrator role for one or more outlets in the organisation, you will only be able to manage information for the outlet(s) you have been assigned.
· The role(s) assigned to each staff member will apply across all outlets they are assigned.
Further information on becoming an Administrator can be found in the My Aged Care Provider Portal User Guide: Part One – Administrator functions.
How do I view staff accounts?
1. From the home page, select ‘Staff administration’.
Note: If you are assigned to multiple outlets, select the outlet you want to view in the top right hand section of the screen, then select the 'Staff administration'.
2. You will be taken to the Staff administration page, which allows you to view all staff that have access to the provider portal. You can sort staff alphabetically, or by status.
Note: If you are an Organisation Administrator, you will be able to sort staff by outlet(s) they are assigned to.
How do I add new staff accounts, allocate roles and outlets?
After you have created outlets for your organisation you can create staff accounts. You will need to assign roles to your staff, and assign your staff to one or more outlets.
Staff can be assigned a number of roles (Administrator, Team Leader, Staff Member) within the provider portal. Staff members can be assigned more than one role at the same time. The role(s) assigned to staff will apply across all outlets they are assigned to.
The steps to add a new staff account are outlined below.
Staff assigned the ‘Administrator’ role for the organisation can manage all outlets for their organisation.Staff assigned the ‘Administrator’ role for one or more outlets will only be able to manage services and staff for the outlet(s) they have been assigned. /
1. From the 'Staff administration' landing page, select 'Add new staff'.
2. You must enter staff details (First name, last name, unique email and a contact number), assign role(s) to staff, and assign staff to one or more outlets. Next, select ‘Create staff member’.
You can assign staff to either the Organisation Level or Outlet Level. Organisation Level allows staff to access to the Organisation details, including all outlets for that organisation. Alternatively, you can choose to assign staff to access one, multiple, or all outlets under the Organisation. /The first time each staff member logs into the provider portal, they will need to follow the steps outlined in Attachment A in the My Aged Care Provider Portal User Guides (Part One and Part Two) /
The National Aged Care Quality Indicator Program (Quality Indicators) provides greater access to information about the quality of residential aged care services. Consumers, their families and carers can make more informed choices about aged care services. Adoption of Quality Indicators is an opportunity for residential providers to drive continuous quality improvement and compare the performance of similar services. Further information is provided on the department’s website. Providers can allow new staff to nominate the organisation to participate in Quality Indicators on behalf of the outlet (as below). /
How do I deactivate a staff account?
1. From the 'Staff administration’ landing page, select the name of the staff member from the 'Staff card' that you wish to deactivate.
2. From the 'View staff member' page, select the 'Deactivate' link located under the staff member’s name.
3. A confirmation pop up will display asking you to confirm the deletion of the staff member. Select 'Deactivate account' to confirm.
The staff member account will now appear as ‘Inactive’ in the provider portal.
A deactivated account is permanently locked for the staff member and removes their access to the provider portal. An inactive account can only be reactivated by an active Administrator. /How do I remove staff from my organisation or outlet?
Inactive staff accounts, that have previously been deactivated, can be removed from organisations and outlets, and will no longer display in the provider portal.
1. From the 'Staff administration’ landing page, filter the displayed results by selecting ‘Inactive’ from the ‘View Status’ drop down menu. This will cause only inactive staff to display.
2. Select the name of the staff member on the 'Staff card' that you wish to remove.
3. The ‘View staff member’ page will display, where you are then able to select the ‘Remove’ link.
4. This will open a pop up box prompting you to confirm the removal of the staff member. Select the ‘Remove’ button to complete the removal.
Staff members who have been removed are unable to be reactivated without contacting the My Aged Care Service Provider and Assessor Helpline on 1800836799.If a staff member requires access to a removed account in the provider portal at a later point in time, they will be unable to reuse their previously linked AUSkey. /
How do I edit a staff account?
1. From the 'Staff administration' landing page, select the name of the staff member on the 'Staff card' that you wish to edit.
2. This will redirect you to the ‘View staff member’ page, where you are able to select the 'Edit staff details' button.
3. This will open a page displaying all previously entered information for the staff member. The Organisation or Outlet must be selected. Once the changes have been made, select the ’Save changes' button.
Staff members may only be assigned at the organisation or outlet level, so where a staff member is assigned roles at one level (for example, outlet) and is then assigned roles at the other level (for example, organisation), any roles assigned at the original level will be removed. /For more information or support
Further information is available in the My Aged Care Provider Portal User Guides and quick reference guides, available on the department’s website. The My Aged Care Service Provider and Assessor helpline is available on 1800836799.