
Hello Multnomah County LEPC-

We have an upcoming General Meeting on June 15th at the Fire Training Center. Time is 9:00 am to 11:00

4800 NE 122nd Ave

Portland, OR 97220


Call to Order

Annual Meeting minutes approval

Report of the Executive Committee

Report of the Sub Committees

Results of the Survey

Phase I Agenda

Brief Review of Phase I, Phase II and Phase III assessments and their importance

New business-

-New Training Focus-

Part I Ammonia Safety Training- We are going to start working our way through the Transcaer Anhydrous Ammonia Safety training series. This excellent series is 3 hours long so we will bring 1/3 of it to you at a time.

To start it off we are going to be calling the NRC LIVE, and report a fictional Ammonia release and broadcast it for all to hear so you

know what to expect if you have to report a spill.

I. Introduction

With Anhydrous Ammonia being a large part of American agricultural, manufacturing, commercial, and transportation industries and incidents occurring in the past across the United States, there is a possibility that at some point a large ammonia incident may occur. TRANSCAER® has created a high-quality training program that will help prevent and or mitigate such an incident for emergency responders in communities where anhydrous ammonia is manufactured, stored, shipped, transported, or used in high volume quantities. All the materials were developed by our team of seasoned experts from across various industries. 6:21

II. Properties

This module we will cover the properties of anhydrous ammonia and provide general understanding and guidance to emergency responders in addressing anhydrous ammonia incidents. 57:05


Meeting Minutes

Friday June 15, 2012

Portland Fire & Rescue Training Center – Portland, OR

Members Present: Recorded by sign-in sheet

Brian Bailey called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Sue Otjen from Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Office described organizational changes occurring as a result of State budget mandate to reduce the number of managers. As a result Sue will be re-deployed with the sole focus of putting form to the SERC and support LEPC formation. Donna Dish is also being reassigned to become a planner to help maintain the SERC and LEPC administration.

Members present approved meeting minutes from March 9, 2012

Brian Bailey reviewed the purpose and scope of Phase I, II, and III Plan reviews and the emphasis on coordinating between EHS Facilities and Fire Station personnel at the Phase I level. Brian discussed the challenges of completing all 138 plan reviews within the Multnomah County LEPC and the schedule for upcoming assessments.

Karen Reynolds of Mount Hood Community College provided an update on the 2011 grant application that was approved for Hazmat Awareness Training, how the funds were spent, a description of the training provided by Grant Coffey, and an experience in which the training resulted in the detection of an oil spill from a local supplier’s delivery vehicle that was successfully identified, reported to the local authorities, and contained.

Brian Bailey described the grant application he submitted for Emergency Management Training that was rejected for being outside the scope of hazmat specific training. As an alternative, Brian added a request to have an additional session added to Troutdale’s application for Chemical IQ Training that would be open to Multnomah County’s First Responders and LEPC members.

Rick Smith of Univar provided a general explanation of a recent chemical release that occurred and emphasized the importance of ensuring that employees with chemical handling and emergency response duties follow established procedures exactly.

Brian Bailey followed up with a recent experience in which an engineer was injured as a result of attempting to help stabilize a heavy piece of equipment that shifted as a result of poor material handling practice.

John Ratcliffe of Kanto called into the National Response Center to conduct a training drill for a simulated Anhydrous Ammonia release that was broadcast by speaker to the LEPC members present. The training drill lasted 14 minutes and was assigned Report Number 1014686. The call to NRC resulted in call backs to John from both Oregon DEQ and Washington Department of Ecology to report that NRC notification of local authorities was made. Following the drill with NRC Rick Smith, John Ratcliffe, and Brian Bailey shared experiences with actual emergencies requiring NRC reporting that emphasized a need for Emergency Coordinators/Incident Commanders to have reliable assistants to help field calls and answer questions from responders, agencies, corporate managers, media, concerned citizens, employees, and neighbors as well as remind upper management that during the response their roles are subordinated to the Incident Commander.

Began the first session of a Trans Caer training video reviewing the properties and release response concerns associated with Anhydrous Ammonia.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:00